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Author Topic: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall  (Read 471 times)


Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« on: July 23, 2008, 01:28:19 pm »
Bearing the seal of the City of Port Hempstead.
 Members of the "Angels" Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla  guild.  
 It has come to out attention that you have been harbouring and abetting an individual of a prohibited race by decree of  City Law.
 You are required immediately to provide to the city of Port Hempstead a complete listing of the members of your guild and their respective races and trades.  A member of the Silverguard will make arrangements to view and confirm the identity of such individuals that they are not in violation of City Laws.  To fail to do so or provide false representation or documentation will result in the revoking of the guild's charter with the city.
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, ShiffDrgnhrt


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 02:59:38 pm »
A letter sent to the authority of port hempstead sent from Rain comes from a courier.
 /pm sent.


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2008, 07:51:34 pm »
*Farros sends a parchment to the Hempstead authorities, and posts copies on every board both inside and outside the city and those surrounding*

Dear Hempstead,

I understand that this is Muhkuman's first run-in with this particular law and that he was arrested outside the gates.  

Firstly, as per the gates sign, he is to be escorted out with no further penalty if found inside for a first offense.  If he was tresspassing into Hempstead and incarcerated, then where exactly is the record of his first offense?  As clearly stated on the sign, only dark elves are to be incarcerated or executed on sight, all other not fitting the bill to be escorted out.  You have just broken your own laws.  

Second, as I hear it, he was outside the gates, so this was an illegal arrest.  There is no law against being outside Hempstead, only in; this is why the sign stands by the gates to the city and not on the path to the fields or the farmlands.  Guards of the city are out of their juristiction outside the gates, and such arrests must be performed by the kingsmen and man-at-arms.  If he was arrested outside the gates, then the guards in question must be disciplined for abandoning their posts, let alone the false arrest.  The taxpayers do not pay these incompetent blackguards to sneak off to the woods for a drink on their time and true!  How often is it that they leave these gates unattended to go into the farmlands and lynch half-orcs, I wonder?  And how many dark elves slipped in while they were away from their posts?

I want the captain of the guard fired and compensatory damages for Muhkuman's time spent incarcerated, which I value at no less than 20,000 true per day.  The very fact that my client is neither dead, nor excorted out per the crystal clear rules listed on that sign is proof of this being an illegal incarceration.  Was he inside the gates?  Then he is to be escorted out or killed.  Was he outside the gates? Then he was not in the city of Hempstead and therefore not subject to that particular law.  As he is currently incarcerated, it is obvious to all that this is no legal matter, but as in the case of the noble harlot who sexually harrassed and sexually assaulted a knight in good standing under the eyeful support of the guard, it is yet ANOTHER a travesty of justice maintained and upheld by the current establishment of Hempstead.

-Farros Galdor

PS: Considering Half Orcs built those docks you are so proud of, perhaps it is best that you dismantle them and send the planks to a more accepting town like Mariner's Hold or Leringard who could find good use for them.

On that note, where ARE Hempsteads plank donations?  I seem to have missed them in the shadow left by the heaping pile that Rael, the deep dwarf, left.  Is this truly the legacy you wish to be known for, Hempstead?  That in times of need, rather than help the neighboring cities, you spent tax monies on racist persecution?


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2008, 08:21:05 pm »
*a white garbed elf is seen reading one of Farros' letters and replying at the bottom of it*

The escorting provision is one of mercy and presumably to give those like Muhkuman fair warning, since the city understands many cannot read the sign to be notified of the prohibition. I don't know of the incident which led to his arrest, so cannot comment on it specifically. However, many people, including myself, have witnessed the law-breaking of Muhkuman, and many people, including myself, have verbally informed him of the law, in an honest attempt to allow him to avoid the fate in which he now finds himself (and can attest to these actions in any court).

While bearing no ill-will to him, or any other likewise affected by the regulation, I find it hard to believe that any can seriously defend him for willfully breaking such a law. I have, in the past, defended the presence of half-orcs and such in other cities, so I wish to assure you my opinions here are not the product of blind dislike for those with such heritage.

If in the particular instance he was not breaking the law per se, he most certainly has in the past, and cannot complain, having abused the tolerance of Hempstead's citizens for quite a long time. The fact that he has not been previously -arrested- for past lawbreaking does not excuse the fact that this is not his first offense. In light of this, I am incredulous that someone can maintain your stance. If, as I suspect, it is not the arrest itself, but the general policy that motivates your opinion, that is an issue that van be taken up with the lawmakers, rather than trying to make a point when the law is enforced.
For the present, however, whatever you or I think about it, the law is the way it is. There are many cities I choose to avoid due to their laws, why he couldn't do the same is beyond me.

~Drexia Faison.

//A copy of this letter is sent directly to Farros as well in case the one she wrote gets torn down. A letter is also sent to city officials, stating that she is willing to testify to the effect that she has given verbal notice of the law to Muhkuman


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2008, 09:04:53 pm »
* The word 'MURDERERS' is scrawled on the wall next to the door of the guild in red paint. *


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Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2008, 09:09:52 pm »
A red haired dwarf with a bit of gray in him walks up to the notices posted and reads both that of Drexia and Farros.  Scratching his head abit then pulling on his beard, he pens his own note to the bottom of the stack.
 Now I don't profess to be de brightest light in de area.  But it seems to me, Farros has got de right of it.  Whether folk have warned de fellow or not is immaterial.  De law is de law and procedures to have justice must be followed.  A private citizen warnin de fellow is a far cry from someone in authority.  Fact is, unless it be a guard or city official, how would de poor lad know t'was not some racist comment designed to drive him out of de city.  Iffin a city is going to have laws and procedures to follow, dey need to be followed by those in authority and not some private folk running around trying to sound important.
 And dis bit about him being arrested outside de city has got me worried abit too.  What happens if next dey decide dwarfs are not welcome inside de city.  Dat mean I can't even walk past de walls on me way to Stormcrest?
 And another thing, dat sign don't make no mention of folk talking to or dealing with one his kind within de city.  So what if someone talks to him or works with him.  Never seen no law posted says can't do dat.  So what is dis bit of dem asking for private information from a well respected guild who pays dere share of any tax assessed and do more den many for relief efforts for communities around de area.  Perhaps we ought to be movin to some place else where de would welcome us.  Seems a bit high handed to me.  Wonder what oxe gored de city official who started dis mess?
 Anywaz, dat be my copper as to de situation.


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2008, 09:20:44 pm »
Dear Sir,

While it is possible I am mis-construing the law, but as I read it, it is on first offense that someone is entitled to an escort out of the city. The fact that he was not caught on his first offense renders that provision meaningless. If city law provided that someone was to be punished by a 100 true fine the first time they stole something, and by jail time subsequently, surely they would not expect to escape jail if they were caught after several thefts?
I will apologize if my understanding of the law is in error, or if my understanding of the situation is not what occurred, bu from what I can see, the law was upheld perfectly.


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2008, 09:24:11 pm »
*A blue clad figure writes the following*

Dark elves are permitted in the city, but a half-orc is arrested outside?

*The same hand helpfully writes a little border, around Drexia's notes, of the word "hypocrite" written over and over*


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 01:28:17 am »
The full charges are currently being drawn and investigated upon. The current accords include but are not limited to:

* Willfull murder of two members of the city Silverguard while in the performance of their duty.

* Ignoring previous warning(s) of entering the city or attempting to do so.

Time of the tribunal is currently scheduled at this time and date.

- Port Hempstead Authorities


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 04:40:01 pm »
Quote from: ycleption
*A blue clad figure writes the following*
 Dark elves are permitted in the city, but a half-orc is arrested outside?
 *The same hand helpfully writes a little border, around Drexia's notes, of the word "hypocrite" written over and over*
 *Jacchri walks past to the door and reads over the notice after hearing about the mess*
 *As he reaches the part about dark elves his shakes his head and starts writing something on a parchment which he then stick over the note about dark elves*
 To the coward that posted the comment about dark elves:
 If you cant say something and put your name to it, perhaps you should remain silent. Furthermore perhaps you should confirm your facts also before you speak your mind.
 Dark elves, same as half-orcs according to the laws of Hempstead are not allowed in the city. However one exception has been made to one dark elf that I am aware of. And she did not enter the city till she was granted permission to enter the city. Also did she not go ahead and wilfully murder two guards who only duty is to protect and enforce the laws.
 So the fact of whether the half-orc should be allowed into the city or not is totally irrelevant seeing that he choose to go as far as killing the guards. So all he really did was justify and enforce the reasons behind having laws of not allowing his kind into the city.
 So forget about the fact that he was unlawfully in the city and rather remember he killed two guards. For that act alone he should be punished and not defended.
 Jacchri Abianca.
 *he walks off still shaking his head*


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 04:55:49 pm »
*scrwaled on the bottom of Jacchri's note*
 He was attacked on the ROAD, not within the walls...and THEY attacked first.
 Just to set things straight....


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 05:41:29 pm »
A note is left with a writting that suggest a trembling hand.
 ''Any and all Angels, knows and would not openly and willingly murder a city guard or any one for that matter. It goes against everything I have worked for and I would not allow such a thing
 I also ask that a investigation be started for the distasteful grafitti that has been left on my building.
 Rain In'Darsus''
 Rain is seen walking to the city hall, to ask for an investigation to be started on the grafitti.


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 07:41:54 pm »
Quote from: aragwen

 If you cant say something and put your name to it, perhaps you should remain silent. Furthermore perhaps you should confirm your facts also before you speak your mind.


To be fair Jacchri, maybe they fear being murdered?

I am rather sick of these accusatory "if you can't sign your name so I can come an murder you, your argument is invalid" posts.  Either deal with the statements at hand or dont.  Attempting to discredit another's viewpoint simply because they dont want to be lynched by racist guards for their views is rather low.  Should we list addresses as well? Next of kin to be slaughtered or ransomed?  Do you REALLY want G'ork knowing the names of each and every person who supports the arrest and comments on the disgusting qualities of half- orcs?  Controversially, do you really want some wee Azattan choirgirl to get lynched for speaking her mind about accepting other races?  Shall we have registration tables as in Prantz, where every person who wishes to post on the board hands over all their vital information to?

These are all possibilities one must consider in this heated, reactionary climate.  Oh, and here's my autograph for you.  I am a rather famous and sexy sexy man, so I understand why you are so eager to collect them.

-Farros Galdor *signs in the finest flowing calligraphy*


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2008, 07:56:27 pm »
*Storold walks by and shakes his head quickly writing a note*

Maybe people should consider the fact that the law actually protects the common man from criminals such as G'ork who doesn't only break that law but assults people within the city because of their views. It is sad that this form and many others are often associated with those of orcish heiritage, but it reminds us that we should be prepared for the orcish blood in them to show at any moment.
While I have nothing against the person charged for this crime, I do know that he broke the law on several occations, and in breaking the law you make a choise that will end up with you facing the consequenses. Sadly these days are the ones where the charged person has to do just that.
Like the law or hate the law, but failing to stay within its bound just because you disagree with it and then call on the pity of the people of the city afterwards isn't a good idea. If you want a law changed then talk to the people making the law instead of breaking it in defiance.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2008, 08:21:21 pm »
**Walking to the guildhouse door for the first time in days, she sees several notices tacked upon the door and the nearby wall.  Dismayed at the graphiti and the general haphazard postings, she carefully removes each note glancing but without really reading most, just noting various signatures, she stacks them carefully together.  Taking them inside and placing them with the other documents for those in-charge.  Muttering about the vandalism and disregard of few for private property she spends a good hour or so cleaning and restoring the front of the guild house. ***
 Since when is our home a communtiy bulletin board....  The Angels are manned by good people who do a fair business...   This is outrageous...  Why would these people do this to us.....  How would they like it if someone were to do this to them....  They'd be fair to boiling I'd say....   Rotten lousy low down thing to do to people you smile, shake hands and do business with...
 **Once the front door is clean enough to suit her she returns her cleaning supplies to the closet and sets aside her disappointment that she no longer has time this day to make glass.**


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2008, 11:31:26 pm »
*a note is placed by a young paladin in Toranite colors, it is written in very neat handwriting*

To Mr. Ben Poetr,
I have a few questions to ask you, please see me at your earliest convenience.

Daniella Stormhaven,
Initiate of Toran


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2008, 11:44:51 pm »
Ayana looks upon the note, a note of worry over her face and heads off to find Ferrit and Kyle to find out what is being done about this situation.
 She speaks softly, "My family are not murderers, they would not have willingly done this."
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2008, 12:22:18 am »
**A few errant spots of varnish are also repaired.*


Re: Attached to the Door of Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla Guildhall
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2008, 12:42:45 am »
Quote from: havoc
**Walking to the guildhouse door for the first time in days, she sees several notices tacked upon the door and the nearby wall.  Dismayed at the graphiti and the general haphazard postings, she carefully removes each note glancing but without really reading most, just noting various signatures, she stacks them carefully together.  Taking them inside and placing them with the other documents for those in-charge.  Muttering about the vandalism and disregard of few for private property she spends a good hour or so cleaning and restoring the front of the guild house. ***

//Just like to point out that there is no longer any tacked poster on the door after the post that Havoc made. But the one of Alatriel asking to see ben