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Author Topic: Hlint  (Read 316 times)


« on: March 12, 2010, 11:59:38 am »
Travellers in the region are warned of travel to the far north where ongoing bandit raids have been reported in the outskirts of Luxia.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 06:41:20 pm »
Travel to the far north of Hlint is deemed safe once again as increased patrol activity has displaced bandit raids which may well have moved to the Lorax area and travellers should be be careful to the north of this town.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 04:11:34 pm »
Lorax Militia units have driven roaming bandits south towards Echo where a gathering of militia has taken to the field. In response to this potential threat Hlint will be calling three companies of the foot to the standard. Travel towards Haven and Echo should be considered with some caution.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 04:45:01 pm »
//pm sent


Re: Hlint
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2010, 02:53:40 am »
Three companies of foot were seen to march north east from Hlint reassuring outlying communities and searching for any approaching bandits.
 Early reports say the bandits of the north have taken casualties and have been driven away. The companies led by Munny's foot have given chase. Travel in the area should still be considered with caution.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2010, 07:23:01 am »
Meanwhile in other news the remains of three missing paladins were returned from Silkwood to Hlint by a Druid led party. The Druids  found the paladins hadfallen to spiders deep in the Silkwood. The search party there was grateful for the return and immediately set off to inform relatives. Their demise is not thought to be related to the current activity north of the town and travel to the east and south is generally considered -safe, where a cautious approach is adopted.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 12:57:13 pm »
The latest reports have put the army hundreds of miles north of Hlint - the bandits fled ahead of them and now numbering a more sizeable force than expected. Munny's flank march to seize the wagons of ill gotten gains has drawn the remaining bandits too him. His company stands alone in Orcs Rift to the south of the Whithorn while the other Hlint companies and the armies from the other towns close as fast as they can.
 It is once again considered safe to travel near Hlint.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2010, 06:24:50 pm »
The various armies pursuing the bandits strayed into orc territory near Orc's drift. Initial reports suggest several thousand orcs were on the move demonstrating again various elements of the combined armies.
 Reports of fighting in the Whithorn and an heroic stand by a collection of messengers, sick soldiers, cooks, bards and scouts just south of the forest are circulating in Hlint.
 It is not known at this time what has provoked the Orcs but travellers are advised to exercisde a little caution when confronted by large groups of Orcs.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2010, 11:09:56 pm »
*After the recent stand at the Orc's Rift camp of the Ragrian's Halbardiers, Valanca takes great effort to identify the fallen Halbardiers and other volunteers.  Having grown up in Hlint herself, she takes special care to personally assist in digging graves for fellow Hlintites, and then prepares personalized letters for the surviving families of the fallen which she intends to deliver in person once the campaign is finished.  After these actions she spends time with the wounded, easing their pain with the blessings of Ilsare she can offer, and soothing anguished minds.  When not tending to others her mood is sombre, and withdrawn.  Though she tries to isolate herself from the rest when in such moods, some might find her spending hours gazing at the clouds in the sky as though searching for answers within them, brush and watercolors at ready, but nothing painted.*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Hlint
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 12:15:49 am »
*Gel'larian sits in the Wild Surge, listening to the hushed stories floating about. Tension creeps in to his shoulders as he hears mention of orcs, agitation visibly sets in. He snaps harshly at a waitress asking to freshen his drink and storms to his favourite room. Minutes later he can be seen stalking towards the messenger bird coops.*

//PM sent

gilshem ironstone

Re: Hlint
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2010, 11:39:07 am »
*By day Gel'larian goes to visit the wounded, weaving impromptu songs about the heroism of those that have been lost. By night, with his cape of panther fur and shadowy drawn close, he patrols the outlying lands from Hlint seeking revenge on any that threaten his home.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2010, 05:07:52 pm »
*Having grown up in Hlint himself, like Valanca, but unlike Valanca, Portle Dumas finally drinks the last drop of several bottles of wine at the end of the stores of derring do, pats his lady friend goodbye too familiarly, and staggers out of the inn to go help where he can.

Some time later and after having dispensed some bon mots and words of encouragement to the wounded and bereaved, he tries to relax by painting a canvas....until he eventually runs of wine.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 06:00:37 pm »
*Xian Shu is seen practicing his art when ever he has a chance, abstaining from remaining idle for long, as in tradition with the brothers of battles. He also takes as much watch tour as he can muster in their makeshift fortifications*

Black Cat

Re: Hlint
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 03:19:11 am »
*Azk'a hugs his ale keg and brags about his killing of thousands of orcs defending the Hlint Circus. Such bragging most certainly earns him dark looks from many around him.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2010, 10:01:08 am »
Latest word from the Whithorn Forest suggests the army of Hlint, and the armies from the other towns have regrouped and pulled back to camps around Orcs Rift and below orc Mountain while a delegation of druids is received.
 Travellers to the region will be glad to hear it seems there is a danger peace might break out.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Hlint
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2010, 10:22:38 am »
*Gel'larian travels with the groups providing some healing both of the body and spirit to those involved.  Although his actions are compassionate, he quickly withdraws if anyone presses him for a name or anything of a personal nature.  Despite his aloof behaviour though, he spends almost every moment with the camp.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2010, 02:54:26 am »
Reports circulate that elements of the Hlint Army, including Bottle washers, cooks, messengers and bards, were involved in pointed negotiations with a local Orc Lord that secured the capture of the outstanding bandits.
 They say the troops are coming home!
 Meanwhile travel in the area has been officially deemed safe - ish.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2010, 07:31:37 am »
*Upon arriving home to Hlint, Valanca takes the time to hand deliver the letters she's written to the families of those who'd fallen in the Orc's Rift operation. She spends time trying to console those who are will allow her to, and tells to the best of her knowledge how each fell, and where their bodies are now buried. After delivering the last of her bundle of letters, Valanca heads to the Wild Surge to drown some of her own pains in the most bitter wine Yastin can offer her before taking a room alone to sleep off the effects, and perhaps some of the sorrows.*
 //(Assuming the volunteers arrive back to Hlint without further incident, of course... otherwise this'll happen at some later date.)


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    Re: Hlint
    « Reply #18 on: April 25, 2010, 12:04:19 am »
    //Not regarding the recent quest series, but Hlint in general...

    *There are piles of salt laying on and around the well in Hlint, it's obvious someone has tampered with the water*

    A note nearby reads:

    To this end, the water be bitter
    Take one sip, and you'll be a spitter
    Keep this clean, so no more suffer
    Or the next drink will be much rougher



    Re: Hlint
    « Reply #19 on: April 27, 2010, 05:08:55 pm »
    Well the troops finally made it home and the companies were stood down, but not without some incident. It seems some of the orcs have not taken to the peace accord and a large number of well armed and armoured Orcs led a raid north of Hlint and were engaged by the rearguard of the Hlint army and sent north again.
     Shaman led groups had control of a number of powerful undead and fought a deadly battle before some wagons full of arms were intercepted bound for the orcs. It seems likely many more got through and it maybe Hlint has not seen the last of these orcs.
     Some of the disbanded troops were quickly in gainful employment again,  guarding the town wells.
     Others who had been more successful in the war headed for the Wild Surge and overdue celebrations.