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Author Topic: Threat to the Balance – Incursion from the White Desert of La’Tah  (Read 2117 times)


Rumours filter into Krashin
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2014, 05:31:09 pm »

Rumours filter into Krashin that giant raiders are still being seen on Black Ice Isle... although in fewer numbers.



*Corky plops down by the
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2014, 02:29:18 am »

*Corky plops down by the tents and fire outside the frozen marsh tundra.  They had made there way through the ice cave and crossed the ice bridge into the land of the big bears.  Charm, Grog and Ryubi also finding places along the welcomed fire.  The deed had been done and the balance restored.  They recounted the battles and accessed their strategy.  They had done well by all accounts, albeit, a bit hasty at times.  The huge Frost Giants had put up a grand fight, but not a match for Charm's control of her magic and Grog's might with the sword.  Corky's song rang through the ice halls and Ryubi's persistance and optimissim also abounded.  The creatures treasure was looted and several scouting missions had been made to check for any roaming giants that didn't include themselves in the final battle.  None were to be found.  The last three giants were different than the rest, one a grand fighter, one a cleric of sorts and one that seemed of royalty you might say.  All lay dead and slain.  Corky would make it back to the guard posts on Black Ice and report their findings.  He then would travel to the White Badger Tribe* and find out more from them where these giants might have come from and tell them of his heroic efforts and his companions efforts to thwart their danger.  Mangus and Gisiom's names would also come up in his reports as being a great addition early on to to recon the area and help end the giants rogue control of the area.*

//Mission completed and treasure found; thanks again for a great static quest Rav

//*White Badgers are a tribe of gnomes that Corky came to know on his cdq for skald with GM Brewmaster



*Ryubi congratulates Corky,
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2014, 03:27:23 am »

*Ryubi congratulates Corky, Grog and Charm for all their help in vanquishing the incursion of frost giants.  He looks curiously at some of the interesting items found in the chests inside the cave.  One such item is a wedding ring.  Wondering who it might of belonged to he pockets it for safekeeping.  Ry makes sure to double back  looking for tracks or blood that may lead to more giants or possibly injured animals or persons.  The frozen tundra is getting colder by the minute and when his searchings are done he'll head home quickly to a hot bath and a warm cup of cider. *

//Thanks Rave another great one!



//Glad you enjoyed. I'll have
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2014, 10:57:44 am »

//Glad you enjoyed. I'll have a post quest write-up over the weekend. There will be some post-quest perks for everyone involved on this one.




As Corky and friends make
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2014, 06:14:40 pm »

As Corky and friends make their way towards White Badger lands he grins with a sense of pride. The guard posts on Black Ice Isle welcomed their news of battle and victory. Meat and ale was shared over cracking fire, and laughter was carried on the cold winds.

When they arrive at the White Badger tribe they are welcomed. Corky and friends are hailed as victors. Battle songs are sung late into the night and the young skalds of the tribe compose ballad after ballad regarding their deeds.

The consensus is that the giants were a raiding party from the White Desert of La’Tah. Many of the tribal elders gaze into the north though, conversation is guarded, and they wonder among themselves if this was just the beginning of something much greater. Warriors from the tribe later report finding a great long ship made of ice on the coast, empty and beached. They piled dead wood over it and lit a great bonfire, returning the boat to the sea’s embrace.

// The following players are due one hour of quest xp for both in game involvement and forum work. See me in game to collect. If I missed anyone, please PM me.








This quest line is now closed.