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Author Topic: **Bandits attack on the Sagewald kingdom *  (Read 610 times)

Lance Stargazer

**Bandits attack on the Sagewald kingdom *
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:23:31 pm »
*On recent rumors sound in Mariner's hold that a village was raided over the night , this village was completly taken by surprise and their 30 inhabitants were found dead and hang up on the trees around the town, only one girl survived to be found by one of the Wolfwood ranger corps , which moved towards the area and was him who made the report to the autorities.

the woman is under the protection of the authorities of the Sagewald authorities and desctibed the leader of the gang as a woman of middle age wearing black leathers and long brownish hair.

She heard the name Dragonheart said over the gang , the Sagewald kingdom is on the search of more hints *
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Re: **Bandits attack on the Sagewald kingdom *
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 10:21:43 pm »
A certain woman, in a certain outfit, with a certain hair color, with violet eyes, plots the downfall of a certain imposter with unrelenting ire.

Lance Stargazer

Re: **Bandits attack on the Sagewald kingdom *
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 01:27:00 pm »
*A caravan was found near the road towards the Thorn river all burned, no surivors this time, it seems that the attack was perpertred using alchemist fires and firebombs leaving only ashes on the wake of it.

A big note saying :

"That is what you got for messing with my territory


was found by the guards who made the report *


Re: **Bandits attack on the Sagewald kingdom *
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 10:53:49 am »
Lavender Nightshade, a woman with long black hair, violet eyes, dressed in a midnight blue suit, approaches the Wolfswood Rangers.  She identifies herself as a bounty hunter, hunting this 'Dragonheart' and her band.  She mentions she doubts this person is using their real name, but asks for a chance to speak to the little girl to ascertain some details of the raid.