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Author Topic: *Hlint quarentine*  (Read 147 times)

Lance Stargazer

*Hlint quarentine*
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:02:59 pm »
*On the cold morning, the young man is seen approaching the deserted town of Hlint, showing his hands unarmed , he presents himself to the guards on the gate *

My name is Argos Stargazer, I've come to visit some friends that are here , and would like to speak with them thru the fence if that is allowed, I understand that you can't let anyone go in or out, But I'd like to know if they are good and to try to cheer them with words and spirits.

The people I sought are Miss Ellohana and a one-eyed dwarf by name Nokks.

**he awaits for answer from the guards or for the people to call their friends *


Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 11:11:49 pm »
The people are sent for, if they are available. If they are not available Argos is notified with whatever reason is given.

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 11:15:40 pm »
*Argos waits for some hours, knowing that being there is not easier , he looks around toward the south waiting to see if a familiar face would appear, but he keeps waiting for them to answer, and he'll be gone at the end of the day *


Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 01:21:59 am »
Argos is waiting for a while when he hears a huff and some Dwarven cursing.

'Oy Argos! Ye o'er tha wall, mate? 'S Noks. Reckon Oi cannay see ye, but Pits Oi coul'nay see ye ta well wha' wi' me 'un oiye anyways, am I roight?

'Ow ye bin? Wha's't loike out ther'? Cannay say Oi've 'ad much news wha' wi' all tha werk 'aht needs doin' allatha toime. Still Oi reckon Oi coul' take'a sit whoiles Oi lis'sen ta ye a li'l whoile.

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 12:58:05 am »
*Argos raising his head finally almost jumps as he hears the voice , calming himself he nods to the guards politey and approaches the fence *

Hey Nokks!! For a moment i thought you were drunk enough to not come to see your old friend here *his voice in a happy tune *

How are - you- doing?  I am doing great... But not here to speak about me. I came as fast as i learned you are trapped there .. need something? *his voice full of concern *


Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 02:40:55 am »
Nokka's voice sounds the same as ever, but there are serious implications in his words.

Reckon ye nay 'ave ta be werried 'bout me drinkin'! Most'a tha alcohol's bein' used fer'a, stare-uh-loizin', whate'er 'aht 's. Nay Oi'm jes' werkin' loike a pack ox 'ere. Werkin' 'arder'en 'un act'ully! 'Em Oxes's lazy!

'S gud ta 'ear yer speech, Argos, an' Oi'm roight glad som'un's doin' well out ther'. Reckon'ese people need somm'aht in 'ere.

He moves a little closer to the gate, keeping his voice down.
Oi cannay tell ye wha' Oi need when's all'ese people need so much mer'. 'Ey need 'ope, Argos, an' supploies. Oi 'ear tell from tha outsoide 'aht ther' a war goin' on, or gonna be goin' on anyways, but nay ferget tha foight 'aht's goin' on 'ere e'eryday.

He steps back.

Oi guess Oi coul' use a dam' cure so's Oi kin get out loike an' kick somm'aht Cultis' rear. Tha' Battle Father's callin', Argos, an' tha Dwarves'll answer. Soon's as we kick out 'is sickness, we gonna kick 'ose basserds wha' did't roight off'a tha map!

But 'ey, iff'n ye wanna bring fresh bandages, food, water and whate'er tha pits else yer welcome ta. Oi nay think any'un's gonna stop ye. Jes' nay any magicky loight scrolls'r big ol' swords. 'S 'un thing Oi learnt, 's 'aht ye cannay foight wha's in 'ere wi' an edge. Ye need wits, which's whoiy Oi'm stayin' outta 'aht pit an' am jes' liftin' whate'er needs liftin' an' am puttin' it down again when it needs puttin' down.


Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 10:05:30 pm »
Elohanna arrives quietly beside Nokks listening at the gate she was summoned to, with a gentle smile on her face as she listens to them talk.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *Hlint quarentine*
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 11:21:18 pm »
*Argos Voice grims a bit *

Yes, you are right, I am sorry for that Nokks, I just wanted to see that how you are doing there.. I am sorry i did not come before, I know its not easier what is happening there..

Bandages and clothes *nods*  Got it . . I'll try to get some of that and some spirits and ale as well.. that might serve?

And tell me..  how is that sickness affecting you?  How is Elly ? I understand that you two should be with your hands full, didn't intend to disrespect that.

Tell me about your and miss Elly condition please .

