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Author Topic: End Game  (Read 7350 times)


Foresta watches procedings
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2014, 02:56:06 pm »

Foresta watches procedings from a distance unwilling or unable to disturb the Rofireinite procedings with her presence. However at its conclusion she sets off with a bag of 25 saplings and heads towards the scene of the meteorite crash with a view to planting her charges somewhere suitable nearby. "All is as it could be." she mutters as she exits the gates leaving the sounds of more traditional ceremony behind her.


Lance Stargazer

*It was for sure a moment of
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2014, 12:19:00 pm »

*It was for sure a moment of pain, Aesthir would understand that, he won't suffer it or he had acted diferently, but certainly could empathize with the old man, he wanted to speak to him about the soul of his son, to explain that he even if not full in the investments he once were, was able to feel for the soul of the fallen captain, one that he had come to respect, and why not .. befriend. Alas the old protector was probably too consumed into his pain, or maybe he knew already . ..  Anyway .. its better this way , he had to keep things separated and show that he was with the guard right now, even if his heart belong to the Gold, yes... had to be better this way *

*Aesthir was calm at least that the good section Commander soul was in a better place, he called upon the gold to bring him back, and the soul didn't came back. . The soul of the man resting on the Gold's embrace, ... yes it was better this way*

*His face didn't show any of this, he was calm and collected , his usual neutral face and maybe that creepy smile, he waited and watched with respect as the service processed,  he remain away of the Rofirenites, watching closer than the others adventurers, paying his respects, but not too closer*

*Once he spend enough time to finish his own prayers, he leaves the place and moves away to the outskirts of the camp, he stops by and looks for watches on the outside, he has been a man of faith, but as also a pragmatic investigator, he was not going to simply let superstition rule the day, he infomrmed the people on the watch of his departure, and then wearing his armor and fully armed start to move towards the forest, after a couple of meters outside the camp, the man frame vanishes in thin air*



After the funeral rites are
« Reply #62 on: July 04, 2014, 03:55:08 pm »

After the funeral rites are completed Aesthir excuses himself from those around him and walks to the perimeter of the cleared land around the monastery. The familiar smells and sounds of the swamps greet him. The skies are clear and the moonlight is bright. He calls upon the power of Rofirein and slowly fades from sight, not even the slow and careful tread of his boots making sound as the protective and concealing embrace of the Lord Protector envelopes him.

It does not take him long to find the impact site of the meteor. He finds a hole punched into the sod, and laying in a deep crease in the wet soil is a black iron meteor the size of a small pumpkin. The earth around the object is covered in a fine gold colored dust. He does not see anything that seems amiss or of danger. To the contrary he feels calm, collected, and at peace. As he contemplates what he is seeing he notices Foresta making her way to the perimeter of the clearing. She has an armful of willow saplings and has begun excavating small holes for what appears to be planting of the small trees.


As Foresta plants the small willow trees, she contemplates many things. The act of planting and nurturing is comforting for her. Facilitating new life after the loss of others seems right… seems like balance. She knows in her heart that someday this will be a great grove… one that will outlast the stones of Jesom’s Hope and the monks taking shelter inside. She wonders if there will be stories that survive that tell the tale of the birth of this grove. She wonders if other druids will take responsibility for its care after she has returned to the earth from where her life sprung…



Mangus shared a few
« Reply #63 on: July 05, 2014, 10:22:19 am »
Mangus shared a few pleasantly distracting moments of soft banter with the young recruits. He found that just as he was inclined to rattle on about the battles that took place inside the cave, so were these new Rofirein knights moved to describe the battle in the accompanying swamps. In no time there was a cacophony of voices in reflection. He imagined to himself that they likely sounded like chickens in a henhouse clucking away. 
It was a pleasant distraction.
But their clucking ceased entirely with the single chime of a single bell. It was a dark tone, deep and filled with inner woes. An ominous sound, loud and stark. A dreaded note that could not be ignored. And a grim reminder both to Mangus and he could see, to the young men around him, that their tasks were not complete. Whatever it was that called them to this place, each had their own, it had not been fulfilled. Not yet.
And then it came again. The wrong sounding bong of that single bell, singularly silencing them. He looked around and saw emptied faces, many of them had bowed their heads. One or two seemed moved by inner thoughts. Some of them he wondered might have been reflecting with the sound of that bell the time when there comrade had fallen and how it happened, or how they remembered it.
The tolling continued in succession.
It told of other young men who fought bravely. Some of them for reasons they could never understand but for roaming bandits and interrupted supply lines. But Mangus figured the majority of them fought mostly for their families.
But with each new dong he became more more overwhelmed by these thoughts, and more and more stricken by the silence. 
He thought of Dreardan. Unwontedly  he thought of the evenhandedness with which Dreardan seemed to craft his tactics. Dreardan  staged the army in the surrounding swamps outside the cave, Dreardan  led the small team into the cave, Dreardan hand-picked the fighters that would go with him. 
And because of his actions and decisions, and in a technical way the enterprise was a success, a small victory. Yet it was exactly that well thought-out well-planned victory that took Dreardan's life. 
The tolling ended on a final note, extolling a final toll. 25 in all. 
25 dead.
But as if the universe itself had not approved of the tally the heavens opened up in a flash sending a fiery rock well within Mangus's view. 
Quickly the young men around him all went from grieving to reacting to the site. In no time they were all clucking again. They wanted to go see where the rock had landed, but Mangus did his Orc best to stop them. 
"Hang on there fellas! Yer commanders sent yew here for a reason! Yew needs to stay at yer posts fer now! Don' git all distracted! Yew gotta job to do! 
Yew wait's here an' Er go's an' take's er look fer ya! Er come's back an' tells yew what Er finds! 
But yew waits here!"
With that he nodded his head and grunted, turning to go find the point of impact.


Connor blinks a few times at
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2014, 11:06:50 am »

Connor blinks a few times at Vincent's reply, looking back quietly for a couple moments before replying. "Right then..." Connor says. "Off you go. Safe journeys and all.  Good luck on the path your heart would lead you, but do have care what you bring along with you. You are a beacon, sir Vincent, and more than just this love you speak of may be attracted to you because of this."  He pauses and moves symbolically out of Vincent's path with a easy, sweeping gesture.

"I will delay you no further this day," he continues. "yet if you entertain another visitor in the deep of night who is as noisy as the last, we may see each other again."



Vincent Coste offers a polite
« Reply #65 on: July 07, 2014, 11:45:48 am »

Vincent Coste offers a polite wave of the hand and meanders northwards, and is soon alone with his thoughts.

"A beacon eh, Vincent the beacon, and Connor, what of him and his warning, a beacon slayer perhaps! What indeed am I trailing in my wake I wonder. What of Dalianavera, still beguiling all of my sad soul, those firey eyes burned into my very core, runes around my heart and more. Tell me I implore, is it real, can there really be hope for such a couple, specialist and servant of the Pit.

He looks all around him nervously and hastes his horse to faster speed.


Lance Stargazer

 . . . .   Such feeling ...
« Reply #66 on: July 07, 2014, 11:46:51 am »

 . . . .   Such feeling ...

*Aesthir stayed there for a moment enjoying the calmness of the peace, his mind back to when he was a kid , when the terors of the dark seemd to far, back in the day before the ill-fated day that man arrived to his house to break his life, memories of times long past, of a sister he never saw again, the moment of peace was sucking him off the reality, he forced himself back to reality , pain was there for a reason, and the terrors of the world was not going to stop themselves, long ago he made peace with the fact that his life is not of glory and joy, he had to be the one who stopped the darkness to push forward, the one who does what others doesn't have the guts to. .. painful lessons of late remind him the dangers of straying one such dangerous path *

*He returned to the place he were the golden dust spread over the small area affected by the impact of the starmetal, he observed the pink dressed girl with the plans from his etherealness, then looked into the metal again, he closed his eyes, and focused on the starmetal piece, atuning his magical senses to it, but aside that sensing with his faith, looking for a familiar feeling and above that... the understanding of what to do with this starmetal piece *



Although the sound of the
« Reply #67 on: July 19, 2014, 03:16:49 pm »

Although the sound of the 25th tolling of the bell had passed some time ago, the sound was imbedded in Mangus’s mind, intertwining with thoughts of Commander Dreardan and the unfolding events of the last few weeks.  He had never been to a Rofirein funeral like that. It made him proud to have been one of those chosen to fight with the Commander… and it made him sad to know that such a great man had been taken from their midst. He walked slowly toward the impact location lost in thought. Mosquitos and midge flies floated around him in voluminous clouds. The large moon's silver light was bright and it seemed to cast a comforting blanket over everything it touched, keeping  the darkness at bay... but it also marked him as a target for the little insects.  Mangus’s thoughts drifted to an old lullaby his Gram used to sing to him in her gravelly and comforting voice when he was a child.

“Ausir's Silver, Orn is White,

One is always in my sight,

With the stars that shine so bright,

Guarding me throughout the night. When the dawn comes they are gone

But I know, not gone for long.

When the night comes they'll be there

Shining down their light so fair.”

Mangus always liked the moons. He found himself humming the tune to himself inexplicably.

As he approached the perimeter of the clearing he saw Foresta the druid carefully and with an experienced and practiced hand planting saplings. At first he thought it strange, but then the significance dawned upon him as he counted, one, two, three… and he realized the number would most likely stop at 25.


Connor watched the back of Vincent as he proceeded down the road. The man was a “strange bird” for sure. It was difficult to determine if he was daft, eccentric, or merely putting on a show. The half elf was willing to bet it was one of the three…

Anna gave Connor another one of her knowing looks; the ones that often conveyed volumes of information. She thought to herself that things were likely to become much more “complicated.” A wry smile accompanied that thought.


Vincent contemplated Connor’s words as he rode on… “A beacon.” What did that mean? Why was he her beacon? He was sure she could have chosen or forced someone else… or something else. Why him? Why Vincent “the specialist?” Well of course! Because he was special! But there must be more to it…

Deep inside he found himself actually hoping there was more to it. Moraken might shed some light on this. Hopefully he would anyway. There was that word again. "Hope." A pesky word.


Reality was like a cold splash of water. The pain returned… or perhaps it never left. Aesthir shrugged his shoulders. Duty called, as it always did, and like a good soldier he answered the call. He moved closer to the impact point to get a better look.

From his ethereal shroud he examined the meteor and the golden dust. The small meteor was iron. He could see the edges reflecting Ausir’s bright light. It had been scoured and cleansed by fire before it struck the ground. It seemed fitting under the circumstances. Aesthir wondered if the metal could be worked as he trailed a few fingers through the golden colored dust around it. As he closed his eyes and attuned his senses to the Al’Noth, he did not feel anything significant… but there was something. Something he had not felt in a very long time. He quickly withdrew his fingers from the dust. Almost guilty he stared at his fingers. It was with difficulty that he held back a tear that threatened to run down his cheek.


//I have PM’s related to this string that will be going out soon. My message box is down right now, so as soon as Dorg gives it a swift kick in the britches I’ll have those out. Aesthir, Connor, and Anna may want to hold off on posting until those are sent, as the messages may influence decisions and actions.


Lance Stargazer

*He steadied himself, he
« Reply #68 on: July 25, 2014, 12:43:19 pm »

*He steadied himself, he swear to never cry again, not since his youth, and only once he had broken that promise, it won't happen again, it can't happen again.*

*As he observed the dust, he pondered on the situation, this had not to be done in a official way though, it was fortuite of course and a sign maybe, or maybe he was just there on the right place at the right moment, he focuses on his ethereal form and appeared out of nowhere in the scene, not before giving a small silent prayer to the gold, as he appeared he already had a bag ready, diligently he start to collect the dust and the iron piece from the ground, making sure that it was cold already before even touching it, what to do of it it would be decided, but for now it was for sure he was not going to let this here abandoned

A finding to make him think about his future, about his past, of what defines him as a person and the things he had sacrified in the process to get here, or. ... a simple piece of iron from the stars.

- We mortals are indeed small - *he whispered to himself as he finished picking up the rests of the things, somehow the feeling of calmness was still with him, he didn't fight it, he absorbed it and focused his mind into a goal for the world instead of a feeling to be held for himself, a world where the guilty gets punished, for those non guilty and obedient of the law to live good*

*He start to walk back to the camp, looking at the druid girl in her pink /  maple clothes , for any action or words, but he seems to have a clear intention to return to the campsite*



"Foresta" he thought. "Dats
« Reply #69 on: July 25, 2014, 03:16:53 pm »
"Foresta" he thought. "Dats her name! Er remembers! She saved me in dat dungeon! An' all what she asked fer in return was fer me to plant er tree, in her memory ..."
The thick, slow, mud of his synopses took a seemingly leisurely stroll down the path of connecting, what he was witnessing, :Foresta planting trees, and what he promised her in that cave when she revived him that he would plant a tree in her memory. But after what would be for anyone else and uncomfortably long pause, he came to the sense of it.
"Wait er second! She's er plant'n trees! Er could helps her! Er could pay back me debt!"
Would that anyone was around to witness this sad slow reckoning, a universal sigh of relief, may be in order...
Mangus made his way to Foresta, intending to offer to help her plant her trees.


Connor and Anna watch the
« Reply #70 on: August 04, 2014, 12:54:32 am »

Connor and Anna watch the combined form of Vincent and his horse receed into the distance. They speak quietly but in great detail about the recent encounter and what to do next.  When Vincent can no longer be seen, they resume their walk back toward the Red Raccoon.  When their talk is concluded, they pause, share a brief but warm embrace, and part.  Anna continues her walk back to the Inn while Connor simply vanishes in a brief flare of magic.

Several hours later, Connor and Anna arrive back in the area of the Red Raccoon, the latter on foot and the former appearing as suddenly as he disappeared hours later. They share a few words of greeting and walk together to the Inn's public portal. In a few moments, the portal flares briefly, they step in one at a time, and disappear.


The following morning, not long after first light, the same pair appears in Co'rys, a short distance from Jesom's Hope. Connor takes a few moments to get his bearings, his eyes closed for the first few moments of this, before they start walking toward the monastery's gates.



*Connor senses a lingering
« Reply #71 on: August 04, 2014, 11:18:12 pm »

*Connor senses a lingering taste of some type of planar activity. It is not currently active and has a flavor that he has come to know all too well. His previous encounter with the strange rider comes to mind. The general direction is that of the monastery.*

As the two half eves approach the old stone monastery they can sense something is amiss. Several monks are seen on the roof tops in lookout positions and Rofirein Knights are patrolling the perimeter of the compound. Adventurers can also be seen about. Hands are on weapons and there is a feeling of… tension.  An alarm bell tolls and a Calvary squad quickly issues from the gate and rides in their direction. The armored Rofirein Knights rein in their war horses as they approach the half elves and the lead rider issues a challenge. “Ho there! I am Unit Captain Vercilaas of The Gold. What is your business here strangers?”

As this interaction is taking place. Another rider approaches from the Fort Vehl Road. He is wearing armor with the Vehl Guard’s colors and his spear carries a fluttering banner of Co’rys. Like the two half elves, he stops a fair distance away and yells to the Rofirein knights, “Sergeant Kalvin of the Vehl Guard! I carry word for Lieutenant Aethir Stargazer from Captain Andrew of the Vehl Guard!”



As hoofs begin to beat the
« Reply #72 on: August 05, 2014, 08:29:35 pm »

As hoofs begin to beat the ground, the smaller of the two half elves pales and clutches at the slightly larger half elf's arm. Subtle magic springs up around them, warding away potential evil. She steps in close to the other, giving their forms a blended appearance from a distance.

As the horse approaches from the other direction she utters something dark and ugly to her Companion. Then turns slightly so she can maintain easy visual of both sets.



“Iremlaala...” mutters the
« Reply #73 on: August 05, 2014, 08:34:41 pm »

“Iremlaala...” mutters the larger of the pair to the other at about the time the smaller makes her preparations and puts herself on guard.

In contrast, the larger of the two seems undaunted and unintimidated by the approaching riders. The pair continue walking until they find their path blocked by the number and proximity of riders. Coming to a stop several steps away from the Unit Captain, the larger of the two turns his face up to the man on horseback and grins a little.

“Excellent!” says the taller of the pair. “Very thoughtful to send an escort. Please... show us in, if you will. We are expected.”



Unit Captain Vercilaas
« Reply #74 on: August 05, 2014, 10:01:41 pm »

Unit Captain Vercilaas motions towards Sergeant Kalvin of the Vehl Guard and says, “Verify his identity and take him to Lieutenant Stargazer if he checks out.” Two of his men spur their horses forward, meet up with the Vehl Guardsman, and after a short conversation and an exchange of documents they escort him toward the monastery gate. The heavy barding and armored warhorses of the knights made a stark contrast to the lithe stallion of the courier.

The Unit Captain turns his attention back towards the two half elves. His helmet visor is up and they do not sense any overt hostility… but there is caution and tension in his eyes. They also notice that his hand strays towards the pommel of his sword. He says in a polite but firm tone… “We are expecting people, some are welcome and some not. Please provide some documentation of your identity. It would be unfortunate if you fell into the category of unwelcome visitors.” He then nods towards Anna, “It is not our intent to cause undue anxiety to the Lady. Please understand that security is currently a high priority.”


//PM to be sent to Mr. Stargazer...



Anna blinks in surprise at
« Reply #75 on: August 05, 2014, 11:20:03 pm »

Anna blinks in surprise at the Rofireinite captain as he orders the messenger escorted in so easily. She gives a cool look at the Toranite and horse as they pass by, though she shrinks back minutely.

When they are asked for “documentation” she makes an odd sort of face and looks towards the captain but her eyes look back to his beast and she stiffens once again.



“Documentation?” says the
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2014, 11:21:36 pm »

“Documentation?” says the taller of the pair with a measure of disbelief but otherwise remaining well at ease. “Unwelcome visitors? Are we to be threatened with violence, Unit Captain...Vertex, was it?” The speaker raises one eyebrow and pauses only briefly before continuing to speak. “We are here by invitation, and we carry no 'documentation' that you would accept as valid, so do be a good lad, break this circle of men and beasts, and escort us within, where I'm sure our identities will be confirmed to your satisfaction.”



Unit Captain Vercilaas
« Reply #77 on: August 06, 2014, 12:49:18 am »

Unit Captain Vercilaas smiles. “Yes, "unwelcome visitors"… which we have not ascertained at this point you would be classified as. Also, my name is pronounced “V-e-r-c-i-l-a-a-s.” (He enunciates it.) Provide your name and who you represent… if you do represent anyone, and the name of the person who invited you. Otherwise you will not be granted admittance to the monastery. Hopefully I make myself abundantly clear? It will be very easy for me to have the person who invited you come out to verify, and we can put this…awkward situation behind us.”

The semicircle of mounted Rofirein Knights make no indication that they intend to move out of your way. In fact most of them are fingering weapons now, and there is some increased tension in the air.


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir is seen storing
« Reply #78 on: August 06, 2014, 11:26:52 am »

*Aesthir is seen storing something as the messenger comes in, he returns and nods at the man , with a good salute*  Good to see you, Kalvin, Make yourself at home.

**he takes the scrollcase and reads the one from Andrew, a slight frown appear on his face, yet he returns to his usual calm and calculating look*

Well, seems we have work to do here, Kalvin? Are you familiar with the situation we got here?

*If he is not, he will give the basics of it, how the events unfolded and the dangers that the stones represent are, he leaves aside anything regarding magic or such terms from the probably unstudied in the field things to the guard*

And what is the outburst out there?



Kalvin takes everything he is
« Reply #79 on: August 06, 2014, 11:40:59 am »

Kalvin takes everything he is told in his usual semi-stoic manner and whistles when Aesthir is done. “You’ve been busy.”

In response to the last question he answers, “The Knights have a couple of half elves detained on the road. I think they were heading here. I think I rode up just as they were arriving. It looked a little “tense” out there.” He grins.


