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Author Topic: Dragon Sighting on the Hilm-Kuhl border  (Read 142 times)


Dragon Sighting on the Hilm-Kuhl border
« on: September 13, 2010, 06:42:42 pm »
Scouts from Hilm have returned to the city reporting the presence of a massive Red Dragon flying slowly along the border between Hilm and Kuhl.

The Dragon, according to the scouts was untainted, and in full control of its faculties.

The scouts observed the Dragon for several hours before it turned west back into Kuhl.
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Dragon Sighting on the Hilm-Kuhl border
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 07:39:53 am »
Admorin Oakbound was taking tea with a Druid in the woodland northwest of Lor when news of the sighting reached him. Now there is a sight you don't see every day he thought. He looked to his companion and merely said "It's up!" He read on, adding "No, it's down." He finished his tea looking north and then east.


 Before long a second,smaller red dragon was airborne north of Lor.

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon Sighting on the Hilm-Kuhl border
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 07:10:08 pm »
Originally posted by Script Wrecked 09-13-10, 05:26 PM (Google Cache time)

A dwarven lass takes a moments respite from letter [POST=1704112]writing[/POST] to step out onto the battlements of Hilm Castle. The wind catches her copper tresses, and she vainly attempts to catch at them with the ink stained fingers of her left hand. She looks out long over the battlements to the west, as though she might actually be able to catch a glimpse of the reported dragon still in the air.