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Author Topic: The Cult is moving!  (Read 151 times)


The Cult is moving!
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:08:07 pm »
Barely hours after the announcement of Molvaren of Kuhl intentions, the armies of Kuhl have begun to move.

With the cooperation of Nesar soldiers, Kuhl have set up outposts near Nith, Orin and Rin to support local Nesar soldiers which are securing the docks, warehouses and towns. This move has effectively given them complete control of all the ports on the western side of Belinara.

Queen Louise Maillard of Nesara has officially closed Arnax to any and all nations or faiths that ally themselves against Kuhl.

Already Kuhl have dispatched a Dragon and a small unit of drachs to surround the Temple of Corath in the city which has closed its doors refusing to ally itself with the Cult or Nesar in the coming conflict. Choosing instead it seems, to close their doors and wait.

These actions mean that any allied armies would have to first capture the ports of these citys in order to land troops on Belinara. The only other option open to the allied forces is Alhon on the eastern side of Belinara in the nation of Hilm.

Ships of the Silver Crescent Slavers have been seen in the Sea of Fury in large groups and it seems a small fleet is even now being filled with troops in Westgate.

Also it seems that the Cult have armies massing in Vilsa, Tulam and Sulkin.

Envoys from Kuhl have crossed the border with Horn bringing missives to the druids indicating that the Kuhl forces in Sulkin will respect the border with Horn and are not there to threaten the Horn Kingdom in any way.
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Re: The Cult is moving!
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 09:12:20 pm »
Shocking news!!!!!!!

In a suprise to many a huge Kuhl army has crossed the border into the Nation of Hilm and is marching on Sundance. The attack took border guards by suprise as wave after wave of Myrdrachs flew over their positions on the border and ground troops simply mowed down any who stood before them. It was a complete rout with many Hilm soldiers unable to withdraw fast enough before being overrun by the superior armies assaulting them.

Already people are desperately trying to evacuate Sundance before the forward units of the Kuhl army arrive. At this stage, with allied forces not even formulised and without a leader to draw everyone together the worst fears are that within a day or so Sundance will belong to the enemy.

Lance Stargazer

Re: The Cult is moving!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 10:05:11 pm »
*After some hours as the news of the attack start to circulate the world, a voice can be heard and the document start to circulate *

To common men and nobles, to the farmers and the merchants, to the old and the young, hear this and don't dismay.

So much time has passed with the darkness growing over us, under the face of prosperity and wisdom, under the face of freedom and hard fight, they have creept over the land ravanging as they think they have rights. Its not new to any of us that the days are changing. Today I anounce in the name of those who have enough of this. We won't allow this to continue.

I Lance Stargazer today declare in the name , that we won't allow this to be bigger, By the power invested in me by the Blackford war Council, we won't let this to prosper, In the name of the inocents that were dead so far, we won't let the injustice to prosper.  Today we have stood the attacks and the actions of this called "New Nation of Khul", Using terror and fear as weapons, and justifying their actions under the guise of prosperity.

The land of Kuhl has seen enough of the "prosperity" made of this "New nation of Khul". We today declare War not to the Kingdom of Kuhl or their people, but to the ursurpers that have claimed ownership of it, the ursurpers known as "The newly formed Nation of Kuhl". WE stand together as we have been in the past, and as in the past Reason and justice will triumph over fear and terror.

I call for all the nations, to join our front against this common menace, I call to everyone who wants to avoid your lands attacked by the desire of it, I call you all to stand together amoung this common threat. I call you all who still believe in a better world to stand and stop fearing, I call all of you today to raise and face the common enemy. I call you to take the side of reason and justice.

Today is the day to act,  As in the past, We'll stand togehter and we'll win together.

-Lance Stargazer.
 Blackford Castle  ( Wedlar, Oclar 11, 1476 )


Re: The Cult is moving!
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 11:03:48 pm »
Wren hears the news and just shakes his head. "We had the chance to cut off the supplies used to make these moves and we squandered the chance not wanting to maybe hurt the people of Kuhl, how many lives have now been lost due to inaction." He walks off grumbling.


Re: The Cult is moving!
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2011, 03:43:02 am »
In Blackford Castle Queen Mouring has come forth to stand behind the decision to initiate a Council of War in response to the threat of the Kuhl.

She reiterates that in conjunction with Lady Daniella, now sole commander of the Toranite Armies, Moraken, Lord Alexander of Hilm and her own advisors she has appointed Sir lance Stargazer as the Overall Campaign Commander to coordinate the forces that will soon be converging on Hilm and to oversee the ground war. Lord Alexander has welcomed the appointement and has promised to support him in his role.

Lucindites and Pheonix Quill members have offered to provide open communication channels between Blackford and Hilm and all those participating in this world wide logistical manouvering of forces to Hilm.


Re: The Cult is moving!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 07:24:21 pm »
SUNDANCE is lost!

The massive push by Kuhl Cult forces has captured and cut a wide swathe into Hilm.

Over the last few days the Sundance evacuation plans generated prior to the war footing went into action. Existing units in the city assisted the evactuation to the north of as many residents as they could.

With the speed and ferocity of the attacking drive of the Cult the existing forces were no match and for a while it feared they would overwhelm the city and the ensuing evacuation.

But, by some amazing feat of determination the broken and routed border forces that had not been eliminated were reassembled south of Sundance under the leadership of a Sergeant Blackfish who rallied the forces and hit the first wave of the Cult as they approached the city.  Tactical advisors in Hilm declared the act one of a suicidal move but one that caused the Cult to slow their advance. The sacrifice these men and women gave of their lives in the attack, over 150 soldiers, all lost, including Sergeant Blackfish gave those residents fleeing the city the chance to escape the Cults clutches.

We honour their devotion and their sacrifice. Sundance is lost but the people of Sundance have escaped and are moving north.

Meanwhile the flow of Cult troops across the border securing Sundance and the surrounding areas has not stopped. Rank upon rank of soldiers continue to cross into Hilm lands. Early estimates give the numbers around Sundance at ten to fifteen thousand troops that includes a large number of drachs. There are also significant numbers of the greatly feared Myrdrachs and at least four dragons.