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Author Topic: Gork! Dead???  (Read 76 times)


Gork! Dead???
« on: October 20, 2009, 08:02:49 am »
Explosive news has flooded out from Boulder after four mercenaries entered the city claiming to have captured and killed the notorious criminal after months of Succession and Sederran army units, bands of mercenaries and bounty hunters were combing Succession searching for him.

The mercenaries have told of how they circled and caught the criminal unawares taking him down before he had a chance to defend himself. There were celebrations in the streets of Boulder as the news was spread around.

Even personages such as the great Kobal Bluntaxe and his allies entered the streets to gain a sight as the dead body of Gork trussed and slung across a saddle.

Authorities are now meeting to decide what happens next and messages have already started to be prepared to recall units off the search from all over Succession.


Re: Gork! Dead???
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 08:47:40 am »
*Alatriel hears the rumors and snorts out a laugh*


*She then goes off mumbling quietly to herself about soul bound bullies*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Gork! Dead???
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 09:15:08 am »
* It is said by bystanders that Kobal let out a sigh as he visited the site and the body, and spoke briefly: "Praise ter dah Great Gold. At long last justice be served." *


Re: Gork! Dead???
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2009, 04:51:11 am »
Its Official.

Wedlar, Apreal 18, 1456.  The Notorious Criminal Gork has been pronounced dead by the Representatives of the Rofirieinite Church currently in Boulder.

Sederran and Succession Military units have been recalled.


Re: Gork! Dead???
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2009, 07:19:15 pm »
*duchess snorts and laughs as she hears this latest story*
 Deed? Aye, so he is.
 Let yer kids sleep safer at nights wi' stories like that, but sayin' G'ork goat bushwhacked by four eejits and killed is like sayin' ra Corathites huv turned ower a new leaf an' is plantin' love everywhere they goes.