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Author Topic: Dragon attack on Leringard!  (Read 934 times)


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2008, 06:54:29 pm »
*Tyrian walks around helping the wounded looking REALLY ($#@%^) upset, like shes looking for someone or some people*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2008, 09:41:27 pm »
*a pink haired young woman makes her way thru the wreckage. Helping those shes sees as best she can.

She eventually makes her way to the capital building and after weaving her way thru the masses crowding it. She finds someone in charge and leaves a letter.

Teh ORc Bashers have pledged their support..Please contact as soon as you are able with the list of items and needs the city needs to aid her people. We will do our best to help the people of leringard in these terrible times.

You can contact me as soon as possible.

ABigail Firesteed
Orc Bashers of Hempstead


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2008, 11:05:16 pm »
A fat old dwarf in a business suit-jacket returns after a long journey jogging.  He stands before the wreckage of his city with a grim expression and coils his fist in rage, fuming... then relaxes.

"Vengeance kin wait... for now it's time fer Dorand's work."

He buys a dozen lumber axes and an ox and sets out into the woods.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2008, 12:48:36 am »
*with Abi coming from the, Starr leaves instructions on the mixtures of the herbs and stews and to keep the water pots boiling. He then heads out to the nearest port to catch ship to Lans Port*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2008, 02:27:02 am »
*the fat dwarf carries in log bundles by the 40 full, dragging them to his home, he then sets about, posting up some notices*

Gather for the Relief Effort -> Get a Fullplate or Sheild for a Single Box!

I've talked to Grenna about Leringard and she's doing some cooking for the relief effort.  If you can get any boxes of sage or butter for her, I will make anyone who delivers it a custom metal armor of their choosing, up to Iron.  I'm also gathering lumber my the grove-ful for making planks, so if any of you lads out there gather me boxes of gum arabic, I'll make ye some armor too.  Going to need a lot of sandpaper for them planks, make this dock as quickly as possible!  Here is a chart indicating the value of what ye can have made by me and for how many boxes of what...  Slip a note under the door at 128 Leringard as to who ye are, what ye have and what you be wanting, and I'll get working right away.

So any of ye lads wanting to pitch in and save yer gold on some new equipment, let me know.

1 box of Sage, Wheat, Corn, hickory paper, small clay molds finished hickory planks -> any metal armor from copper to bronze, from chain shirt to full plate, or any shield from copper to bronze from buckler to Tower Sheild.

2 boxes of any of the above, or 1 box of hops, oak paper, medium clay molds, finished oak planks, hickory sandpaper or oak paper -> any Metal armor of Iron from chain shirt to Fullplate, or sheild from buckler to Tower Sheild.

1 Box of Milk, Butter or Sandpaper of any kind and I'll make you an Iron tower shield AND Fullplate.  If you can't use it yet, I'll toss in a bronze or copper to boot.  We need these items in bulk most of all.  Planks for housing and the docks, bread and proper mutton for the starving are what we need most.  We will also be coordinating with any other guilds willing to pitch in.  The more who can do their part, the better off we will be.

Dorand will see us through this.  Through hard work and determination, we will make this greater than it was ever before.  Every hand that chips in, every back that toils and every hammer to every nail, we will rebuild our home.

-Bjornigar Ironguts, Defender of Dorand

//If ye need to get in contact with me for an order, either send me a PM or post below the notice in the Tradehall forum.  Don't want to clutter this thread up too much ;)


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2008, 04:07:11 am »
*A tall, blonde haired woman warrior steps from the shadow of her doorway into the streets of Leringard several days after the destruction has been wrought. Sasha's eyes are red rimmed, her demeanor one of lost hope. She moves carefully nursing her bandaged wounds. Wandering aimlessly she follows the crowds making their way to the docks to aid in the repairs and clean up. As she draws closer and closer her demeanor changes, the lost forlorn look in her haunted eyes changes to one of anger and then....fury.

Seeing Sallaron and Argali working beside many others for the first time in days she allows herself to rise above the self pity into which she had descended. Those nearby could be forgiven for being startled by the words that they hear spoken by the tall battle weary woman who had wandered into their midst. Sasha can be heard to say, her eyes blazing with anger.*

If I have to descend into the deepest darkest pits known to man I swear I will find this Lucindite who serves the Dragon Stealers, and by Rofirein I swear I shall visit Justice upon him with my own sword. Then, then I swear that somehow Fisterion will pay for this.

*Without another word she spins and turns, wincing slightly at the pain in her chest and storms back up the main road to her house to once again unpack the armour, shield and sword she weilds in service to Rofirein from where she had placed it thinking she could never serve him again.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2008, 12:08:54 pm »
At the orphanage, Lyn Tobias arranges extra space and hospital services at Kali's request. Those orphans under Lyn's care aid in the efforts as best they can, the elder children with rebuilding, and the younger with clean-up.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2008, 01:20:11 pm »
** a few days later, a man in a brown coat and green shirt comes to once again survey the damage to Leringard.
Quietly, he approaches one of the Relief workers and has a quick word before moving into one of the makeshift tents where supplies for the survivors are kept.

"So... " the worker says, " ... you'd like to donate. Well... thats excellent. We're stretched pretty thin here... and need all the help we can get."

The man in the coat just nods, and leaning on a table of blankets, he pulls a slip from his coat and scribbles on it and hands it to the relief worked.
The worked takes it, wafting it in the air for the ink to dry before looking down at it.
" Er... wait... you haven't put an amount on this."

The man in the coat winces a little, rubbing his chest, before moving to the tent entrance.
" Thats okay. Arrangements have been made. The clerks will know what to do."

" But... what if they ask?" The Relief worked questioned, hurrying forward to stop the man. " How much should I say to withdraw?"

The man in the coat turns slightly, a sad smile on his face as he shrugs his shoulders.

"All of it."

// If a DM would like to strip Sall's account and transfer to Relief for Leringard
// Or someone working for the Relief effort PM me to drop it off (( But Sall wouldnt give the coins to someone he knows))


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2008, 01:59:49 pm »
*Huntemara comes back to leringard after a long trip. she sees the damage and quickly heads towards her house to see if it's still standing. After checking her house she walks around leringard taking it all in. She then returns to her house and sits there quitely, tears rolling over her face, her face having a sad look.*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2008, 01:59:51 am »
// Any GM can help you out with items and gold that your character wishes to donate. The most direct approach is a PM to a GM of your timezone.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2008, 01:10:05 pm »
Ben is seen or not seen scavenging through the wreckage of various buildings.  Occasionally he pockets some trinket that strikes his fancy, other times he pauses to listen at the wreckages then sets to work clearing a path using his skills and tools to delve deeper into it.  His face shows resignation as he uncovers the dead, hope as he finds some alive.  Without a word he directs the living to the Leringard Inn for aid after treating thier worst injuries then returns to his aimless roaming and searching.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2008, 02:22:41 pm »
*Huntemara starts looking walking around in leringard to look for children that might have lost ther parents and could use a home. she expects to find none but tries anyway*

//any gm that could let me know what hunty would find and perhaps help rp the rest from there on in.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2008, 03:34:07 pm »
*Kyle arrives in Leringard riding on Eldarin. He notices the ornate statues and fountains demolished and hides a sigh of dismay. He prods Eldarin and he navigates the rubble strewn streets. A man curses loudly as he tries to pull his overturned wagon right.

Kyle dismounts and grabbing a rope he ties one end to the wagon and the other to Eldarin. In a few moments...the wagon is upright and Kyle begins to help the family load up. The man angrily stops him.

"It is because of people like you that this happened" He spits at Kyle's feet. "Just leave us be."

Kyle looks at the man sadly and gets onto Eldarin. He rides away quietly...just as the wagon makes it's way out of the city.*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2008, 04:24:09 pm »
// I'll log in tomorrow evening and be around town for an hour.

Calendar event:


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2008, 10:40:49 pm »
*Tyrian opens the doors of the Twin Dragon ushering anyone in need inside. She begins to empty the kitchen feeding people. She hires additional kitchen help, and sends wagons to find food and haul it back, the whole time looking INCREADIBLY angry*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2008, 11:03:42 pm »
*A bleary-eyed hang-dog Riven heads to bed, after days of stretching himself thin, tending to those in the inn, and at times, hunting and bringing back venison for the kitchen*

"Tyrian, wake me when ye need to rest, and I'll keep the food and aid flowing"

Quote from: Riven
*A scraggle-haired man in green and brown wools is looking haggard. All day he has been tending to the wounded, hungry and tired, at the Twin Dragon Inn at 137 Leringard. The doors are always unlocked, welcoming all to the hall, but on this day the inn is packed to the brim, and the storeroom is threatening to run out of food. Even the tavern bards have packed away their instruments, and are helping wait tables and aid folks in making blanket-beds. Even if they played, their music would not be heard above the din of the crowd.*

Riven reassures the crowds, "Have no fear, friends, we've hunters out at this moment, gathering venison for the stews. We'll not go short of food for ye."


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2008, 11:06:29 pm »
* the eastern gates open and several dire bears follow behind a green and brown clad elven figure, dragging some of the fallen timber from outside the gates inside to be used by the repair crews.After untethering the timber he sends the bears back into the woods, while ushering in a pack of dire wolves carrying baskets of fish,berries,and grains, to be dropped off at the front door of the inns. Khuren sends the pack back out and then turns scratching at the burned mark on his chest before moving toward the striders den.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2008, 11:23:18 pm »
Shiff can still be found wandering the streets around the mainstay of refugee housing, making sure those who might try to harm or take advantage of the refugees are kept at bay, as well as helping with repairs and rebuilding when capable.


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2008, 05:20:03 am »
*After Helping with the search and rescue (assuming it is over) Brian goes over to the mist temple and lends a hand to tend to the wounded.*


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2008, 06:57:47 pm »
Two cargo vessels, escorted by four naval vessels appear off the coast of Leringard.

Smaller vessels start to transport supplies from the vessels, one can see large sturdy pieces of wood, probably from the Forest of Fog, that would be very useful for the reconstruction of the docks.

Also, a lot of blankets and clothing to help the citizens that lost their homes stay warm arrive in large quantities.

An emissary and his escort can also be seen leaving the small fleet and heads south towards Blackford Castle.