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Author Topic: Missing Bard  (Read 283 times)


Missing Bard
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:07:10 am »
To those that wander central Mistone, a rumor might reach their ears from a wandering merchant, or a passing halfling scout, or a word from a tipsy sailor in a tavern...

Did you hear about the halfling with the many bells? Yeah yeah! Acacea! Of course that's her name... Word has it she's gone lad. Some proper weird happening in the desert, magic gone all wiggly and she dealing with it but paying a dear price.

Aye aye, gone, no one knows where she be now... Aye... Disappear like! ... I don't know! I ain't a spellflinger!


Re: Missing Bard
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 06:08:06 pm »
Jennara hears the news and immediately changes her plans.  She travels quickly toward the desert to speak with anyone who has direct information.  All the way, she hums a tune she remembers from her... from Acacea's mother.


Re: Missing Bard
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 12:41:11 am »
Jennara wanders in the desert and eventually finds someone with some information.

(PM Sent)


Re: Missing Bard
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2009, 06:02:33 pm »
A half a year later

"Aye, was plum outta me own 'ead jes' the same, but a man come from the tents said 'e was there when they came all spooked up wot from seein' the stones right through 'er. Walked a ways across the sand, singin' 'alf bare, pretty as ye please an' leavin' nary a print be'ind 'er, then it all flickered-like when ter wind blew up an' ten she was gone! Desert-folk say she joined the spirits, wotever that means. 'Ere's ter it not meanin' dead, la!
...Come nauw man, donna take it so 'ard... canny lass, that'n, an' like as not jes' opened the wrong box.... Eh? Wotsat? Quit yer mumblin', me ears ain't wot they used ter be... har, so that's ter way of it! 'ow much she owes ye?... *whistles* Ye outta yer right mind! Alt'ough... er... come ter think of it...