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Author Topic: A notice on the gates of Fort Llast  (Read 220 times)


A notice on the gates of Fort Llast
« on: February 26, 2009, 03:21:48 pm »
Citizens and travelers be wary, vines have crept near the gates.  The pawner struggles to remove the threat, but he seems to be at a stalemate with it.

//must have got drug there.  Sammie can't handle it so if a dm could remove it that would be great. Tried the dm channel, but no one around.


Re: A notice on the gates of Fort Llast
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 03:29:04 pm »
**Samuel takes down the poster and congratulates the pawner*

Well fought, Sir!  You do the town proud.

//the vine has been removed