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Author Topic: Blackford Castle is abuzz...  (Read 186 times)


Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« on: January 20, 2011, 09:44:10 pm »
Incredible scenes at Blackford Castle in the nation of Trelania on Mistone as security has been increased by at least tenfold.

Lucindites from Spellguard have arrived at the castle in force to bolster the already heavily guarded castle.

Moraken himself has arrived for a meeting with the Queen as has the senior commanders of the armies of Trelania.

Most suprisingly however is that Lord Alexander of Hilm has also arrived by a new portal that the Lucindites have established at Blackford Castle that links it to Hilm Castle on Belinara. It appears the portal expert Connor has been responsible for the final arrangements of the portal.

Amidst those accompanying Lord Alexander is the displaced Queen Langovale of Kuhl and her Wargeneral.

Security is intense around the castle, even a unit of Toranites and Voraxians freshly interred at Fort Last have arrived to provide additional security.


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 09:52:41 pm »
Unbelievable scenes indeed and history in the making.

Forces protecting Blackford Castle have been stunned by the arrival of a Raelite mage through the portal established in the main grounds of Castle Blackford.

It seems once they overcame their shock the mage was arrested and taken into the castle. Hours later he was seen being escorted back to the portal and Conner and five other Lucindites reworked the Portals powers and stood back. All those present were put on high alert and moments later the portal flared.

Through its boundaries at least a dozen officials from Rael stepped forth including several guards bearing the standards and flags of Rael.

Finally, to the sheer amazement of all those present Lord Rael himself stepped into the courtyard in Blackford Castle. There he stood, clear as day, amidst very nervous guards and mages alike.

Several moments later Queen Mouring emerged into the courtyard to greet the ruler of Rael herself, she, along with Moraken then escorted Lord Rael back into the Castle proper.

The rumour mill and gossip trees are racing like wildfire and everyone, everywhere is talking.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 12:06:04 am »
*Amoung the numbers of the personalities seen around the castle, Lance Stargazer can bee seen as well entering the grounds of the castle. he traveled in a wagon and was escorted by a small unit of the company of the star*


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 01:19:04 am »
Upon hearing that the Lord Commander of the Toranite armies was in Blackford, guards are sent to escort him into the castle where he is given quarters and asked to await a briefing with the Queen.


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 08:11:04 am »
As soon as Daniella receives word that Rael is in Trelania, she also makes way to Blackford Castle from Fort Llast, taking with her a small escort of paladins.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 10:52:07 am »
*Jil is part of Lance's Entourage and as she follows, she keeps a roving eye about the people and the area*


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2011, 11:38:25 pm »
The meeting continues late into the afternoon and evening before finally there is movement in the courtyard where large magical lights have been strung to provide clear vision for all the guards.

The Rael entourage emerges from the Castle and steps through the portal once more with Lord Rael the last to depart after giving the Queen and Moraken a slight bow before departing.

Once they are gone the Lucindites move into action recalculating the portal under Conners careful gaze.

Looking weary but determined the Queen sweeps back into the castle and soon after summons are given to Sir Lance and Lady Daniella.


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 06:18:03 am »
*Buddy walks to Blackford Castle with a letter in hand. As he is stopped at the entrance he hands the guard the letter*

I'm here at the request of Lady Commander Daniella Stormhaven. She requires my services.


Re: Blackford Castle is abuzz...
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 06:24:56 am »
*Buddy is escorted immediately into the Council of War chamber.*