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Author Topic: Dragon attack on Leringard!  (Read 936 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Dragon attack on Leringard!
« on: May 25, 2008, 10:58:08 am »
* The harbour area lies in ruins after a vicious and fatal attack by a great white dragon. Casualties number in the hundreds and most vessels in the harbour are beyond repair. All houses in the harbour district took damage and most remain in ruins, requiring a total reconstruction. Wounded were taken to the temple of Mist to be tended for, while commoners and guardsmen alike helped to evacuate the homes that were affected.*


Before the dragon left back towards the open sea it circled once over the city, bellowing a message for all to hear:

[SIZE=18]"For the breaking of an alliance! Fisterion, King of Dragons, willed it so!"[/SIZE][/B]


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 11:54:14 am »
*Storold comes back to the Leringard Arms hearing about the events after making sure that Clover is safe he just shakes his head and goes to write a notice for the inns and taverns around Mistone*

Dear "Heroes" of the Molten Isle,

I hope you have an idea now about how stupid and foolish you have been. If the losses of Leringard isn't enough for you and the peace we had before didn't satisfy your needs well then you have succeded.
You have now succesfully destroyed years of work to keep a fragile peace and instead brought war opun us. Who ever you might be and where ever you might be, I hold you responsible for each dead, each injury and each destroyed brick in what I for a short time of my life called home. I am soon to move on to another home that I can call entirely my own, and I can assure you than you and your kind are not welcome there.
While a court of law propably wont be able to judge you for any of your wrong doings I hope that you will feel the judgement in your own hearts and minds. And maybe in time the guilt will wash off if you are able to heal the wounds of Leringard and of the peace we enjoyed.
If any of you have been part of the crowd I call my friends, which I highly doubt since they should be smarter than this, you can consider our friendship as terminated from the point where this foolish idea you have brough out into doing entered your heads.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 12:41:01 pm »
Grumbling, a blue clad druid swims out to the temple to heal those she can.

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2008, 12:49:18 pm »
*A copper haired dwarf lass returns to Leringard and witnesses the devastation. Tears of guilt and shame well up in her eyes, her teeth grind in anger. She favors her chest, like she carries a recent wound.*

*She speaks the rage of her torn emotions*

"Zi'htha our', ziazrhhaur'th thazkurr. Our' ragah ziurla kur ur'h azat, po'k po'hr ur'h ziakaath urr az zh'al. Thlaznn rhako our' ziazr'k thkazrt 'rh kur k'a thazkurr thkaaznahth our'hthanwa, arthkaazt urwa ziurzhahark urr our'h athnazrt. Azrt zha aznn grurzh zh'ur our''nn poa ziurlark kur kur waaq k'azk rhhurponal.

"Zhann, our' turk," she spits, "Azk k'a art urwa tazoth, k'aha'th kurark kur poa az hazigurrark, azrt our''ha rurk kurark kur naga ak.

"Lazopoa Ponururt zhazth hak'k."

// "Curse you, caprious dragon. You never come to our aid, but burn our cities on a whim. Small pity you can't stand up to the dragon stealers yourself, instead of cowering on your island. And we all know who you'll be coming to to fix that problem.

"Well, you dog," she spits, "At the end of days, there's going to be a reckoning, and you're not going to like it.

"Maybe Blood was right."


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 01:24:59 pm »
A rather different Sallaron walks by the Inn, limping, wincing with each step and rubbing his chest painfully.
He pauses outside, reading Storold's note.
He simply walks on, shaking his head at the post, rubbing his chest and muttering " Idiot"

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2008, 09:33:05 pm »
*In order to aid in helping sort out the aftermath and relieve some of the pain of the devastation, The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern opens its doors to as many of the refugees as they can house in their times of need.  Kali was also seen going to the orphanage to seek assistance and extra beds while the city docks are being rebuilt. Meager meals are provided to the masses, where possible,  as The Arms was becoming fully stocked for an upcoming event, there seems much food to go around. Several times the gypsy, Kali,  can be seen passing through the streets between the temple and the Inn as, as many as possible of the survivors are offered aid, shelter, and food. *


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2008, 09:49:38 pm »
The Priestess of Lucinda opens her doors as well for healing and shelter to those in need.  She hopes that Samir will understand why his study is overrun with children and his room full of cots.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2008, 09:56:20 pm »
*Jin hurries home to see how his extended family faired.*

"Berilu, are the children safe?"

"Brother Armolas, do we have enough blankets to shelter the guests?"

* Looking weary he continues to work *

"It is time for another meeting of the Farstriders."


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2008, 10:09:29 pm »
*Upon her return to leringard Grenna witnesses the devastation and tears at her thin beard and lets out a roar of rage and sorrow that cows those near her.

*She immediately makes her way to the Farstrider den to seek out JIn and see what aid the pack is going give and immediately gets to work distributing any extra food and rations she can find to the survivors.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2008, 10:24:18 pm »
*Shiff brings what food he can carry from his home to Leringard and handing it out to those he meets while he has some, then goes about offering to the city guards and militia to help maintain order and keep the people of Leringard safe from any further harm*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2008, 10:41:34 pm »
*Wren hearing the rumors goes to see for himself. He brings what food and supplies he can to help*

*A few days later Wren reads the note posted by Storold. He thinks for a bit and then writes on the one in the Scamps Mug.*

Not to cross mental swords with you Storold but the fault in this was cast years ago by a foolish deal with evil. This was inevitable and the longer it took to happen the worse it was going to be. Dont get me wrong I too feel for the loss this has caused but if you are to judge then judge also those that set the world on this path.

Wren Thendor


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2008, 10:58:05 pm »
*A scraggle-haired man in green and brown wools is looking haggard. All day he has been tending to the wounded, hungry and tired, at the Twin Dragon Inn at 137 Leringard. The doors are always unlocked, welcoming all to the hall, but on this day the inn is packed to the brim, and the storeroom is threatening to run out of food. Even the tavern bards have packed away their instruments, and are helping wait tables and aid folks in making blanket-beds. Even if they played, their music would not be heard above the din of the crowd.*

Riven reassures the crowds, "Have no fear, friends, we've hunters out at this moment, gathering venison for the stews. We'll not go short of food for ye."


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 01:52:02 am »
*Barion hears the rumors in the Rofirein temple in Vehl where he still is trying to comfort the children and get them to open up a bit towards others , he takes the time to ask around if it is true and after finding out it is he writes a letter to The Bashers *


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 02:46:02 am »
*Brian hearing of what is happening near his flat, decides to help the search and rescue as he can.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2008, 04:03:19 am »
*Muireann moves amongst the wounded of the temple aiding them up she literally collapses from exhaustion*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2008, 04:34:53 am »
*Lance assists Kali at Leringard Arms, moving beds and setting up cots where ever he can find room. He also shuttles fresh water from various wells from the nearby towns to keep a good supply fresh water for drinking and washing of wounds.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2008, 08:58:58 am »
*Storold seems to be helping but it is sporadicly and most of the time he is away from town, he does though offer some economical help to the hardest hit families*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2008, 09:09:56 am »
*Arriving on mistone through the portal in spellgard, G'ork looks around the city, becoming more and more frustrated as time goes on, then overhearing about the attacks he begins banging on various doors in search of some one, a short while after he storms out of the city towards haven*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2008, 03:23:38 pm »
*After hearing the news Amanda makes her way to the Arms to check on Lance and to offer her help where needed.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2008, 04:39:07 pm »
*upon hearing the news, Starr packs up his kits fir healing. Herbs and bandages and other supplies to help fight off pestilence and disease*
 I will need this and this and oh yes...herbs for a good stew starter and healing teas....
 *as he is apcking he is interupted by Barion. He is asked to represent the Bashers as well and offer assistance. When asking Barion why he does not accomany him, Barion explains it may not be good for a representative of the dragon to walk through town*
 Ahh, I see what your thoughts are on helping the ill and wounded. Master Barion, I will offer the assistance of the Bashers. As soon as I arrive I will seek out an official to let them know so that they may contact the guild with requests for supplies.
 *completes packing his gear and heads out from Hempstead on teh quickest trail as he relaizes the docks may not be receiving ships. Upon reaching Leringard he heads straight away for a guardsman*
 Sir, I am Starr Sapphire...Alexandrite of Her Perfection and representative of the Orc Basher's guild. Please assist me in finding a city official within this turmoil so that I may speak to them of the Basher's offer and then be on my way to assist within where needed.
 *the guard may be hesistant but Starr will be pushy and use title if need to be gain attention of an officer to hopefully expediate the conference with city officials to offer the assistance of the guild so that he may get to the wounded*
 //when he gets in to see the officials (unless something prevents him)
 Sirs of Leringard, I have been given permission by the guild of the Orc Bashers to offer you assistance. We are able to assist in suppling food items to your city as well building supplies to help rebuild once the turmoil is cleaned. In addidtion I am here to offer medical assistance to those wounded and ill as well to assist in fighting off disease and pestilence that usually follows in such plight. Please send message to the guild in Hempstead with what will be needed or seek me out in the city will I am giving aid.
 If there are no questions I will be on my way out to assist.
 *He will wait and answer any questions that arise and then head out to the turmoil to give assistance. Once he gets to the heart of it and sees the devestation he will scribble a note to Merabo in Stone and summon an earth memphit to deliver it. He will then proceed to set up a base for him to start and get to work assisting others. He will set up pots of boiling water to create clean water, mix herbs in some others and sirect those that can help to fetch large cauldrons and what vegatable they can to begin making herbal stews to aid the ill....etc etc.*
 //see Beryl forum for message to Merabo

