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Author Topic: Center  (Read 2731 times)

Lance Stargazer

« on: November 03, 2010, 08:32:33 pm »
*On a good calm day in center, the peace got broken by the passing caravans , A gnome lass seems to be in shock as the travelers move around *

*The conversation on the Bull's eye is warm and fast to spread *

Yes, the lass says that her crystal balls were stolen, *One of the patrons speaks to another*  

Ah.. I bet was one of them , falconers  *the other nods distractly*

Who knows, those gnome trinkets would probably explode if you come to close  anyway  *the first one answer *

*The other nods at that *

// Static quest for you guys in Center, Read the description on the sign ;)

have fun. . Any discovery please Pm me about it, and if able to take a screenshoot would be way better .

Have Fun  !!

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Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 10:18:50 pm »
*After some time , the rumors of that  tall blonde woman raiding a horse was seen delivering one of  the said crystal balls to the gnome lass of the Minniwin company , they were gigging all over as the evening went and shared the encounter and the joy of the finding.

The tall blonde woman was last seen heading towards the north road as the sun goes down   *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 09:58:22 am »
*Some days later, another of the crystal balls are reported to be found by anonther lass, odd enough she carried also a Greatsword on her back.  she was seen speaking with the gnome and delivering the odd artifact to the smiling lass. *

// There are still some crystal balls out there guys.. .

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 09:46:34 pm »
On Mai 17 , 1478,

Just when the situation can't look grimmer, Hope start to fall off the hearts of the people on the city, As a witch was burn on the outskirts of Center,

It was said that the witch tried to escape the Crafthall of the town after making an evil act, Turning water into blood and making a mess over the place, this woman pressumed to be an adventurer just arrived Center two days ago according to the innkeeper, she was shy and did not spoke with anyone and was found trying to leave the burden, The crowd snatched her inmediatelly and took her outside the town to make a pyre burn and burn her to death.

*the description of the woman is tall and skinny with blonde and dark hair ( half in one half in other ), and presumed witch.  *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 02:13:53 am »
*Another tragic story unfolds on Center, as a woman approached crawling to the campfire , apparently she was attaced on the road with a caravan that was heading there

A group of brave adventurers, A brave Rofirenite, a well known bard and a fast halfling where the ones who found and deliver a strong blow to the bandits that caused the disgrace, the caravan sadly was nowhere to be found.

The woman was tended by Honey the lucky clover, and offered a shelter house to help tending in the shrine, the adventureres graciously donated 2000 trues to the girl so she can keep her life, with no tongue now.

Sad world we live,  And thank the gods for the heroes.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2011, 04:41:41 pm »

*The hopes on the city raises after some months of peace, After the orc attacks the people on center smile a bit as the Rofirenite flags are seen arriving the tradepost, Being lead by a Knight-Captain of the Knights of the Wyrm, the war hero Daniel Benjamin Poetr himself four knights arrive with him and deploys on the Bulls eye inn.

Starting on the next days two knights can be seen walking and helping the citizens on the tradepost. Even if in numbers they don't cause great deal, they are causing a moral boost to the town to see at least four men dediated to their protection.

The Rofirein and the Brelin flags weave high on the tradepost

The first thing this knights did was to be on watch of Bears that are apparently comming to close to the town, this under the report of several worried citizens and merchants upon the sight of a bear crossing the town *

gilshem ironstone

Re: Center
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 08:41:38 am »
Gel'larian, sitting at a campfire, sees the flag go up and watches quietly, assessing what the situation might be. After a short time he grows bored and can be heard to mumble as strikes out on the road.

If they are conquerors, there will not be many spoils. Hope they don't make it worse.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2012, 05:22:14 pm »
Another sad day in Center.

There was witchery at work it seems again * The town crier yells to the passing people*

A mysterious murder had happened in the very inn at very daylight, causing fear amoung the law abiding citizens of the outpost, The Rofirenites are looking into it, the four knights stationed on the area are in look for clues of the murder , It seemed that the two maidens Camila and Stella that were residents of the town Died mysteriously and instantly while doing their duties. there was a great deal of fear.

It doesn't help to it but it seems that there are rummors as well of a crazy woman yelling about doom and dispair before the chaos, she disappared in the crowd, and has not been seen around the place again

Script Wrecked

Re: Center
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 01:07:51 am »
Center is abuzz with further news that a witch struck dead a Knight of the Wyrm at the local shrine of Prunella!

The stories vary wildly between a stunning siren stealing his heart to an old crone handing out poisoned apples.

Fortunately, a cleric of Aragen was available to restore the unfortunate Rofireinite to full health.


Re: Center
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2012, 12:52:41 pm »
Captain Poetr makes a rare appearance in Center.  As he emerges from the portal stones, he bids one of the Knights on Duty to give him a full report of the dual homicides and the attack on Knight Naldin.  Nodding in approval at his Knights actions, Daniel says, "I know this Rose by sight.  I thought her a harmless reader of fortunes, but this seems to have changed in the passing years. "  Grimly, Daniel dismisses the Knight back to his duty and forwards his report to the Temple in Vehl, requesting that the human woman known as Rose be bound by law for the murder of a Knight and questioning in the murders of the two maids in all places that honor the Divine Law.  

Daniel then seeks out Knight Naldin for his personal account and to make sure no lingering effects are suffered.  Finally, he dispatches a personal letter of thanks to the Aragenite who helped Knight Naldin recover.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Center
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2012, 01:22:02 pm »
A dark figure that occasionally passes through the trading 'town' and keeps his own company except when bartering for whatever he requires, catches wind of the news; his interest piqued upon hearing of a witch striking down a knight of the wyrm. The news eventually leading him to hear about the two dead females that were found in Center.

This shady person proceeds to ask a few questions around the trade post about the murders, but noteably does not converse with the handful of Rofirenites at Center and in infact; actively avoids their presence.

//PM incoming Lancey-boy! ;)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2012, 05:19:40 pm »
**One week later the news spread of another tragic death on the area, A family of farmers living one day away of the outpost was found dead while the Rofrenites were looking over there.

The home owned by the Smithdotter family was found with the bodies of Gavin, Emilly, father and mother of the familes both of about 25 springs, and the children of the couple .. Anastathasia with 5 years and William of 7 years. All of them were found with the same white eyes as the rest of the victiims.  No more clues found or spoken  *

*The fear keeps growing on the law abiding citizens, as some gossip start to rise *

- The one who sent the orcs are now sending the witch to kiill us all -

- First the land drying and now this,, we must leave the place .-

- The land was cursed by Blood himself, we must leave -

**The rofirenites has been doing all in their power to keep the peace on the area*


Re: Center
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2012, 06:16:42 am »
A certain elf seeks out a certain 'busy.. little.. bee'

//Will try and find you IG sometime this weekend Pen N Popper but if not do you mind PM RP?


Re: Center
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2012, 08:17:04 pm »
Only later finding out about the problem with crops, Millon offers pointers to a local farmer on proper methods to ensure a good harvest. The farmer uses 'choice' words as to his thoughts on Millons advice, and warns him off from returning.

With a farming background, Millon feels for these folk.


Re: Center
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2012, 08:20:51 pm »
Commotion circles about a screaming woman, disheveled, dirty and seeming to have been injured in some way was brought in bound and gagged by a Rofireinite Knight in shining armor.  The woman was clearly mad, and was brought to the authorities.  It was difficult to tell if this was the same woman who used to tell fortunes.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2012, 10:52:40 pm »
**The four Rofirenites in permanent duty in Center seems to have been particularly busy on the regard of the look out for subjects, trying to discard than more than one witch is around the outpost, yet some calm has been brought to the area with the actions of Thercha in capturing one of the suspects. *

**In fact the knigth Therhcha Doescha, is being seen with a bright new light on the outpost, Some citizens and merchants are seen talking to him and offeriing a drink or special wares in thanks for his ever diligent service,  increasing a bit more the acceptance of Rofirein on the outpost.*

**The woman was taken by Brelinite soldiers on the way to Hempstead, escorted with the Silverguard and then moved to an unknown place *

// Please pm with attempts to visits.


Re: Center
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2012, 06:07:37 am »
*Therhcha politely refuses any special service when he visits town. He declares that what he did was merely his duty to the Gold, and that to further that duty the townspeople can help by reporting the incidents the witch is accused of to him so that he can take their testimony to the trial. He will however remind the ones willing to in a polite fashion, that bringing false information to the court is a crime as well before taking their statement.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Center
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2012, 06:50:30 pm »
*People around Center are in watchful nature of this days, as the time passes and the calm returns to the outpost, a small shrine to Rofirein can be seen installed over the northern entrace of the town, its just a token of gratitude that the town has given to the church who had put some help to their chaotic lives. A standard to Rofirein stands high showing a compass that guides people's hopes *

*The news of the witch captured move fast and with justice served the peace seems to return to the outpost , There are still some dissidents who speaks of bringing the witch for an actual burn, but other than that the place remain calm .... for now*


Re: Center
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2012, 09:03:30 pm »
A falcon is sent to the infamous mercenary and owner of Leringard Arms, Steel.

//PM sent to you


Re: Center
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2012, 05:08:27 am »
A heavily disguised halfling Priest of Shadon wanders past the newly constucted shrine to Rofirein and pauses to reflect.
 "Always have to go spoiling things don't they. "
 He pauses briefly considering an appropriate mischief, after all here he is alone with the shrine, and yet. He looks up.
 "Ah well time to move on I reckon."