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Author Topic: Sublimis  (Read 900 times)


« on: July 25, 2014, 04:13:23 pm »
This is the time when both Ausir and Orn become new simultaneously and start their revolutions of light again. This night, legendary and feared by the rest of the world, is called Sublimis. The followers of Corath often overrun their local areas with armies of unliving. Like locusts, the horde will grow as it moves until daylight hits and they are driven back.Eaornath D’lisk, which translates in the older “folk tongue” loosely as “Briardusk’s little sister” is a small village in the Hilm Protectorate. An urgent plea for assistance from the local Toranite Priest named “Cinestral” has made its way to Briardusk. Undead have been spotted in the countryside in growing numbers, and it is feared that within a couple days time the village will be overrun when the moons become new. Many families have refused to leave and have boarded themselves up in their homes.-------------// Impromptu Quest Saturday July 26th, 12:00 – 2:00PM -PDT (Seattle WA).This will primarily be a “hack and slash” event. Waves upon waves of undead. This will be posted on the event Calendar.Meet in Dalanthar on the Central Cerver.

Lance Stargazer

*As he hears of this Lance on
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 10:33:00 am »

*As he hears of this Lance on his office in Hilm castle is seen organizing people, he instructs some members of the Company of the Star*

- This is intolerable, even with our resources as thin as they are we can't allow this to happen and remain with the arms folded, look for volunteers among the Toranites, and send someone of the order of the Shinning hand to oversee and help as they can, we need to focus on providing the people of our fine kingdom safety, and its for sure its not under my watch that Hilm its going to be overrun by this filth -

**He seems organizing patrols as apparently this may not be the only incident on the area*



Martin knocks on Lance’s
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 11:21:00 am »

Martin knocks on Lance’s office door and pokes his head inside. “Commander, a three man strike unit from the Shining Hand has arrived. They are in route to Eaornath D’lisk and wanted to check in with an intelligence update.” Lance motioned for Martin to give the specialists entry.

The two men and one woman that entered were clad from head to toe in chainmail. Their faces were stern and hard, like most of their kind. One cannot stare into the face of horror as often as they and remain unscathed.

“The woman spoke. “Commander, we are at your service. We will depart for Eaornath D’lisk shortly. We thought you should know though, this is going to prove a difficult fight. Early indications are that this Sublimis is going to be a much more “significant” event than we have seen in this area for close to 100 years. There is a very powerful force behind this… I’m afraid we are not dealing with a lone necromancer. On the way here we took down a two headed bone golem. I fear that is but a taste of what is to come.”

Lance took a few moments for this to sink in before he responded…


Lance Stargazer

*Lance  looks to his loyal
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2014, 12:08:00 pm »

*Lance  looks to his loyal aide, and gestures him in and the guests as he hears the news , upon the presentations he  listens to  the woman and nods as the knowledge comes and sink in*

I must say , first Welcome then Brothers and Sister, I'd would have wished that our encounter would be in less dire circunstances,  Its interesting as you put this information, I am going to send word to Birardusk and sundance to support with troops then , for the safety of the village, alas I am affraid that there is not enough people avaiable to fight this alone, we may need the help of our finest. 

I of course understand what you are saying, its not something to take lightly. 

*Lance ponders for a moment on the situation, then informs the Shining Hand members* 

This is indeed troublesome and unusual. If you had not been there,  Be sure to pass by the Redemer's rise on the court, that fountain water may come an useful help in the task, as its Blessed by Toran in the form of one of his spirit servants, Even if i understand that each man faith is a power to reckon, it is never outruled to have any extra help of our Lord to the task, Speak with the guard in charge of the fountain, Martin will arrange for the water to be dispensed to you preferebly by now.

*He instructs to Martin*  Gather some men of the company of the Star as well for support, help with the coordination beetwen the people and protect the people from there. Let those people know that nor Hilm nor Toran leaves its people to their own. 


Lance Stargazer

*In the near market , the
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2014, 02:23:00 pm »

*In the near market , the blonde man spills his grape juice upon hearing the news* 

- An horde of undead?  , Geez . Does this coutry ever see peace? -

*Argos had been in the castle for several days, enjoying the time with his Rory, they just returned form "The hand" in Horn kingdom some days ago, the visit to Rory's parents had gone well, he still had his head upon his shoulders, that was something, despite the continual bullying of "his brunnete Rorothea"'s brothers, it came with the package, Rory had gone to do some shoping and he was just enjoying a good time in the market, when he heard the news, he grined a bit to make the mood lighter than what the dire news actually conveyed. *

- Guess the visit to my parents have to wait after all -  *he stood up with a jump and packed up his things, l0oking for his Rory to let her know of the events, he stood with no official rank, he had not done this for the sake of the family, of with military goals in mind, he saw people in need of help,   and so the son of the Commander Stargazer was seen riding to the wild, hoping that its was not  too late *



The three Toranite Undead
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 09:19:42 pm »

The three Toranite Undead Slayers are seen collecting skins full of water from the “Redeemer’s Rise” after conveying the Commander’s instructions. They soon depart with other elements of the Company of the Star that are prepared to leave. Fearful townsfolk line the streets to wish them well. More than one person can be seen looking to the sky...



On hearing the news of the
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2014, 04:14:40 am »

On hearing the news of the undead , Dan makes his way to hlim , where he tries to get the low down from lance.

anyting oi can elp wiff lad? Oi eard ye av a littol problem wiff some deaders loike


Lance Stargazer

*After some time of waiting
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2014, 10:32:48 am »

*After some time of waiting and searching , Dan finds Lance going out of the healing clinic in the courtyard of the castle, he seems in good health though , despite the rumours of him being sick and in treatment, upon being reached by Dan , Lance smiles a bit *

- Now that is a face I had not seen in a while, Masterdwarf Dan ,- *he bows his head a bit in a way of greeting* - And you certainly arrive in a tine of need, If you have the time and the disposition, there is a crisis in a small village near Briardusk, close to the borderline with Khul, We have reports of  large undead presence roaming in the field. Troops has started to move to try to stop this, and protect the people of the village.

The village is named "Eaornath D’lisk" , for reference,  If you could go and investigate it. I'd be thankful. Yet time its not on our side

*Lance awaits his reply*




*he nods as he takes it all
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2014, 10:58:36 am »

*he nods as he takes it all in*

Aye ye can av me axe ond shield lad , oil take point four ye .. Oil marc thart way stright awa wiff on otters willin te join meh


Lance Stargazer

*Lance nods to the
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2014, 02:42:00 pm »

*Lance nods to the dwarf*

Thank you Masterdwarf, The deputy will depart soon by the east gate of the citadel, Present yourself with Leitutenant Xelios, he'll know about your arrival.  Good hunting.




Eaornath D’lisk was nearly
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 12:28:47 am »

Eaornath D’lisk was nearly overrun with “the dead that walk” by the time a group of adventurers made their way to the besieged village from Hilm. Several buildings were in flames and three Toranite undead hunters with a few remaining soldiers from the Company of the Star had barricaded the northwest perimeter. Less than an hour earlier Cinistral, the local Toranite priest who had sent out the initial alarm and call for aid, had been dragged screaming into the trees by a pack of ghouls before friends could reach him.

The tired and beleaguered defenders moral improved greatly with the needed reinforcements though. Dwarves Griff Silversand and Dan Hardhammer fought shoulder to shoulder with Argos Stargazer. The keening voice of Farros Galdor could be heard over the din of battle in between his vicious attacks, inspiring those around him to dig deep within themselves for the resolve to continue in the face of uncounted horrors. Nature aided in their defense through Maran and Zigruum Frostbeard, striking down uncounted undead and restoring balance. And all the while a flashy leather clad Sehky rained destruction into the enemy ranks, emptying several quivers of broad headed arrows without faltering.

Throughout the dark and moonless night, wave after wave of the walking dead threw themselves into the crucible of the defender’s line… and time after time were cut down and pushed back. Giant skeletal ogres, zombies and skeletons of numerous varieties, ghoul packs, and shadowy wraiths were all a prelude for what was to come… the master of the horde, and a traitor in their midst.

The attacks were too coordinated. They struck weak points, and when those sections of the line were reinforced they struck another. The defenders investigated and discovered a villager with an old military signal lantern on their flank. He attempted to run, but was quickly captured. His rambling curses and entreaties to the Dark Lord were all they needed to prove he was a Corathite sympathizer assisting in the madness of this Sublimis attack. When he threw himself at them in a blind fury he was cut down.

As dawn approached, there was a pause in the relentless attack. The dead coalesced at the tree lines. A solitary skeletal figure dressed in old rotting velvet and leather strode ahead of them, red light burning in his empty eye sockets. He cackled with insane laughter, and as he motioned his horde forward he screeched, "You cannot stand before me, I am a hand of Corath... I am Aeirondall! I will flay your flesh from your bones and sacrifice you on the ebon alter!"

This last all-out attack was the source material for future bardic ballads. The Lich Aeirondall wove great and spectacular manifestations of Al’Noth to support his troops… but to no avail. He fell to blades, magic, and the perseverance of mortals who dared to stand up to his evil. His horde could not maintain its momentum and quickly abandoned the attack.

As the morning sun began to creep towards the horizon, the realization of the cost of this defense hit home. All of the members of the company of the Star had fallen, including Lieutenant Xelios. Only one undead hunter was alive. Countless villagers were slain. Through all of this carnage Argos Stargazer slowly walked with pain in his eyes for the fallen. None deserved this fate. He knelt next to the body of Lieutenant Xelios and laid his hands upon the valiant soldier and prayed to Toran, asked for more time for the young man, asked for another chance. The Great Leader answered this request and to the amazement of all around the broken body mended before their very eyes, life returned to his vacant eyes, and his chest heaved to suck in life giving air. Argos moved to the nearby body of one of the undead hunters and repeated the act with the same result, and then to the next. After this third miracle of resurrection a crowd had gathered and many of the villagers were kneeling in respect and thanks. Argos only wished he could have done more…

It took nearly a full day to recover all of the bodies of the fallen defenders. After funeral ceremonies they were cremated respectfully to prevent any from rising. It took two more full days to dispose of the undead decimated in the defense, and the oily smoke from the piles of burning monsters could be seen by any within 20 miles of Eaornath D’lisk.


// Several weeks later a memorial of the battle is placed in the center of the village. On it is inscribed the names of all of the defenders, living and dead. The village leaders send word to Hilm Castle that the defenders are henceforth granted the municipal title of “Brother of Eaornath D’lisk.” A copper necklace for each living member, and one for the kin of the fallen, accompany the missive. They are not wealthy and have nothing monetarily to give, but hope that this title will give them the peace of mind that whenever in the area of Eaornath D’lisk, they will be granted food, shelter, and aid by the village at no cost until their last mortal days on Layonara.


Lance Stargazer

*Lance listens to the
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2014, 10:35:10 am »

*Lance listens to the reports, and frowns a bit, his eyes saddens upon the report, he looks upon Martin for a moment as he finishes with the last paperwork of the day *

- Martin, I think its time to do a personal visit to this town, two dangers in just a couple of months, it speaks volumes of something happening there, and the poor people, you know the deal of the things while I'm gone, I'll use this chance to go to Briardusk to speak with the mayor there anyway. -

*Two figures are seen leaving on the next morning, attaired in simple traveling clothes as if they were just two travelers heading towards the fabled village, the knight and Commander and his wife, travles under low profile.


Lance Stargazer

*The way back Hilm was slow
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2014, 02:10:41 pm »

*The way back Hilm was slow and silent as death, at least it was for Argos, on the way he traveled back with Lieutenieant Xelios and those who returned to the Castle, the mood of the man was grim, its been a while since he had seen so much massacre, the grace invested on him conforted somehow, alas  so much death* 

*One thing was for sure, the people there may had find some rejoice in toran's blessings, he wished he could be as joyous, it was just by his own body and the extent of his phisical abilities that he was able to channel enough to raise as many as he could., he wished he could have done more... his body was aching , but not as much as his heart*

*Torn on the way back he observed to the young Xelios, his first mission on the field apparently, a promising officer on the Company of the Star, led by his father, Sir Lance Stargazer, the elite troops of Hilm, he couldn't help but to smile a bit as this man had given a chance to return to his family, ... Family was indeed a strange thing, he had tried over the past to overcome the shadow of his father, Rory had helped with that, he thought he had come to peace with it, but this mission just made him realized he had not fully put it past him, he somehow felt envy and anger as the actions of his father would always overcome his, he discarded the thougth inmediately, he had learned over the years how wrong were those thougths, his test was diferent, he was a diferent man, he may never be the general or the paragon of virtue that his father was, but he had a family, a man of diferent path, one set by the duality and the conflict that all his life had brought to him ... and still just a simple man.*

*Argos knew that not many would see in him the son of one of the leaders of this kingdom, it was better this way, it always has been,  probably not even the Undead slayers that are near the group would recognize him as the son of the Commander, and if they did, no one had said a thing, it was better this way, he looked upon the road and the rest of the Toranites, the moods varied, the Shinning hand always so distant, he thought of Jilly and how she raisd to the ranks of captain and how she seemed to had not lost the joy of life despite the rank and file, he thought of it as a small miracle, he had heard that she even had a boy fruid of her marriage to that other brother of the longsword, he found himself a reason to smile*

*Then he had his own kids, the five little ones that have now grown and out on the world, Ausir was his concern, its been a while since it has seen him, and Orn following his steps into the clergy, Aiden and Keira, and finally Lil Ell, upon thinking on the little one named after his mother, he couldn't help but to smile a bit more, he raised his head and watched the Castle in the horizon, the memory of the eyes of his wife came to his mind, ... it would be interesting when he came back to her arms*