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Author Topic: Troubles near Point Dart  (Read 64 times)


Troubles near Point Dart
« on: May 22, 2010, 10:49:38 pm »
Trouble has reared its ugly head south of Point Dart just across the Sederran Border.

Word is that raiders have struck several small villages south of Point Dart near the Sederran border with Boyer. At first it was reported that it was Silver Crescent Slavers but no slaves have been taken. The villages have been attacked from inland not from the sea and the raiders killed, maimed and burned people only taking foodstocks as they left. The are causing chaos up and down a stretch of coast burning everything in their wake then disappearing into the desert as fast as they appear.

Authorities in Audiria are putting together a Desert Cavalry unit along with special desert hunters to send north to investigate but it will be at least a week or two before will be dispatched.


Re: Troubles near Point Dart
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 06:27:55 pm »
*Storold starts spending more time in his study thinking on the recent developments, eventually he sends word to Spellgard asking for their aid in monitoring the area.
On the same token he sends a message to the refireinite church asking for an account of what happened in the town of Dasbar not too long ago.*

