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Author Topic: Devastation in Krandor  (Read 1281 times)


Devastation in Krandor
« on: November 14, 2009, 02:09:42 am »
While not hit as directly or as hard as Port Hempstead, the small costal village of Krandor was ill-equipped to withstand the wrath of elements such as what assaulted the Western coast of Mistone.  The homes and structures nearest the shore were heavily damaged by the onslaught of wind and waves. Severe flooding is evident through much of the town, held at bay only by a coordinated effort of druids, who were able to spare several structures from damage and flooding, including the famed Healing House and the landmark Kelin's Inn.

A pair of well-known and long-time residents, known to many, work tirelessly throughout the small town in the aftermath, virtually to the point of exhaustion each and every day and sometimes beyond.  Using every physical and magical means at their disposal, they labor to account for any survivors or those who perished, recover what can be recovered and find ways to shore up the town against the next storm looming ominously on the western horizon. The copper-haired woman and auburn-haired man, both apparently of mixed heritage seem to push themselves near to the point of exhaustion each day, only to take a few hours rest and start again the next.

The wounded and infirm are distributed between the Healing House and Kelin's Inn, and those in a condition to do so are trying their best to bring some order to the chaos and to make sure everyone still in town has adequate shelter and supplies.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 08:53:18 am »
*An Elven woman and Ilsarien preistess from Hlint, named Valanca Jatyiram, arrives and begins helping out in Krandor, her main focus is providing physical healing through divine prayer and spiritual counselling to those who need it.  Her compassionate eyes burn with an inner fire of determination and caring for all those she deals with as she goes about her work in the name of Ilsare.  As part of her work, she attempts to rally the women of the community especially, in spreading comfort and cheer and encouraging them to take a hand in organizing relief efforts.  Explaining because, "It's their town, and their men need them to more than ever to be strong in this time of rebuilding."*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 09:33:43 am »
*After hearing from Kyle of the damage in Krandor, Ferrit rides there on Shadow, pressing the horse to give his best, and resting only to spare him.  Once there, she searches every face and asks every person...*
 Have you seen Brittani Pandorn?  She's human, about 18, blonde, slender...lives in the next to the last house right along the coast...


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2009, 10:53:49 am »
*On his way out to help the people of Hempstead, Tralek passes through Krandor and sees Valanca helping the sick and wounded, and decides to stop.  He asks her how she is doing as he takes a clean wash cloth and mops her forehead.  He explains he is out to get some things for those in Hempstead and if there is anything Krandor might need while he is out.  Seeing her makes him obviously happy and he feels stronger and more convicted in his goals to help.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 11:50:52 am »
*Valanca smiles happilly seeing Tralek and returns his greeting and answers,*
 "It's so good to see you!  Krandor's a smaller town than Port Hempstead, but many of the same things they'd need there would be helpful here as well...  Healing supplies, food, warm blankets and clothing, tools for building and removing debris...  I've heard things are much worse there, but figured since I was closer to Krandor I could start helping folk sooner if I came here..."
 *her voice trails off and she gets a dreamy look for a moment as she stares at Tralek*
 "You'd be welcome to stay and help here if you decide to?," she pauses, then goes on, "No, no!  Of course not.. you'd better go where you'll be more needed, in Port Hempstead.  I'll head that way myself after things here are back in order."
 *She finishes with an uncertain half-smile and then wrenches her attention back to tending a child with a bad cut on his arm.  Obviously trying hard not to turn back and stare at Tralek.  She carefully and deliberately wraps the child's arm in a clean bandage, having cleansed the wound and stopped the bleeding with the divine gifts bestowed upon her by Ilsare.  She smiles and winks to the child and 'bops' his nose gently with one finger.*
 "There you go, little man.  Keep it clean and give it a few days to heal and you'll be better in no time.  Make sure you get a fresh bandage every day now."
 *Sending the boy on his way she turns to her next patient after brushing a strand of red hair from her own face and tucking it behind an ear.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2009, 01:45:11 pm »
**Wandering along the road, Marec decides to stop by the rice fields in Krandor only to find mayhem**

Oh my....

**without hesitation, he slips on a some gloves, boots and a peculiar belt, then hefts a staff from his pack.  He heads into the Inn and begins tending the wounded, greeting each with a warm reassuring smile and conversing with those who are in need of someone to listen.**


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 06:49:24 pm »
*Kyle finally enters the house to find it muddy and swamped...everything damaged beyond recovery. He searches the house frantically for any sign of Brittani.*

"Brittani!? Britanni!?"

*Not hearing anything...he makes his way to the rear of the house. Seeing no sign of her...Kyle heads for Kelin's to find her and to lend a hand as much as he can. On the way...Cole Pandorn arrives with Balthor in tow.*

"Dad...thank the Longstrider you are safe...Mom?"

"Son...she is over at Kelin's looking for Britanni. I hope Britanni got out. Let's head over. You mother will be glad to see you."

*They both head over to Kelin's to assist the over taxed volunteers*



Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2009, 06:54:31 pm »
Liar Muck drifts towards Krandor and pauses as he spots the destruction. He delays to review the structural damage before striking off east as fast as his legs will carry him. He wonders how far he will need to travel before picking up cheap timber for repairs before the prices go up. Will they be cheaper for a Priest of Aeriden he wonders. One can only try.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2009, 07:06:15 pm »
*A small elven female,dressed in mostly blue, arrives in Krandor and pushes up her sleeves as she looks around for someone that may be in charge.  Once she finds someone she speaks softly*

Hello,  my name is Kat, can you direct me to those that are wounded the worst?  I have came with bandages, potions and blessings from The Runner."


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2009, 07:33:37 pm »
*A man dressed in radiant and glowing white robes and hood arrives in Krandor offering the blessing of Aeridin to any he finds that is wounded or ill health.  He like so many works tirelessly helping the wounded and in a few cases restoring life to a few that were lost.  He gives his name as Flint, servant of Aeridin to any who ask.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2009, 08:19:19 pm »
At some point Anna comes across Kyle, Ferrit and Cole, likely when dropping off some collected supplies at Kelin's. She moves to greet them, though rather pale, dirty and weary as one might expect. When they reveal their worry she offers softly...

"Connor, some friends an I all searched the houses we could get to... I will be honest, we've been quite tired an more saw injury an need rather then faces with names... If she was only a little hurt we took them to Kelin's if more grievously injured she'd have been taken to the House of Healing.
" She shakes her head a little and looks apologetic. "We will certainly help you look for her..."

On her way passed to check the house of Healing she catches sight of Kat asking for guidance.

"Welcome an thank you. I am headed the way you wish to go, the Healing House. I am certain they could use extra able hands... I can take you there..." She nods her head in the direction slightly and arches her brows. (And of course takes her there if she accepts.)


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2009, 11:30:23 pm »
Wren hearing the news takes the long trip home to Krandor. Once there he joins the clean up efforts and lends his help where he can. If the home he shares with Elgon still stands he opens it to those that lost thiers.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2009, 11:48:53 pm »
Efforts in Krandor continue in a somewhat organized manner. While there's not a great deal of people capable of helping (whether injured, dead, or disappeared), the quiet and wise guidance of Zire, priestess of Katia and humble leader of the town, aids in keeping things calm.

While the druids continue to work their gift to balance out the damage caused by this catastrophe to a place many nature-folk call home, other curious things occur in the township.

Large golems are seeing carrying heavy pieces of rubble into the sea, where some sort of barricade is being formed. These same golems seem to be aiding in the removal of large debris throughout town and generally making everyone's life a little safer.

The little factions that have formed all seem to have duties of their own. The druids discussing long term protections with a small group of mages and priests from Spellgard that appeared out of nowhere. The Toranites keeping things in order and lending their muscles to help the needy. The many rangers, nature-folk, or younger druids help by making trips into the forest to find food, water, firewood, and so forth.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2009, 12:01:01 pm »
*Cole returns from another foray from the forest...Baltor lugging logs behind him on a wagon Cole salvaged from one of the ruined houses. Cole himself is bringing berries and other edible food foraged from the woods*

*Kyle has been busy in Kelin's bandaging when he can...shoring up weak spots in the building at other times. All the while keeping an eye out for Brittani.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2009, 03:56:03 pm »
After many days of work, most seaside houses are cleared, those which survived structurally are reinforced with proper debris or sand bags. Towards the coast a strange sight slowly comes together.

With the druid's work a system of corals and stones has been erected to act as barrier and defense against more waves. Rumor has it that it is not know how long it will last, but for now it is a very reliable way of cushioning the blow. Similar canals have been made throughout the town to channel overflow.

Standing upon some rocks that sit now in the middle of the many corals is Zire. Her slender elven figure barely visible against the sea spray. She remains there doing Katia only knows what.

The mages continue to ward houses but their resources run low, components for shield scrolls are the most needed materials here as well, this of course is causing some friction with more strict druids that do not want to chop more trees.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2009, 10:51:37 pm »
At some point between efforts, the thin (and probably, much like the rest of the once quiet town's inhabitants, thinner still) red-head pauses near the priestess. She watches for a little while, chewing at the inside of her lip as she considers something. Finally, cautiously and tentatively she approaches the priestess and offers a quiet word. She waits for a few moments for acknowledgment.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2009, 11:31:14 pm »
As the day of the next storm seems to come closer, a man, whose normally blue clothing bears numerous stains of mud, soot and salt water, looks ever more frequently to the brewing storm on the western horizon. His expression is set and determined as he continues to work toward preparing the town for the next onslaught. With the task of clearing the major debris behind them, the man consults and works with the Spellgard mages and the druids when their purposes cross, deferring and advising the priestess Zire as each seems appropriate.

When the clouds loom even larger, he sets himself to the final preparations, coordinating with all who have taken up the challenge of protecting the village as much as can be against the next massive wave.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2009, 12:19:53 pm »
Wren helps the people that are using his home as a shelter prepair for the coming storm. Being that his house is close to the water he helps move them to tents out side Krandor. He packs up all the food he has for them and brings kegs of clean water to the camps. After all the people have been cleared Wren then packs up everthing in his chests and carts them off.
 //dont really have the time to mechanically do this so if my house is wrecked in the next storm please give me time to clean it out. The house is in Elgon's name but they share it.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2009, 12:40:18 pm »
In case it needs to be said Elgon and Wren have equal shares in the house.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2009, 04:05:10 pm »
*Kyle was busy all day in 148 Krandor clearing the interior of debris. Any salvagable wood is used to shore up weak spots in the walls and doorways. Seeing nothing more he could do...he exits the house...closes and boards up the doors and windows. He pauses and looks one more time at the house.*

"Hope it still stands after this is over."

*He finds the man in blue...lending a hand where needed.*

//House is deeded to Ferrit Pandorn (Serissa). I'd speak to her if 148 Krandor is going to be destroyed in the next wave.


