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Author Topic: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax  (Read 325 times)


Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:27:15 am »
The small town of Lyn and city of Arnax have joined the ranks of the recent towns hit by this mysterious "mist" and the creatures it spawns.

The town of Lyn was beseiged over a two-day period, the mist rolling into the streets and up the crags of the snowy town, spelling death for any citizens caught outside in its path.
Most of the citizens barred themselves up in their homes, the Inn and the Temple of Dorand, and special note is given to the dwarves of Dorand, who braved the mist covered streets and mysterious creatures to rescue people.

As for Arnax, the docks district was which was hit. The mist covered the whole of the docks, the mysterious creatures leaping out and slaughtering any in their path, and amidst the confusion a fire broke out which consumed one of the ships moored their.

On each occassion, the Mist departed, and the creatures spawned from within it left also, with as much warning as it appeared.

Various organisations are forming now, to delve into and discover the origins of the mist, and the purpose of the alien like creatures that dwell within it.
But without knowing where it might strike next, the chances are slim a resolution may be found.

Various towns and villages have doubled their guard and security, taking no chances should the same misty fate befall them too.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dezza, Ravemore, Alatriel, geloooo

Script Wrecked

Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 06:53:25 am »
On hearing the news, a copper haired dwarven lass makes her way to the snow swept mountains of the Hammerbound Peaks to find out what has beset the fair town of Lyn.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 10:35:11 am »
News reaches Adder via a messenger wraith from an ally in the Arnax temple. He immediately journeys to the city through a portal and heads into the dock districts to investigate, using various scrying techniques. He sends his imp into the alleys to search out evidence and questions any who may have seen something of importance.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 04:04:48 pm »
*Adder makes his way to the Harbor Master's office in Arnax and inquires into the name of the destroyed ship in the harbor, where it hails from, and what it's manifest lists as cargo. He is interested in who holds ownership interests and where they are from. He is willing to offer a substantial bribe, or resort to threats and intimidation, whichever is most appropriate. He will also convieniently make a Corathite holy symbol visible briefly if the harbormaster balks... with the threats behind that action left unspoken, but abundantly clear.*


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 03:34:20 pm »
Adder makes further discreet inquiries in the Arnax dock areas as to anyone who may have seen a group of people removing a body from the wreckage, if any of the individuals doing the removing were known or recognised, and if their destination after leaving the docks was known. He also inquires into anyone being asked questions by officials claiming to be representatives of the Arnax Council.

After all of this he tasks his imp familiar with diving and exploring the underwater wreckage in the Red Rabbit's docking slip. He then secures passage for Lor intent on further investigation.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2010, 04:36:04 pm »
*With the recent change in developments and new information Adder changes plans and boards a ship for Nith.*

//Will give the thread a rest for a day or two to simulate travel. ;) Later in the week I'll have Stygian in Nith IG looking for information.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2010, 10:06:36 pm »
When Adder arrives in Nith he steps off the ship and glances into the skies briefly, well aware of rumors circulating concerning dragons and other troubles around the borders to the North. He mulls over a couple of ideas unrelated to his current endeavor and smiles. There could be many opportunities to further the will of the Dark Lord here...

He soon finds a small seedy tavern and inn near the docks, rents a room, and plans out his next course of action.

Later in the afternoon he instructs his imp to roam the dock areas and local inns under magical invisibility and seek out rumors or word concerning a "greybeard." He is to listen only and not show himself. An immediate report is ordered to be delivered if he finds any promising leads. At the same time Adder makes his way to the Harbormaster's office to inquire into obtaining a copy of the passenger manifest for the Red Rabbit. He is prepared to offer a generous bribe if required. He is also interested in any information concerning groups booking passage to Arnax in the last month or so, and their stated identities if any are recorded. He also wanders around town discreetly scrying and looking for indications of residual conjuration magics. He will also stop by any shops carrying spell components and inquire into any large purchases of items related to conjuration.

//Stygian would like to make a lore check on large metal creatures. Lore Skill= 23. He would also like to make a Gather Information Roll. Gather Information Skill= 2 If it is appropriate for his searches for residual magic, his spellcraft Skill is 23.

Did not wait a few days for this. LOL. ;)


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2010, 05:54:29 am »
*In Nith a figure approaches Stygian and has a quiet conversation with him*

// PM sent


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2010, 12:07:21 pm »
Adder had a fairly short conversation with a dark figure in the dock areas of Nith and was handed a folded parchment. He shook his head in the affirmative once and the dark figure turned and walked into a nearby alleyway and disappeared into the shadows. He smiled and chuckled lightly, whispering to himself, "The Dark Lord works in mysterious ways at times, but he always leads his faithful to the most opportune places to plant their seeds of death and destruction. I suspect this is a grand scheme Oraculum..."

Adder continued his investigation for the purpose of finding out who knows what. He planned on "tying up some loose ends."

Adder had been waiting in Nith for several days. The ship Captain he had obtained initial information from in Arnax was due to pull into port any time. He did not have to wait long. Late afternoon the ship had docked and he found Captain Hroth on the pier directing his crew in the unloading of cargo.

Adder approached him smiling and greeted him as if he were a business associate in good standing. The Captain did not buy the facade remembering immediately the dark cloaked person from Arnax, a city where the weak and gullible often ended up on the altar, or missing. The Captain was unsuccessful in hiding the grimace that appeared on his face.

"Captain Hroth! Good to see you again! I'm Adder, the gentleman you spoke to in Arnax concerning the strange occurrences on your ship..."

"Er, right. I remember. What ye doing here?"

Adder smiled again. "Can I have a few moments?"

"A few and no more. I've got work to do, if you can see."

Adder replied without hesitation, "I'm employed by an insurance company with a contract on the destroyed ship... The Red Rabbit. My investigations have brought me here to Nith and raised some more questions. I was hoping to get some clarifications on what you saw and record some additional information." He smiled again. "I can pay for the time...." Adder jingled a pouch heavy with coin.

"Insura-wha- oh, alright, ifn' there's coin in it, why not."

"Perhaps your first mate can handle the unloading and we can go somewhere more private. Your time might be worth what? A thousand true??" Adder smiled again broadly.

The Captain balked at Adder's's offer, glancing around a little warily. Sensing some apprehension Adder said: "There is no harm intended, I assure you." He jingled the purse again seductively.

"A thousand?" *his voice was hushed* "Aye, that could be worth it. Just not so loud, alright?"

Adder held out the purse. "I can even pay you in advance." *He smiled again* "And if your information is good, there may be more..." He then motioned the Captain to follow, handed him the purse, and headed away from the docks. The Captain followed warily, looking over his shoulder long enough to yell at his men, "Alright! Get this ship unloaded and quick! I'll be back in a short few, and when I return, this boat better be ready for the next haul!" He looked back to Adder. "Where we going?"

"I have a quiet place prepared over here... I will be doing some art renderings of the strange passengers based on your memorized descriptions..."
"Um, yeah, okay."

Adder led him to a secluded place behind some houses. He pulled out some parchments and ink. Set up a quill stand on a rock and said, "Ok. How good is your memory?"

"Good enough." He squinted at Adder, obviously uncomfortable.

"Can you remember the details of what personal affects the passengers had on them, smells, eye colors, skin tones, clothing types, styles, etc?" He readied his quill and paper, watching the Captain intensely. "If not, I can prepare a small enchantment to aid your memory."

"Eh? You said nothing about no magics. Look, I just tell you what I know, you give me the money, and we call it a day, yeah?" He took a step back and said, "No magic, and I'll settle for the thousand."

Adder knew he was getting ready to lose his prey. He quickly began chanting an incantation, dropped his quill and parchment, and reached for the Captain. The man jumped back and attempted to flee, but not before Adder's fingers brushed against the frightened man's arm. The Captain crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap and a muffled cry as his life force was ripped from his body by foul necromantic magic.

Adder looked about, listening intently. The dying man's cry did not draw the attention of anyone. That was good. It would have complicated things greatly. Adder bent down, retrieved his coin purse, and grabbed the Captain's head, tilted it up, and looked into his dead eyes. He smiled and said, "Loose lips sink ships my dear Captain." He left the body where it fell, unconcerned over who would find it, and packed his equipment.

Satisfied that a loose end was tied up he headed to the Dock Master to make further inquiries. A hefty bribe gained him visual access to the passenger manifest for the Red Rabbit. Seeing that nothing out of the ordinary was contained therein he assumed the passengers were traveling under false names. A short while later he was in a secluded area that allowed him to cast an invisibility spell and teleport out of the area.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2010, 12:41:43 pm »

Adder continues his investigation for the purpose of finding out who knows what. He is going to begin "tying up loose ends." He will wait in Nith for the ship captain he spoke to in Arnax to return in port. When he arrives he will use an arsenal of Dominate Person Spells to enthrall some local dock thugs and have the captain murdered at an opportune moment. He will use Charm Magic to obtain any records from the Harbormaster and destroy them. Anyone who has overheard anything concerning a "Greybeard" will be drained of life by a maximized Vampiric Touch spell at some point in the nighttime hours. After this is complete he will travel back to Arnax and recover any pertinent records from the harbormaster upon authority of the Veneficus and destroy them.

This is a good set of goals, but we'll have to actually work this out to see how successful "Adder" is at accomplishing all the above. I'm assuming Dezza is working on you with this, so, to Dezza, if you need any help with this, let me know. /////


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 12:56:31 pm »
//Agreed... that was my assumption also. I think your time zone Milty would be easier to work with as I'm PST. I can be flexible with Aussie time on a Sat night though...


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2010, 09:15:41 pm »
//Just an FYI... Stygian is currently hanging out in Nith AFK for a while in case someone might be available. ;)


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2010, 07:20:12 pm »
//Updated with results from GM interactions in Nith.


Re: Attacks on Lyn and Arnax
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2010, 08:53:22 am »
The body of Captain Hroth was found the next day after inquiries by his first mate and crew. A look of horror and death was frozen on the poor captain's features. The town decided to burn the body after recovering the captain's personal effects.

Militia in Nith are now looking for a fellow matching Adder's description, the captain having been last seen with a well dressed man in cloak and cowl.