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Author Topic: Famine  (Read 493 times)


« on: February 06, 2012, 06:54:49 pm »
The failure of crops to thrive and heavy losses in farming animals is taxing the food stores of many kingdoms.  Several good years and wise leadership in some areas will mean that the impact is lessened.  

Healers hope that whatever scourage holds the lands, the dormancy of winter cleanses the soil for the next growing season. One hopes that when the harvest season rolls around next year that things will not look so dire.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith, Jilseponie Wyndon, Pen N Popper


Re: Famine
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 05:36:46 am »
Near and around Blackford Castle, a young man and his even younger brother can be seen roaming the countryside on a cold Satari afternoon. The younger one ocasionally kneels down and touches the ground, appearing lost in thought. His older brother simply stands at his side, listening to what he is muttering and murmuring, thinking of all the dead animals and the coming of winter.
"Come on, Jhon, we need to go and think what we can do."
The boy just nods absent-mindedly and lets his gaze roam over the countryside like his brother does. He squints, and turns to leave.


Re: Famine
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 06:58:11 am »
As the letter is delivered to her by Michael, she thanks him and then carefully opens and reads it to herself, remembering clearly the devestation the last plague brought with it.
A pleague of sorts, affecting young and old and weak animals, is roaming the land. Signs are unnatural red intestines and a bad odor of the insides of the animal as well. Trying to determine spread and countermeasures. Wanted to let you know so effords might be bundled if already underway.

She sits down and carefully inks her response in her flowing elven script.
Dear Aden,

Can you please share with me where the center of this plague seems to be, and please be assured I am heading your way as quickly as possible. It is also possible that the friends staying with me, may be able to offer some support as well. It may be what they need to find their focus since leaving home. I will speak with them and see if they would be willing.

If there is anyway to possibly try to contain those you can, it would be best to limit their exposure, until we can find the source of the plague. I am sure you are already doing what you can, but please take precautions, burning what contiminated clothing and gloves that you can, to protect you and those around you.

May The Lifebringer keep you safe,
~Priestess Elohanna
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Famine
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2012, 07:44:22 am »
Foresta having been informed of events from a helpful Brownie at Center starts to collect a small parcel of hardy corn seeds from remote and isolated healthy spots. She muses that corn that can survive in the edges of suitable condition may prove more able against..well, whatever. On her next trip to Center she stops to drop them off at the shrine there,  in the hope in some small way ,wise minds may help stay the famine just that little bit - and perhaps long enough for other more direct actions at the hands of those that call themself hero.


Re: Famine
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2012, 12:12:21 pm »
Passing between Blackford Castle and Hilm Castle, Daniella asks for more information regarding the death of crops and farm animals, and how it is affecting supply routes in trade.  Even as she goes, she sets up a line of communication for information to be passed to her so that she can remain informed on the situation.


Re: Famine
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2012, 12:28:00 pm »
In the areas hardest hit by the famine Zigruum inspects the farm animals that are alive and the corpses for signs of their illness and what is the cause.  He walks the fields that are blighted to search for ways to heal the land and restore the balance.  As well he inspects the wild animals and surrounds to see if the illness is spreading.

Pen N Popper

Re: Famine
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2012, 05:30:49 pm »
Honeybee, greeting travelers as they come and go through Center, has inquired of any and all if they know anything of the animals' sickness. Disheartened at their negative responses, she never the less presses on with her inquiries; perhaps it runs in the family.

In the mean time, her small chest of baked goods is kept in good supply and order. In addition to the food stuff an occasional healing potion begins to show up to those in need.


Re: Famine
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2012, 06:05:13 pm »
Officials from those regions effected are quick to downplay the talk of famine and try to quell growing fear by emphasising that one bad growing season does not make a plague and that the old and young are vunerable to sickness. They urge people to remain calm and offer aid where appropriate.  

There are however outbreaks of panic and fear in smaller villages in some areas.  The poor crops and animal deaths being blamed on everything from revenge of dark druids to corathian witch covens. In remote areas there has been talk of stoning, burning and/or banishment of individuals to restore the land.

As with any event like this, there are those that prosper.  Merchants from uneffected areas are showing steady profits in food and seed sales as well as livestock.  Pirate raids of shipments of supplies have become serious enough that ocean travelers have been put on alert of increased danger of piracy.

Individuals from those faiths and sects with a devotion to the land and animals are actively seeking a reason for the crop failures but some simply state it may be part of a natural cycle.

The faiths not known for a stewardship toward the lands are not overly involved as the problems seems to be primarly with plants and animals and is not as yet seeming to effect higher creatures.  They are of course concerned about the possibility of famine and the effects it may have but also caution that it is too soon to tell.


Re: Famine
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 02:45:19 pm »
The rural populations of Layonara watch their fields, crops and livestock with a worried brow.  Another season of what should be re-birth is under a darkened cloud.   Fewer newborns are entering the world.  Hens are laying eggs that are not fertilized.  Babies born fall prey to illness or predators

Seeds planted are failing to germinate and those that do grow poorly.

Unrest grows.


Re: Famine
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 05:17:27 pm »
A young elf, smelling of comfrey and aloe and pine, marks spreadings and locations of where he observed the sickness and infertility to grow on a map. Letters are written and sent to the Wolfswood Rangers and a group of individuals asking for any new observations before he heads out again to find out more.

During his morning exercise, a young paladin of Toran frowns at the state of things and sends a letter out to the Temple in Llast.


Re: Famine
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2012, 07:32:13 pm »
Ty throws clay, using tips picked up from his last trip to Reid Pottery - Sofu has so many years with it, and Oji, since taking over, is now a master potter of his own right.  Every time Ty visits he picks something new up.  He is, dare he think it, getting good.

But he doesn't dwell.  He and Fleur have both noticed the dead animals and heard about the births slowing.  With so many ends in his life loose this is one thing he wants to see through.  They'll do it together.  He's asking questions as he moves, trying to see a pattern.  It might take a little while but as he moves from Center to Haven and around, he's marking where and where not...who and who not.  

//pm sent


Re: Famine
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2012, 03:39:02 am »
Foresta continues to collect information as she travels, recording the changes as best she can. She offers advice as she travels to help maintain the land and livestock of a region beyond the mere holdings of individuals.


Re: Famine
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2012, 06:36:07 am »
Rumour has it that those wishing the help, those willing to share their knowledge and skills, should leave behind a small token in Center. Some say it is a piece of parchment to be left behind with the Falcon Merchant, some say it must be a wolf's fang and others mention a branch of dead, barkless wood to be placed in a tree. Sometimes, the token is inscribed with the name of the person, and sometimes just with the first letter of the name.

//When would be a good time for a greater meeting? Could those that want to come please send me a PM with a favourable time included?


Re: Famine
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2012, 12:32:46 am »
*Bris sends a message via bird to those that she has heard is looking to help *

I have been looking into this deeply though it has not yet reached the lands of my grove. I have found that these animals are not contagious but that is little solace considering the speed which they are dying. I have been watering and feeding creatures and plants as I can but it has helped very little. I have found a moth like larvae in several areas of hardship so this may be related, I have taken one alive and am attempting to study it. Please seek me out for further information sharing.

//unfortunately I will be out of town on the day of the first calendared quest installment but I would love to get together with folks sometime after this weekend to share info


Re: Famine
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2012, 09:03:15 pm »
*A message is dispatched immediately to Brisbane through the usual channels*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Famine
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 07:34:08 pm »
**Lance is seen exiting the Blackford castle and leading a small entourage of knights towards Llast, worried about how the turns of events had become he arrives at Llast and inmediately send runners to several parts in order to get information. He oversees the people he had brought to work on Llast trying to measure if they are still needed there or also suffering hunger*


Re: Famine
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 09:16:44 pm »