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Author Topic: Digging sand has become dangerous business...  (Read 67 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Digging sand has become dangerous business...
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:00:04 am »
[SIZE=16]" The heavy resource digging in the Spirit Dunes slowed to a nearly a stop as aspiring sand miners began encountering frequent mishaps, from unexpected sand slides resulting in dangerous burials, to those that would have sworn they knew the way becoming separated and lost, only to stumble into Krelin's Tents for water just in time. The would-be harvesters were deemed to have an extraordinary amount of luck, as no fatalities or serious injuries occurred - just a halt on most of the digging.

After a week or two of such difficulties, those brave or foolish enough to persist were approached by two pairs of halflings that warned diggers by stating vaguely that many areas are unstable due to erosion, and offered to provide guides to show both better places to dig, and how much to dig. It seems that due to the increased difficulty in acquiring resources there, that the rate of sand leaving the desert will slow greatly, and consist mainly of sand from the advised locations. Would-be diggers are advised to follow the same guidelines. "

[SIZE=10]// Digging sand is not off limits, but every 'digger' in the Spirit Dunes should RP according to the above.[/SIZE]


Re: Digging sand has become dangerous business...
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2008, 01:39:56 pm »
A hooded man in blue may be seen standing in various places around the Spirit Dunes over the course of a single day.  Sometimes he might seem to be off in the distance, appearing and disappearing such that he seems like little more than a fleeting trick of light and heat in the desert sun.  Other times, he may appear close enough to diggers for them to see his face.

He acknowledges those he may see with a nod, but he is of few words, even to those he may know.  His expression seems odd.  While he seems to look around at the surrounding sands, his expression is almost introspective, and his lips are pursed in thought and consideration most times.

His appearance and disappearance happen in a blink with a small rush of Al'Noth surrounding each. Just prior to one such disappearance, he might be hear muttering "...wouldn't kill her to leave a note..."