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Author Topic: Crime caper in Lor  (Read 147 times)


Crime caper in Lor
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:11:10 am »
Nus the bard was on hand at Lor recently to hear the twin Mayors announce a crackdown on Dockland crime. Faltina Capmansh a leading socialite and renowned duellist from the Noble Quarter at Lor, led a mixed group of adventurers deep down into the sewers and put paid to a nest of thieves in their sordid den. Faltina talking to this bard said." I was just trying to help the poor victims of the docks. It was nothing really."

Nus the bard will keep you posted on this and other stories from Lor.


Re: Crime caper in Lor
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 09:26:19 am »
Faltina Capmansh was on hand to quell a second frightening incident in the Docks area of Lor. Two rival gangs, both believed to be from outside Lor, were engaged in a short but deadly fight at the Rat's Tail Inn. There were a number of fatalities and Faltina arrived in time to reassure bystanders and ensure the prompt healing of a visitng elf who had become embroiled in the incident.

The Mayor's office commentated that while the Militia were not being complacent, these type of incidents were very rare and people should not have nightmares, and that extra patrols will be put in place.

Nus the Bard.


Re: Crime caper in Lor
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2007, 02:33:58 am »
Faltina Capmansh led an expedition along coastal paths near Lor in a clever ruse designed to draw off smugglers operating in the area. This allowed another group, led by one Angela Swann, renowned duellist and adventurer to try and capture the smugglers camp. Unfortunately things went badly and this group were spotted allowing the smugglers to escape, though they left behind a ship and some goods. The Mayors office speaking through the Diet Justice Minister reassured the citizens that this action was all part of the crackdown on crime in Lor and that a follow up sweep by a company of the City Militia was very succesful and more operations would be conducted in the future, Citizens were reminded that Lor had a reputation as a safe and interesting travel destination.

Nus the Bard


Re: Crime caper in Lor
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2007, 05:48:54 pm »
Faltina Capmansh, leading duellist of Lor, and her chums called on all the wealthy ship owners of Lor to compete in a race around the point this month, her own ship Ruffy was first past the harbour wall and a deserved winner. Donations to important City Building works and other charities reached 210,000 True, a remarkable sum, though it appears the Diet argued long into the night as to how it might be best spent.

In other news an adventurer Angela Swann donated an undisclosed sum of gold to a little known Cult the Monastry of the Innocent.

Nus the Bard live from Lor.