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Author Topic: End Game  (Read 7363 times)


Lieutenant Vercilaas spurs
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2014, 08:37:00 pm »

Lieutenant Vercilaas spurs his mount into the area where the stones are being held and shoots a nasty glance at Mangus. His horse nearly barrels over the unsuspecting adventurer. “The stones are moving now!” Half a dozen knights dismount from the perimeter, take custody of the artifacts, and lash them to the backs of two riderless horses holding the bodies of fallen followers of “The Gold.”

He scans the adventurers and says “You are welcome to accompany us and assist in protection of the stones. Do not attempt to hinder us though... You will be placed under arrest. They will be taken to the temple of Rofirein for further deliberation and safekeeping. Your debriefing would be of great value, so I do urge you to consider continuing to offer your help.” He then jerks his bridle and guides his horse towards the front of the quickly forming column and yells "Aesthir, please join me!"

You are quickly discovering that the Lieutenant definitely has a different personality than the fallen Captain.





Mangus gave  Storold and
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2014, 09:37:07 pm »
Mangus gave  Storold and Aesthir a wrorried look but did not interfere with the lieutenant. 
Instead, he somehow began to hear his grandmothers voice in his head. On the day that she introduced him to the Great Plains herbs, she told him a story of a lion and a squirrel. He remembered the parable well....
The lion said to the squirrel; "I will eat you, I will eat you, I will eat you."  And the squirrel said; "Yes you will eat me lion but you are mistaken in two ways..." And the lion said "Squirrel, you are a fool! I am 10 times bigger than you, 10 times faster than you, and my teeth are 10 times larger than yours!" And the squirrel said; " Yes, yes, all true but still you are mistaken in two ways..." 
The lion growled and roared and showed his fangs and there was no mistaking that the lion was ferocious and strong. But the squirrel simply squeaked and smiled and said; " I'm sorry lion but you are still mistaken in two ways." 
So the lion, not wanting to be mistaken in two ways, even though he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would eat the squirrel, eat the squirrel, eat the squirrel decided to let the squirrel explain himself before he died. "okay squirrel" said the lion, "explain to me how I am mistaken in two ways. 
" Well..." Said the squirrel, "first we must measure both of our necks. Come, follow me up this tree so we can measure our necks safely."
The lion followed the squirrel up the tree. 
"Now I will go first" said the squirrel, and he took some rope and wrapped it around his own neck carefully tying the rope in to a little bow.  Then he slipped the bow off his neck and over his head and said, "There, that is how big my neck is. 
Now for your neck." He then slipped the rope around the lions neck and tied it into a little bow. Then, he faced the lion, and slapped him as hard as he could and turned and ran down the tree. The lion gave a mighty roar and began to chase the squirrel, but quickly he was stopped by the rope around his neck. The squirrel, it seems had tied the other end of the rope around a sturdy branch and the Lion found himself hanging by the neck from that branch.
The squirrel walked up to the lion as he hanged there by the rope and said; "You were mistaken in two ways because, one, just because you are 10 times bigger than me doesn't mean you can eat me, and two, even if you COULD eat me, you would only have been able to eat me once...
Mangus had always felt that the story was silly and unrealistic, and while he understood the basic meaning, he had never fully understood how it might apply to a real situation in his life.... Untill now. 
He looked to Aesthir and Storold for their responses to the lieutenants apparent bull headedness.


The public portal at the “Red
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2014, 12:07:44 am »

The public portal at the “Red Raccoon” activates and a half elven male and female step into the common area of the inn. The male suddenly looks a little queasy and disoriented, but quickly gains his composure. The innkeeper Alphonse and his wife Jesible smile broadly as they see the new arrivals... “Connor and AnnaLee! It has been ages since you last passed this way… Welcome! Apologies though… We had an incident last night and are still trying to make sense of it and clean things up.”

The innkeepers lead them away from the small crowd to a more private area of the inn where they hold a fairly lengthy private conversation.


//PMs sent…



*Storold  moves so that he
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2014, 06:06:14 am »

*Storold  moves so that he can be heard by the captain and his men*

By which rigth do you claim the stones? Because you can clearly not claim the belong to the Realm, otherwise no adventurer would exist, since their only source of income would be gone. Secondly you are violating Lucindas law by bringing potetial harm to others by your actions with these magical items. I therefore see just as much reason as you do to arrest me to hold you and your men responsible for their crimes against Lucinda.



Foresta flits accross the
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2014, 04:12:49 pm »

Foresta flits accross the sunken swampland, approaching nearer Storold briefly inturrupting his flow. "In response to Unit Captain Vercilaas's words, whats in a rank anyway, has become louder and well more manly....over here....." She skips surefootedly towards  Vercilaas and his men "You Sir have become very outspoken and determined, you can see what has happened of course - it's a balance thing, you-him." She has returned to a position almost midway between the two opinion groups. "Time for a nice cup of herbal tea I think, and we can all speak with..quieter voices?" she suggests.  



Without heeding the words of
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2014, 11:13:02 am »

Without heeding the words of the adventurers, the column of nearly 40 well-armed and armored knights of Rofirein pull out as a cohesive military unit and begin moving toward Fort Vehl. Lieutenant Vercilaas does not so much as glance in the direction of the adventurers as they disappear into the swirling fogs and mists of the swamp.



*Storold shakes his head to
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2014, 11:34:04 am »

*Storold shakes his head to himself and shouts after them*

Do you really want me to stop you with force!? Your church is worse at keeping magical artifacts safe that a xeenite priestess is at keeping men from her doorstep! 



Vrebel takes a long pull from
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2014, 08:53:58 pm »

Vrebel takes a long pull from his yew pipe and exhales the golden splendor smelling smoke in the form of a near perfect ring.  He looks to Storold a bit impressed and then to the disapearing column of Rofireinite knights

You talkin' force?

His eyes glimmer for a moment at the thought but then he appears more serious once he mulls it over

What kind of force?  I mean thats a full column of Rofireinite knights that just spilled blood to save our tails.  I ain't real keen on getting into it with em' but I've got yer back on this.

He glares over to Foresta and then back to the disapearing soldiers

Unless she can get them horses back with the Stones the only other option is to cut em off before they enter Vehl.  It's a darn fine mess.

He takes another puff from his pipe and starts readying his horse for travel


Lance Stargazer

*As an overseer, Aesthir
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2014, 03:49:52 pm »

*As an overseer, Aesthir rides with the Rofirenites, so far , and appriach the lieuteninant*

Good sir, I see that the tensions are getting a bit high with the last developments, and I am sure that you understand the reasons why this good people aren't happy or even more apt to say nervous about the incident, with this said I do think that you are devout to do the best for everyone rather a single group, since the scope of this problem may be way beyond this realm.

With this said, I understand the strenght in numbers is for the safety of the stones, and the dangers that they may entail and i agree with you,  but .. back when we started this incursion , we planned on doing so in a small numbers to prevent a massive danger that would be deemed unnecesary, If we get this stones into the city, and the stones activate, what hopes do we have?  If an unit of prepared knigths were ready, we had some chance, but .. Vehl would find the enemy surroundered by inocents, people who looks for the city for the safety of the dangers outside. Captain Draedan made his best to heed the wisdom of the gold by putting safety of the numbers first, I do believe you follow in his wake by the same wisdom. 

If numbers is what you need, I am sure that the church would believe more appropiate to protect the inocents rather than risk them to any danger, even if the danger now its just a threat.  So .. instead of our current plan of action, would you mind if i suggest an alternative? 

*Aesthir awaits for the man's acknowledgement then keeps speaking*

Instead of Vehl , I believe there is a small stronghold, enough to provide some shelter that is just one day ride away from the city .... The fabbled Jesom's Hope,  if i am not mistaken,  I do believe that if the stones are guarded there, it holds way less posibilities from a disaster, and once we got there, a messenger could be dispatched towards the temple for reinforcements or instructions, this also would give chance to the Lucindites that may come to find a more familiar spot to study the place. 

We should not forget, as your unit has acted admirably, that the only law that matters at this point is Co'rrys' law, with your beliefs in the Divine law of course as compass to guide us, as it guides every civilized kingdom.

What you say ? 

*Aesthir awaits for the reply of the man*



Lieutenant Vercilaas purses
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2014, 11:07:01 pm »

Lieutenant Vercilaas purses his lips as his horse slogs through the swampy water and he listens to Aesthir’s words. After some consideration he nods and says “Yes, the Rofirein monastery of Jesom’s hope is a good alternative. It is small, but the walls and buildings are stone. It can be defended… and it is far enough from Fort Vehl to reduce risk to the population, but close enough that representatives of the church, city, or other interested parties can access it within a day’s ride. The only drawback is there is no portal… so if reinforcements are needed, they will also be a day’s ride away.”

The Lieutenant passes word to one of his sergeants of the change in destination. The men are stoic and not a complaint can be heard from anyone.

He also mutters, “And we can attend to our dead there as well. It will be a fitting resting place.”



*Mangus listens while Aesthir
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2014, 12:09:21 am »
*Mangus listens while Aesthir speaks to the lieutenant. His calming words softly manipulating the sway of the lieutenants thinking, also seem to have an affect on Mangus. He begins to sway softly as he stands. nodding a bit, forth and back. His eyelids grow heavy and his ears normally pert and pointed bend and relax themselves. 
...All is agreeable...everything is concerns...
Something about Aesthir's persuasiveness causes Mangus to almost fall asleep and release any concern or worry about the stones. 
Almost falling over he catches himself and abruptly becomes awake and shakes himself from the grip of Aesthir's smooth talking prowess.*
"Huh ?! What?!"
*He turns to Storold and whispers;* "Sheesh! Dat Aesthir could sell ice cubes to dem tribes in Krastin huh?"


Foresta works some oak
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2014, 03:34:19 am »

Foresta works some oak splinters into a small fire she has quickly put together mainly from some carried belongings, the swamp offering little dry materials. She holds up a couple of wooden cups offering a herbal brew to a fast vanishing crowd. "Ah well, more for me" She muses. "All's settled it seems. "


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir bows his head in
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2014, 12:03:03 pm »

*Aesthir bows his head in acknowledgement*

Quite wise descision, must say Lieutenient. I understand that the descision is not an easy one, but we should not sway on the aim for what is correct.  *gestures over the column and the dead bodies, then nods slowly at his last remark* They indeed deserve a good resting place for their heroic deeds. 

**he bows his head, as the hood falls upon his eyes, some relief for a moment, but then his features reutnred to the cold and almost  unnerving smile, were his concerns existed, it was not apparent, as he keep striding with the knights*

*The former knight, almost matched the formation, alas he kept the distance, showing that he is just there as an overseer, and not part of the contingent of the Rofirenites*



//An OOC note: The ranks of
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2014, 04:37:00 pm »

//An OOC note: The ranks of Dreardan and Vercilaas have been adjusted to match Lore entries. Captain Dreardan will be henceforth referred to as “Section Commander Dreardan” and Lieutenant Vercilaas as “Unit Captain Vercilaas.” I’ll go back into previous threads when I have some time and make the changes retroactively.


The tired column of Rofirein knights, and those adventurers who made the decision to follow and assist them, ride into the small Rofirein monastery of Jesom’s Hope. The institution is comprised of a large courtyard surrounded by three long stone buildings. Two small towers and a portcullis secure the third open side. It is obvious this order is very martial in nature. A bell begins ringing and robed monks scurry about tending to the exhausted knights and their mounts.

Unit Captain Vercilaas greets the Abbot, "Protector Ognas, it is a pleasure to see you again.” The older monk nods and replies; “It is good to see you again as well Captain.” The Abbot frowns as his eyes pass over the mounts bearing the bodies of the dead and he mutters, “So many have fallen my friend.” Captain Vercilaas replies in a quiet voice, “Yes, many have given their lives in service to The Gold.” To those watching this interaction it is obvious there is some tension on the part of the Captain. The Abbot looks to the gate and asks, “And what of the Commander?” Captain Vercilaas looks to the ground and says” He has fallen Protector. I wished to spare you the duty of the funeral rites. You should not have to bear the burden of making the preparations. I intended to go to Fort Vehl and send word for you… so you can mourn as any in your position should be able to do.”

Protector Ognas Dreardan is silent for a few moments, and then he says to the Captain “Tomorrow is the 28th day, and Ausir will be at its highest point. It is proper his services are held on the Vigil of the Dragon's Eye. Captain Vercilaas places a gentle hand on the old man’s shoulder and then reluctantly departs to see to the security of the stones.

For those who might have been close enough to these two, when the Captain leaves they can see that a single tear courses down the cheek of the old man… A proper reaction for a man who has just found out he has lost his son.



At the Red Raccoon, Connor
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2014, 01:17:21 am »

At the Red Raccoon, Connor and AnnaLee spend some time, working together though often separate, talking with their fellow innkepers about the events that happened not long before they arrived. AnnaLee gathers a description of the room's occupant from Alphonse and Jesible and conjures a very accurate illusion of the man's likeness, which she then uses to prepare a detailed sketch of the same.

Both take turns investigating the room where something like an explosion took place, though most of what they seem to “look” at simply cannot be seen in any normal sense. They confer with each other about their findings, keeping their conversation generally quiet and discrete so as to not cause any further alarm, though a few words can be overheard as they seem to be preparing to depart.

“There's something moving away from here,” Connor says to Anna. “I believe it is related, though not the cause.” She only presses her lips and nods, already thinking similar thoughts to his.

They pause to share some parting words with Alphonse and Jesible, indicating that if things go well, they'll be back in a few hours and perhaps with answers, though in any case, they'll return and let the innkeepers know what they find. A few moments later, they step into the portal, AnnaLee going first, and vanish...



*On the main road, north of
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2014, 01:02:37 am »

*On the main road, north of the “Red Raccoon Inn.” Approximate distance from the inn is roughly 4 hours by horse at a brisk walk. The location of the portal opening is about 10 minutes from the approaching “planar anomaly” and on a hillside overlooking the road. Connor and AnnaLee have both been by this location many, many times and are familiar with the geography. There is a thicket of brush and trees between you and the road. Nobody was around to witness the portal opening. It is about 10:00am and the day is going to prove to be clear and sunny.*


There is a shimmer in the air… almost mirage-like in quality. A couple of crows squawk at its sudden appearance and fly away in a huff. The “shimmer” expands into an oval shape and a couple of half elves step out and quickly take stock of their surroundings. The male orients himself to the south and points, the female nods in understanding. The “shimmer” disappears with a low “popping sound.”


//Vincent is aware of the impending encounter OOC. Have fun, and if any of you have any questions, concerns, need for GM feedback, interaction, etc… we have our open PM threads. I am ready to assist in whatever way I can.


Lance Stargazer

*The column seemed in shape,
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2014, 02:23:58 pm »

*The column seemed in shape, Aesthir nodded with sattisfaction, and the place , the rocks, the small quantity of people seemed to work perfectly to the goals, if there was an army of demons on their way, would make less diference if there were a castle, the memories of the battles came to his mind slowly, at least he was in peace, for the Section Commander was now in a better place, his soul didn't had to go back, at least in that he knew that he would be resting finally,  A lot of people think of death as something wrong, its not that life its wrong either of course, but the fear of death it was simply primal, irrational, the fear of what is beyond,  but someone should know better than that, Life its a chance to prove yourself and change the world, to make the life time count for, one should not expect or accept the rewards of death without effort, alas there was always a bad thing when efficient men leaves the world, that is how he felt about the Section Commander *

*He noticed the protector and his attitudes, once his duties as over seer were completed, he approached a small shrine to make some prayers, he made sure to enter the place as another worshiper, and made clear that his presence there was a as an overseer from the guard, and not by any other implications, alas he was still a believer *

*Once the prayers were done, Aesthir approached to the old protector, and spoke to him while not otherwise engaged *

Greetings Protector *with a small bow of his head* 

Thank you for the hospitality and security of this walls, this men really had proven themselves in the name of the Gold and deserve a proper ritual and resting place, It was indeed a hard battle, one I'd wish there won't be need to repeat anytime soon. *once he says that he introduces himself*  My name is Aesthir Stargazer, Lieutenienta of the Vehl Guard, I am here as an overseer of the proceedings, to secure the safety of the town, and investigating the anomalies that led to this tragedy.

I am in the understanding that you and the people here will hold the rituals for the Section Comander and the fallen, I had the blessing to met the captain just for some days before his demise, a kindred soul must say, One that surely the world will miss, In the short experience I had with him, I was convinced of his faith on the golden, putting duty and honor in good standing.

*The man awaits for his acknowledgement and reply*




  Mangus regards the two
« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2014, 09:45:23 am »
Mangus regards the two small towers and portcullis from his vantage point among the Rofirein knights and others who's duty it was to secure the stones while they were being transferred. A part of him would rather have shirked the responsibility in favor of ...well ...anything else. The rumors of the things blinking back into existence, and the possibility that they might activate and become full-fledged, functioning, portholes, through which a whole horde demons could come flashing through at any given second, was plenty good reason for him to sign up for any other detail. Even the thought of shoveling up after the horses and traveling livestock had a certain allure to it by comparison. 
But only a part of him.
The part which his Gram would never have approved of. 
He knew the difference. In all his years under her care he learned the difference. She had made sure of it. Perhaps it was the many loving battering's she gave him when he had slipped, or all the many wonderful meals she had cooked for him regardless, or even by virtue of the fact that she insisted on raising him in that human village, he ultimately, painstakingly, came to understand the difference. It was the difference between his primal instincts as an Orc, and the kind of selflessness needed to participate in the world of the more civilized races. Primarily the humans, but even the dwarves, the gnomish people and certain elf groups, subscribed to it. It was beyond him to understand the actual wording or definition of it all other than simply calling it "being civilized."
Being civilized, to him somehow meant, accepting the responsibility of helping to move those dangerous stones to this new home regardless of the peril that may come of it. He disliked it almost as much as having to wear clothing but he accepted it.
But as he regarded the tiny towers and the Portcullis, he thought to himself, "dat's as good er defense as any. Eef dose demons want to come in, er go out, dey will surely be able to get through all dat, but at least it isn't in er populated area like Fort Vehl."
As he considered the layout of the encampment, he found himself orcishly plotting a series of possible escape routes if the whole thing turned into a true disaster...
He knew the difference.


The pair step out onto the
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2014, 10:03:45 am »

The pair step out onto the road begin their walk toward the south, moving at a careful pace to take in the terrain and the potential for cover, should it be needed.  Though their heads are hooded, their faces are unshrouded and easily visible. They make no efforts to conceal their presence or approach.

They proceed forward in this way, eyes, ears and other senses alert for the approaching "anomaly". When the figure can be seen, they take up a more normal traveling pace, and when it is within a couple dozen yards, the male of the pair gives a friendly wave to their fellow traveler.



Vincent had been riding down
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2014, 11:33:30 am »

Vincent had been riding down the road at a pretty good clip after leaving the Inn. He felt relieved that the inn keepers and their employees had not decided to make an attempt at “stringing him up” for the damage to their establishment. Dalianavera had come to him again. Probably because he was “special”… he was a “specialist after all. She was lucky she had him. Now that he thought about it further, the whole kingdom of Brelin was lucky they had him.

Vincent was so absorbed in his own thoughts and ramblings that he did not notice the two other travelers on the road coming in his direction until he was about 25 yards away. He did not detect any danger as he looked them over and the male waved to him in a friendly manner.

Connor and AnnaLee see a tired looking man riding down the road towards them. Before he notices them they get the impression that he is totally immersed in his own thoughts and was even muttering to himself. Connor is a little perplexed with his personal observations.


//PM to be sent for Connor and AnnaLee’s observations regarding their special “skillsets.”


