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Author Topic: Attention All Crafters!!  (Read 957 times)


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
Updated.  Almost there folks :)


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2005, 07:44:00 pm »


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2005, 08:09:00 pm »
  Coming together nicely here :)


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2005, 10:16:00 pm »
One last update for tonight.
  Thanks to Lelion Tavern & Arms!


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2005, 09:17:00 pm »
Bonus update!

Thank you Freelancer's Guild!!


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RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2005, 11:52:00 am »
*Graffiti scrawled around Mistone*

I was gambling in Tibum.
I took a little risk.
Bring axes, shields, and money.
To get me out of this.


RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2005, 12:56:00 pm »
Minor update.

Thank you Lar's Hammer and Pick Trading Co.

Chrys Ellis

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    RE: Attention All Crafters!!
    « Reply #47 on: December 15, 2005, 03:41:00 pm »
    *Xiao looks over the list and nods.  Then he takes note of what is still needed.*
      "Well, I cannot make shields or axes, but perhaps I can raise a little coin for the cause," he mutters to himself as he writes on a piece of parchment.  When he is finished, he tacks up the following notice:
      "The Freelancers would like to continue in the effort to meet all the needs of the Mistone Alliance in these trying times.  Therefore, we are auctioning off these fine bows once more.  One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to the Mistone Alliance.  In addition, for every four gold coins spent on any of these bows, I will personally contribute one gold coin out of my own account.  Please consider taking part in the auction.  Surely, one of these fine bows will suit your needs"
      *Below the script are four well-drawn pictures of the bows put up for auction*
      Heavy Mahogany Crossbow
      Compound Mahogany Longbow
      Heavy Yew Crossbow
      Compound Yew Longbow
        -Xiao Lin


    RE: Attention All Crafters!!
    « Reply #48 on: December 16, 2005, 01:53:00 pm »
    *A letter arrives at the Mistone Alliance

    38 Battle Axes, 5 Large Shields and 14000 in gold have been left in my care by Synal'dur, Paladin of Toran.  They are stored at the Leilon Arms.  If a wagon could be sent to the Leilon Arms they weapons, armor and coin could be sent where it is needed.

    By the request of Sir Synal'dur the donation has been made for the greater glory of Toran.

    Derrick Loadson


    RE: Attention All Crafters!!
    « Reply #49 on: December 17, 2005, 06:55:00 am »
    *A note left at the Mistone Alliance

    I have the 29 large iron shields yer need.  Send a messenger to me when you have a wagon available.  I have em stored at the Leilon Arms.  I also have some other gear left by Ozymandias that I am sure would aid in the war effort.

    Derrick Loadson


    RE: Attention All Crafters!!
    « Reply #50 on: December 19, 2005, 05:13:00 pm »
    All equipment goals have been fulfilled!
    Thank you once again Lelion Tavern & Arms with the help with Ozymandias the Bard

    Chrys Ellis

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      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #51 on: December 24, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
      *Xiao walks up to the notice and smiles.  Then, he writes out this short note:*
        To those in charge of collections for the Alliance:
        I have some gold to contribute from the proceeds of a recent auction, as well as some very nice bows to be used by some of your more skilled archers.  Please contact me to arrange a drop-off or pick up of the gold and items.
        -Xiao Lin, Co-Founder of the Freelancers Guild


      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #52 on: December 28, 2005, 09:43:00 am »

      Thank you Freelancers Guild!


      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #53 on: December 30, 2005, 11:53:00 am »

      Thank you Arcane Alliance!


      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #54 on: December 30, 2005, 07:34:00 pm »
      Coin update


      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #55 on: December 30, 2005, 08:22:00 pm »
      Milo - 11/8/2005  10:26 PM
      Attention All Crafters of Mistone!
      The forces of Blood have begun its evil advance towards our beloved Mistone! It is critical for us to unite together to fend off their attacks, and the Mistone Alliance has requested all crafters donate their works towards the armories of Mistone. All types of weapons, armors, potions, scrolls and wands are wanted! We must not fall to the villanious hands of Bloodstone!
         The Ministries have each requested a special list of items:
        Ministry of War:
        194/150 Iron Long Swords 150/150 Large Iron Shields (Completed by Lelion Tavern & Arms with Ozymandias the Bard)* 78/75 Iron Battleaxe (Completed by Lelion Tavern & Arms)* 75/--- Hickory Longbows 111/90 Oak Longbows 61/50 Mahogany Longbows 10/--- Hickory Crossbows 43/40 Oak Crossbows 33/25 Mahogany Crossbows 179/150 Chainmails/Chain Shirt/Scale Mails 101/75 Fullplates/Halfplates
         Ministry of Intelligence:  57/45 Iron Kukri 185/150 Daggers 55/45 Iron Shortsword 27/15 Iron Sai
        Ministry of Magic:  230/150 Bat Guanos 45/45 Fireball Scrolls 45/45 Lightening Bolt Scrolls 88/75 Glass Rods
        Ministry of Commonwealth:
        1,550,243/1,500,000 Gold Pieces 185/150 Potions of Cure Light Wounds 154/75 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds 46/45 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds 30/30 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds (Completed by the Freelancer's Guild)*
      15/15 Potions of Heal (Completed by the Freelancer's Guild)*
        Old Goals Achieved New Goals Achieved
      Organizational Contributors:[/FONT][/COLOR]
      || Arcane Alliance (+162,000 GP) || Freelancers Guild (+100,500 GP)* || Enzo's Bow Shop (+150,000 GP) || [/FONT][/COLOR]
      || The Vakhar (+ 40,000 GP) || Church of Toran (+14,000 GP) || Orc Bashers ||  [/FONT][/COLOR]
      || Kat's Creations || Church of Az'atta || Raven Trade Company (+30,000 GP) || Crimson Shield Guild (+110,000 GP) || [/FONT][/COLOR]
      || Lelion Tavern and Arms (+27,568 GP)* || Knights of the Wyrm (+9,847 GP) || [/FONT][/COLOR]
      || Lar's Hammer & Pick Trading Co. (+ 521,000 GP) || DuMoran's Juice & Oil (+2,000 GP) ||[/FONT][/COLOR]
       [If I missed any organizations that have donated, please send me a PM]
              Other Contributions:
        Fire Enchantment III (Arcane) Cloak of Transmutation (Arcane) 3x Lesser Mage Armor (Arcane) Ironwood Large Shield (Arcane) Mithril Warhammer (Arcane) Heavy Yew Crossbow (Freelancers) Various scrolls {Med-Level Scrolls x154} 30 Healing Kits Iron Heavy Mace x5 Various wands  Iron Warhammer Lesser Mage Armor x14 || Lesser Monk's Armor x4 Iron Buckler x2 || Iron Flail x14 Iron Katana x3 || Bastard Swords x5 Iron Dart x1 Set || Adam. Dart x2 Sets Iron Scimitar x14 || Iron Rapier x5 Greater Rogue Armor Iron Halberd || Iron Falchion x6 || Iron Maul x 3 Various arrows/bolts Various rings x38 || Ability rings x29 Greater Glove of Concerntration || Glove of Spellcraft Adam. Visor Boots of Arachnea x2 || Belt of Cunning x15 Gems x13 Potion of Lore x4 || Bless x14 || Barkskin x2 || Endurance x3 || Speed x4 || Lesser Restoration x30 9 Flasks of Oil || 34 Acid Flasks || 70 Choking Powders || Alchemist's Fire x 14 9 Wands of Firebrand || 9 Chain Lightening || 10 Elemental Shield || 10 See Invis || 5 Invis Sphere Scrolls 6 Lesser Ogre's Gaunlets || Soul Stones x 10 17 Fire Enchantment II || 2 Electrical Enchantment III || 2 Fire Enchantment III || 2 Cold Enchant III Cape of the Panther x21 || 25 +1 Ability Stat Amulets || 1 +2 Strength Amulets || 22 +1 Ability Stat Rings
               Collection will begin in next few days in the town of Hlint-  *below attaches a schedule [see calendar]*


      RE: Attention All Crafters!!
      « Reply #56 on: December 30, 2005, 08:24:00 pm »
      Fundraising successful!

      Thank you Hammer & Pick Trading Company & Enzo's Bow Shop!!!

