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Author Topic: Assaults in southern Mistone  (Read 188 times)


Assaults in southern Mistone
« on: November 16, 2007, 05:24:45 pm »
Reports fly through southern Mistone of several caravans being assaulted on the major roads from Fort Vehl towards both Dapplegreen and Halin. The rumors say that shrouded halflings are the ones behind these attacks and everyone is advised to keep away from the Gloom Woods as much as possible. Escort services are being provided by a few opportunist individuals whose aid is as sketchy as the source of the problem.

Those who frequent the temple of Rofirein in the fort city or serve the dragon god himself can hear from the clergy that these events are not the usual petty crimes that often occur nearby and that they should be watched carefully and the perpetrators be brought to justice swiftly, lest chaos reign once more.

To those who listen further into the rumors have heard of actual fights occurring north of the township of Halin, in a large settlement of halflings. The Flatbottom Village of Swampedge, as it is known to traders, seems to lately be the cause of many calamities, including fires and diseases, and now actual battles. Advice is given to all to stay away from there as people aren't sure of the nature of this conflict and halfling in-fighting seems to be the sole cause.


Re: Assaults in southern Mistone
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 02:50:26 am »
Another string of reports are issued (and indeed their truthfulness can be confirmed by those who travel through southern Mistone) by most military outposts and patrols. Large groups of shrouded figures, each of them containing ranks within the hundreds move out of the Gloom Woods and strike at strategic positions around the Spirit Dunes and even military outposts very near Port Hempstead.

Local militia and the many halfling tribes that populate these areas release their own warriors and skirmishes are held throughout the zone, their results varying in success for one side or another.

The battles slowly escalate until eventually rumor spreads that east of the desert one of the largest groups of Gloom Wood halflings (Known by their clan name of Shadowfangs) march towards the Ire Mountains, and the halfling's sacred grounds within the mountains, with a terrible objective. The dire task at hand seem to have been related to the tribal elders and the holy grounds themselves.

Little could stop this force and many along the way had to pay with the dearest of prices.

Hope dwindled with each step the large force took towards the summit of the mountain. Yet just as soon as the force climbed upwards, it returned south with a much calmer demeanor. In its way back towards the Gloom Woods, it collected all the other groups along the way and peace was returned with relative quickness.

Many are unsure what happened in the mountains but the dominating rumor is that one known as the Wind Spirit managed to settle an old halfling conflict and healing between the tribes can finally take hold.

((Congratulations Acacea on her successful WLDQ, and a hat tipped off to the excellent and fast thinking group. And sorry Jennara for breaking your leg hehe))