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Author Topic: Eaornath D’lisk - The Rebuilding  (Read 358 times)


Eaornath D’lisk - The Rebuilding
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:06:16 am »
The sun was a few hands above the horizon when the wagons began pulling into Eaornath D’lisk. The villagers began making their way to the town square, whispers and questioning looks everywhere. Ten large wagons in all, drawn by oxen, there muscles bulging beneath the straps and yokes. Their cargo holds loaded with wood, rope, nails, and stone. A few carried provisions, large sacks of wheat and root vegetables stacked high. The occasional crack of a whip and yell of a teamster rose above the buzzing talk.The town Alderman approached the lead wagon and raised his hands, his face full of sorrow. “Sir, although we have need for the supplies you carry, we are unlikely to be able to afford your wares. Some perhaps, but we do not have the money for most of your goods.” The teamster smiled kindly at him. “No need for coin your honor. All of these goods are being provided free of charge by Hilm Castle…” He chuckles, “…and their labor is at no cost as well.” The Alderman follows the man’s pointing thumb and his mouth hangs open in disbelief as he watches a column of carpenters, engineers, stone masons, and soldiers of the Company of the Star making their way into the town. A cheer from the villagers echoes over the rooftops as they eagerly begin helping with the unloading.
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Lance Stargazer

*Some weeks had passed maybe,
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 03:43:00 pm »

*Some weeks had passed maybe, the arrival of a caravan with a non remarkable couple of travelers, are seen stopping in the village on its way to Briardusk, the man a tall blonde man with serene expression looks at the village works with distracting look, as the woman , a smaller and slim elven female looks up at him and speaks as she touches his arm*

- Wake up, Scoundrel, if you keep staring your eyes may pop out of their sockets -

*The man looks at her with a smile and simply shakes his head*  I am just glad to see the town taking shape again, its only natural.

*The woman replies in calm voice *- I still not sure you should be hidding as you come here, the people deserve to know-

*He replies at her* - I am not hidding, princess, I just don't want to make it harder for them, you know its not praise or acknowledgement i am looking  for here.-

*She smiled a bit after that , patting his arm and returning his gaze to the construction*  -I know .. -

*The couple kept his gaze into the activities of the village, their silence and touch speaking volumes without a single word been exchanged , after some time they return to their activities as the caravan as its prepares to retake the path to Briardusk *