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Author Topic: Murder in the Wild Surge Inn..  (Read 225 times)

Lord of the Forest

Murder in the Wild Surge Inn..
« on: July 05, 2007, 08:46:59 pm »
*Rumours are spreading around that a corpse was found in a room in the local Inn in Hlint. If there are any hints about this assasiniation please inform the guards in Hlint*


Re: Murder in the Wild Surge Inn..
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 03:47:41 am »
Sami Groundbreaker reads the notice. He is silent for a while. He turns to his companion. There may be something here, two things actually though I might add as it turns out both are linked and something of a shared idea.....but I think it best still to call them two, separate, considerations ...anyway it seems the local authorities, a shadow of the once proud organisation it was in the great days of Hlint I might add...are at a loss to solve htis one, an excellent opportunity for those seeking bounty like us. The second point is ..we, that is the collective we, *eyes his companion* or those with knowledge of that which was written here, have not been offered anything to help, it seems they, the authorities, would have us ...offer them hints..for free. *pauses looking sure it cant be so* He walks off.