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Author Topic: Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl  (Read 86 times)


Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« on: August 04, 2007, 05:32:19 pm »
Hundreds of posters appear overnight all over Fort Vehl

Bloody and brutal times.

Drakes rain fire from the skies and goblinkin ravage and pillage without fear of reprisal. The innocent, the starvelings, the children are the victims of the madness. Unbenownst to most, we are mere pawns in a cycle of violence perpetuated by the church of Rofirein and it's rivals. It is not our misdeeds that have brought this trouble upon our homes.

How do we, the so-called common man, resist such treatment of our person? That of our families? How do we cast off the shackles placed upon us by this church that cares not at all for us.

The church of Rofirein and it's high and mighty knights, do they hear our plea? Nay. They deal in violence. They deal in punishment. They build their glistening temples of marble and gold while we starve in the dirt at their feet. Beneath notice. They lack any mercy for those not of their order and we can no longer show them more compassion than they give us.

Let any who bear the device of the Dragon God know fear. Let them know the fear that has been their weapon for far too long strikes both ways. The knife in the hand of the child can bring low the mighty knight when it is wielded with righteous fury.

Bloody and brutal times. No longer just for us.


Re: Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2007, 09:40:39 pm »
// In considering this I do not believe this could have been accomplished in the current light in Fort Vehl. At present you have a heightened sense of security on the streets of Vehl and there is no time of the day or night when you do not have people on the street in this town. Even given the nature of the city you still have a Rofireinite presence there and a number of followers who dwell in the city and who visit the city as well. Any number of which would have been able to see the posters being put up and reported it to the nearest Rofireinte Guradian or Knight, priest or layperson. I believe it is quite interesting to suggest this could happen with no witnesses unless the posters magically materialised somehow!  However IC... //

*Sasha while still investigating the recent attack on Vehl emerges from the bank to see people clustered around a wall that has had several of these posters placed upon it. Seeing mutters and glances at her direction as she walks up proudly displaying her shield bearing the symbol of Rofirein upon it she reads the posters. An angry look soon forms on her face and she glances around her at the gathered people, some have puzzled looks, others concerned and some too have smug grins as if they agree with whats been blatantly fabricated and deliberately a provocation of anti-Rofireinite activity. Angrily she turns on those gathered taking them all in with a single glance and loud enough so that all on the street passing by can hear her she says.*

For how long has the Great Gold stood to serve the common man, how long have those who strive to carry out his mission, bled and died so that all of you could have your cities, have your farms, have your families and have your lives. This world is not a perfect one and things are not always what you would have, but think how much worse it wold be if chaos and hatred were able to reign supreme.

This *indicates the poster* is exactly that, weak men or women who work from the shadows trying to incite hatred and sow chaos. They want you to fear, they want you to mistrust your fellow man. What happens when you turn on those who have striven for so long to bring you a better life against the bitterness and chaos that others would have you live with. What happens then? Do you turn on each other? The trusts you have worked your entire lives to build, gone in an instant, man against man, war, chaos.

You stand before me now, some of you I can see considering the possibilities of what is presented to you here in the form of this slanderous proclamation. Perhaps it is you who have suggested this course of action? *her gaze focus's on a man who was openly mocking her with his grin. Slowly it fades and the man coughs and withdraws as all eyes turn to stare at him*

Let it be known here and now that if any think that following the threat and tone of this message is the right thing to do they are sorely mistaken and the temple and those within it will act to always carry out the tenants that we hold true to. We will defend any innocent who is threatened by such chaos and blatant disregard for peace and justice. We will uphold the law as it is written and we will bring to justice those who would incite acts of murder and terror. We stand firm in the face of such cowardly acts of deliberate attempts to incite fear and hatred.

Did not the recent attacks on this city show that we have enough enemies from outside than to deal with them within as well and I tell you here and now that whoever put these posters up is the enemy. Does it not seem strange that their attack on the city failed and thus they resort to this type of warfare? Be strong and stand together, denounce those amongst you who would sell you out to the creatures that sought to attack the city. By standing together we can make a difference. We will do our duty as always to you. Will you do the same with each other?

*her face flushed, her hand firmly on the hilt of her large blade she turns making her way through the crowd as they part for her to make her report to the temple*


Re: Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2007, 03:27:51 am »
*On the other side of the street Varka watches the woman speech to the crowd. Shortly the hairs in Varka neck rises and goose bumps crawls over his arm. As she finishes her speech and walks off Varka looks after her. Shortly their gaze meets and Varka nods agreeing with her. After watching the locals talking about the poster Varka walks out of the main gate and up into the mountains followed by a few dwarves.*


Re: Posters appear overnight in Fort Vehl
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 11:21:04 am »
//Freshly scribbled in various locations on a few handfuls of the posters...
PROPAGANDA!! It's propaganda![/color]
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT

