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Author Topic: Dark Elf caught!  (Read 583 times)


Dark Elf caught!
« on: October 19, 2008, 07:15:27 pm »
The Dark Elf Sion sits in the Rofirenite temple, waiting for his judgment to come. Whether he was caught by the adventurers on the search for Q, or He turned him self in depends on the Hearsay. He can be seen talking to Reus of the Rofirenite Temple, about what is to become of him.

Lord Dark

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 08:16:50 pm »
*A Halfling in a blue trench coat is seen entering and exiting the temple. Inside, he tries to visit Sion, sometimes leaving with a frustrated look on his face from being denied permission to see the prisoner. After a few days, his visits slow and soon stop.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2008, 05:30:09 pm »
// just for info, This is to prompt GM action, in regards to an incident ways back. OsX (Anna) should know a bit of what happened. Just PM me with regards to what will happen, or if any information is neeed. I don't expect anyone to jump through hoops to help with it, but it's up here whenever there is some empty free time. :)


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2008, 01:47:42 pm »
*Sion grumbles endlessly to himself, having spent a several months in the Rofirenite Temple. He reads through a small, but thick, leather-bound book, flipping through the pages, reading them over and over.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 12:33:49 pm »
*Aeronn is seen asking for directions to Sion's cell, and speaking with Sion once he has been located*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2008, 02:32:40 pm »
*Unkempt hair pokes out from under his cowl, as he sits and waits in his room cell. He grumbles to himself while flipping through pages of an old, black, leather bound journal. He scratches on the pages with a tattered, broken quill.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2008, 03:01:09 pm »
a few days after the dark elf turned himself in a boy clad blue and gold stands at the entrace of the temple with a letter on his hands, the young little man refuses to enter the temple as the guard points to him to do it and instead he gives him a letter to the guard saying only that its send by a man by name Lance Stargazer with words to those who are in charge of the case of Sion.

After delivering the letter the boy moves is lost in the crowd meanwhile he heads towards the docks

// I will Pm if needed..


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 10:03:52 pm »
*The grumbling in the cell goes quite after approximately 6 months of it. Sion sits in deep thought, often ignoring the food and only reaching for it when necessary. He occasionally reaches out for something, like trying to pull something over himself. He lets out an occasional, albeit soft, curse when a loud noise startles him*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2008, 02:04:15 pm »
*A thin and dirty thing lies against the cell walls, almost blending in with it. A long shaggy mane of white hair covers it's face, and it might seem to be sleeping. Quick with ravenous hunger, It's hand shoots out, grabbing the hapless rat that was unfortunate enough to get to close. With a quick snapping motion, and occasionally sticking a bitten finger in it's mouth to stop the bleeding. The rat is eaten, and the hide and remains are tossed to the side with the other refuse in the corner when finished.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2008, 12:36:05 am »
*there is the occasional cough from the cell, and a rather noticeable lack of passing rats near this cell. sometimes, the thing inside chuckles to itself, but for the most part, it's quite.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2008, 03:01:08 am »
*A guard strolls up to the door of the cell that contains Sion, turns and leans on the bars.*
 Well, dark elf, seems your time is coming. It seems the judge will finally listen to your to your side of the story before your execution. *Slightly shrugs with only one shoulder* Unless you can convince him otherwise. *gives out a short, low toned chuckle* Which I think is near impossible. But anyway...*trails off*
 *Tosses a piece old meat into the cell, turns and strolls down the row of cells with his spear lying on his shoulder.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2008, 03:07:35 am »
*ignoring the guard, He jumps almost immediately on the piece of meat. He tears at it, finishing it up before it could possibly be savored. He finishes up, and pulls back to his corner in the cell.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2008, 01:34:56 pm »
Ayana approaches the mostly quiet church of Rofierien and speaks up trying to gain the attention of the occupant within. Trying to call him to a window, listening for his voice, and smelling for his familar scent.
 "Sion, Its me Ayana, please answer me" She waits patiently for his voice.
 //ooc I would like to meet in game with Ayana to speak with Sion if this can be arranged.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2008, 02:21:25 pm »
*word slowly reaches teh ears of grenna of a dark elf being captured and held by the rofis.

Oi hopes dey kill dat filthy darky sooner den later. An ifn dey dun ave de stomach fer it..oi be more an willin ta.

*she can then be heard mumbling and grumbling about darkies adn then a shattering of something can be heard along with a mighty roar! Next thingyou hear is the voicesof a couple of children roaring along with the tumult!


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2008, 03:20:26 pm »
Quote from: Anamnesis
 //ooc I would like to meet in game with Ayana to speak with Sion if this can be arranged.
 //This can be arranged. We can work the details out through PMs. Evening PST times are best.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2008, 04:21:27 pm »
*Sion seems somewhat oblivious. he remains silent for as a bit*

//I'll log on if I can, so be there in case... If I'm not on, we can arrange later.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2008, 07:21:31 pm »
*Sion turns on his side, and looks at the cell wall.*

// logging on now.:)


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2008, 09:35:37 pm »
*after an uneasy exchange between him and some others, Sion goes back to his corner, grumbling and cursing. A few rats get smashed in the process, adding to the festering pile in the back*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2008, 12:33:52 am »
*A sign is hung on the door of the jail.*
 No More Visitors!
 *There is noticeably more guards posted around the jail.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2008, 07:48:45 pm »
* The Court of Rofirein dispatches lawmen to deliver supenas to Daniella Stormhaven, Razeriem , Anne Ravenwind, Galathea Arnaduillae, Aeronn Kirath, Aesthir/Lance Stargazer, Keppli Quickhands, Caerwyn Ahrail'lan, Ayana In'Darsus, Jilseponie Kendall, Marcus Kendall, Tod Fellow and Snagnor Hornblower. As the supena is opened at read, the lawman states that you have been officially served to appear in court. Failure to appear will result in you being in contempt of the court and can be rewarded punishment as the court sees fit. Each of the people served recieves the follow supena:*
You are hereby commanded, in the name of the Rofirein Courts, to appear before the __Judge_Reus_____ Court at __Fort Vehl____ in the Kingdom of __Co'rys___ on the __4th__ day of __Junar__, in the year __1441__ at __2100__ , and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter named is heard by said Court, to give evidence of what you know relating to an action then and there to be heard and tried between __Daniella_Stormhaven_, Plaintiff, and _Sion Fereir__, Defendant, [/COLOR]docket number __KoC-FV-000023___, and you are further required to bring with you ___any proof or evidence appropriate for this case__.
Hereof fail not, as your failure to appear as required will subject you to such pains and penalties as the law provides.
Dated at __1028__ the __27___ day of __Mar___, in the year _1441__.
___*signed by Reus*_______
Temple of Rofirein

 //Event on the Calendar here.