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Author Topic: Missing Cattle  (Read 177 times)


Missing Cattle
« on: January 13, 2006, 04:34:00 pm »
A herd of Angus breeding cattle went missing today in Hlint. They carry the Lot brand; an 'L' in a square.

A reward will be offered for any information leading to their discovery and subsequent capture.

Contact Ralf Lot of Edal.


RE: Missing Cattle
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 12:22:00 am »
*Notice from the Mistone Cattle Breeders Association*  Following a reported outbreak of a so far unidentified bovine diease; any bovine spieces that display any of the following symptoms, should be reported to the local authorities:  Lessions around the face and head. General lethargy Inability to produce milk  Also any bovine corpse discovered should be reported, avoid contact and if possible incinerate the carcass.  No herding or transport restrictions are introduced, however your vigilance is apreciated.


Re: Missing Cattle
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 07:54:25 am »
* Continuation Notice - Cattle Malaise Outbreak* The so far unidentified cattle disease reported earlier, has not shown any pattern of widespread contagion. There have been several isolated outbreaks; but as yet no definate pattern has developed.  Of a far more disturbing nature, is the discovery of several oxen in Hap displaying symptoms, similar to those outlined above. The Herd has been quarantined; and subsequently the four affected animals died and have been incinerated.  Please be vigilant.


RE: Missing Cattle
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 09:29:34 am »
 *Cattle Dry Blood Disease*
  Following extensive investigations by the MCAC (Mistone College of Animal Clerics).
  The symptoms that has decimated several cattle herds in the North of Mistone
  has  yet to be identified.
  Although the symptons have been identified and catalogued
  no cure as yet has been discovered.
  All bovine herd movements in a  50 league radius of Edal are prohibited.
  Failure to comply will lead to a heavy fine and the
   confiscation of the animal(s).


Re: Missing Cattle
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2006, 06:06:48 am »
just thee other day i came across a dead black angus outside of hlint. i figured that it had goten lose and the gobbos killed it bugger glad i did not eat any of it. there was two other people that was there as well there was Pig,Zweck,and me Zandor. i hope this helps ye in any way.

-Zandor Glowingaxe

"a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
'courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"


Re: Missing Cattle
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2006, 04:59:01 am »
The trial of Par Manid took place today in Hlint. Manid; a cattle breeder of Northern Mistone, was found guilty of all charges levelled on him.  Namely those of:  
    • Causing damage to the property of another - Namely the breeding herd of Ralf Lot.    
    • Attempting to gain advantage in businees by foul means - Namely the poisoning of others herds.  
    • Dabbling in black arts to fashion a disease that could endanger life.
       He pleaded guilty to all charges, and accepted the punishment of the court.  The Advocate Presiding sentanced him to 1 year imprisonment, and confiscation of his herd.  As he left the courthouse under escort, a large crowd had gathered, amongst them a large number of cattle breeders and herdsmen. Their anger clearly visible, by the insults they hurled at the shamed Manid.


Re: Missing Cattle
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2006, 05:14:28 am »
The body of Lucis Ossaming was today recovered by his family from the Blood Desert. Ossaming, an alchemist and practicioner of magic, was killed whilst trying to escape capture from an investigative party looking for the source of the mysterious cattle disease spreading across Northern Mistone.

Ossaming, whose family live in Spellgard, were not available to comment on the recent events leading to his death.

Local investigators found their house empty and deserted when they went to question the family in a hope to find a cure for the cattle disease that Lucis had fashioned.

Meanwhile the cattle disease continues to spread, with isolated outbreaks reported from across the whole of Mistone.


Re: Missing Cattle
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2006, 04:14:17 pm »
Today in the south of Mistone, a group of brave adventurers found what seems to be a cure for the cattle disease. Tests are being carried out at the Academy of Vetinary Research to see if it is actually an effective cure.

Signs are at the moment, that it is.

Steak is back on the menu.