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Author Topic: A perfectly good day....  (Read 72 times)


A perfectly good day....
« on: June 07, 2007, 02:13:58 am »
As days go, it seemed a day of complete normalcy. The soft patter of the fountains, the voices of the square, the subtly rhythmic pattern of people's movements. Port Hempstead enjoyed a rare peaceful day. Then, of their own, the gate doors opened and closed. Looking at each other with complete stupefied expressions for only a moment, the guards quickly went into coordinated action. The first tore inside and bared the gate from the inside, the other barreled past straight for Captain Trent. Upon finding Trent, the guard revealed what had happened.  

 Immediately, Trent ordered a patrol to scour the city and began a precursory search himself. Not far, however, was his query. Standing in amongst the civilized people of Port Hempstead, a stinking creature stood. Green and barbarically naked amongst the beauty of the town, the goblin creature stood standing and talking as if it had every right to be within the walls.

 “YOU!” Screamed Trent, at the retreating figure. It squealed something so high pitched, the Captain could not understand. He gave chase only to loose the creature in the crowd. He called out to the guards ahead of him in the crowd.  

 “It's headed towards Allurial's Statue!”

 The exhaustive search destroyed the peaceful rhythm of the city, as guards crawled over the area.

 “Look sharp, lads, it might be a scout! Capture it. Get troops dockside so it doesn't escape!”

 The rhythm of movement developed an underscore of chaos as the people dodged the guards searching  the streets. Finally, the lone goblin was caught. A mysterious elven lass caught sight of the wretched beast and skillfully snared him. He begged and pleaded with her but it was no use. She bore the mark of the Wolfswood, and her resolve stood firm. As the guard rushed towards her, she thrust the squealing thing over to the lead with a curt nod.  

 “Sir, mind if I get back to my business?” She asked quietly. After receiving a similarly curt nod from the guard, she saluted and darted off into the streets.  

 “Hey why are you doing this?” The thing squealed and whined at the retreating figure and the guard.

 “You are going to jail, that's why,” replied the guard in a marginally even tone.

 “Charged of what?” The goblin shrieked in defiance.  

 “Trespassing!” charged the guard as he grumbled, struggling to keep his professionalism with the little creature squirming in his grasp. The guard still quite green, tried to hold true to the ideals taught to him as important.

 “I request a fair trial with the Toranites!And a chance to prove my innocence!” It squealed at once.

 “Sure sure, wretch, when ever they get around to it,” sneered the guard in reply as he started towards the lock up.

 “Its all false accusations! Even I have right I'm sure! How about If I promise not to do anything wrong?” It shrieked in accented common. Again it struggled and all the way to the jail. Tossing the door open as they approached, the guard grumbled again.  
 “In you go, wretch,” he opened the gate and threw the creature in. It landed with a thud but quickly bounced up, it's agile form almost fast enough to dart back out the gate as the guard slammed it shut.  

 “Hey... please?” It pleaded, “I require a fair trial, I'm serious!”

 “Please what, pass your sentence now?” The guard muttered from underneath his plate helm.  

 “A trial! I have people that will say good things of me!” It squeaked in reply.

 “ Right, right.. I'll send your advocate as soon as I can find one that will represent you,” The guard sighed as his foot steps retreated from the caged creature.

 “Hey wait!” It squealed again, “ How about food?....  and water? I'm starving....” It whined with despair as the heavy door gave a rusty squeal and cranky grind. The air in the room shuddered as it slammed shut behind the guard finally. The darkness had slowly crept over and was final as the door slammed. There was not to fill Shak's ears but the shallow breathing of his prison mates hidden in the dark in other cells.....

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2007, 03:49:38 am »
* Kobal passes by as the goblin is grabbed by the guard to be taken into jail. He stops and speaks to the flailing goblin or to anyone who is there to hear it. *

It does nay mattar wha' reesons ye got fer bein' in 'ere b'cause deh law states yer koin' aint allowed teh trespass. Scarin' chil'ren an' causin' 'avoc ye're in fer a lesson Oi bet.

* He looks to the guard. *

Let 'im 'ave a trial iffen it wants. It does nay reelly matter iffen someone speaks fer it in dis matter b'cause deh voilesjon of deh laws be evident an' dere's nay excuse iffen ye ask meh.


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2007, 07:27:42 am »
** Sallaron frowns at the elven lady who caught the goblin as she returns **

There was no need to catch him. He's harmless.

**The elven lady looks at him.**

You don't believe in laws very much do you?

** Sall frowns, shuffling a little**

Not when they get folk locked up for causing no, I bloody dont.

* he mutters to himself a few moment, waits for the subject to change, and heads off down the path to Vehl, despite warnings from several of the folk.
Pushing his way past the guard at the jail, he approached the cell with the wretched goblin inside.
Sighing to himself, he leans against the wall and looks at it a few moments before speaking**


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 08:05:34 am »
// Sallaron asked Carr about representing the goblin. Carr has agreed to aid Shak. He (Carr) has all ready gotten Shak's side of the argument in case the trial request is accepted.

// I believe the laws in question are the racial ones.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2007, 11:46:07 am »
//It's public knowledge Shak and Kinai are friends...Since I wasn't on at this hour, I can't join in the particular Rumor Has It roleplay, but she'll fight for him pretty darn hard if anyone approaches her :)


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2007, 02:45:21 pm »
/* I understand this is not considered too important at the moment, but I'm curious and somewhat anxious to know more details. I'm mainly interested in knowing if the request is being processed. */
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2007, 09:19:23 pm »
// Er, fight pretty hard being witness/friend/whatever those things in law are to speak on the good half of the person in question if they even have those things... I would never be lawyer.

*coughs and runs away before making herself more of a fool*


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2007, 10:24:05 pm »
//This quest is player driven and I am awaiting the details I requested from the key players in order to continue. No further development will occur until I receive those details from the players.


Re: A perfectly good day....
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2007, 06:00:42 pm »
/* If I may make a suggestion... Friday, June 29, 2007, 7:00 P.M. GMT. That should give everyone enough time to plan what they need to plan. */
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT

