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Author Topic: Massive Tsunamis!!  (Read 757 times)


Massive Tsunamis!!
« on: November 13, 2009, 12:41:48 am »
[SIZE=16]Word spreads quickly of the massive waves and storms that have hit western Mistone, especially around the Brelin Kingdom. As the news goes, Port Hempstead is a flooded city and the west side of town that faces the water front is completely devastated.

Outside in the fields, refugee camps are being kept quite busy, the large numbers of displaced people tending to the injured. The mood in the whole place is rather grim.

Further north in Krandor, severe damage has been suffered by all sea-side housing. However the quick action of druids have staved off greater damage to the rest of the city, though many lives were lost within their ranks.

Other coastal cities were affected to greater or lesser extents. Leringard seems to have managed to stave off the waves that threatened to overwhelm it. Instead they just suffered some superficial dockside damage.

In general the worse was suffered in Hempstead, and to those that look to the west, a storm continues to brew there, deep within the Almoran ocean.
The following users thanked this post: EdTheKet, Erik K, Lance Stargazer, Alatriel, Fidzy


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 12:47:12 am »
// ooc
 Woohoo !!  What an evening I've got! :)
 This is my first "Major event" I am participating to.  
 I was just going to kill few kobols to pass time... and fell on this !
 I was seeing the disaster building around me!!!
 Thanks a lot to all GM who worked on this.


« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2009, 01:58:48 am »
Amidst the chaos that this catastrophic event caused, word is held high of those heroes who stepped up to take control in such a devastating situation.

[INDENT] ...Word of kind nature folk, digging through debris with the aid of their gifts to rescue those trapped under houses...

...Word of valiant warriors who use the strength normally reserved to fight monsters, instead now to safe lives. A blond athletic woman being spoken highly of by many of the survivors...

...Stranger rumors still, told by some of creatures that would normally be considered monsters within the city, ebon skinned slender figures, lending a kind hand too...

...Many kind things said about Commander Creekskipper, a figure well-known through Hempstead as she risked everything to save as many lives as possible. Her small row boat was seen wading through the flooded city and reaching out for all needing aid. She worked so hard that in the end, after defying all stamina and saving hundreds of lives, it was told she passed out from sheer exhaustion. It's said that she's safe and is recovering in the hands of Prunilla's healers...

...The sharper tunes being sang by the rowdy types, of a spinner of tales who supposedly stood there when the first wave hit. Lived to tell the tale! Saved hundreds too in the process! He continued on his way north and aided all the exiles from Krandor as well, leading them into safety...

...Help from many of the Tower mages to use their fabrications of the Al'Noth to reinforce and move debris to save lives. It is told that one valiant wizard was seen transformed as a great massive golem, clearing its way to rescue a path to what may become the only working dock...

...And hundreds of survivors now speak highly of a strong beautiful elven lady with hair dark as night who led and organized a great deal of victims towards making a good number of people safe. It is said by opening the strong Tower Academy, she single-handed managed to ensure the survival of many. Her work continues still, trying to fight the consequences of this catastrophe...


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2009, 12:04:44 pm »
The first few days after the initial onslaught, more rumors spread through Mistone

[INDENT]..."Apreal 23, 1457, whether this catastrophe was natural or magical this date will not be forgotten soon by the citizens of the City of Gold. Many are still being found under the rubble, both dead and alive, and the damages are still being tallied up. Many are eager to go back into the city but for now it is too dangerous and the looming storm to the west eases no souls." Or so a spinner of tales is heard to say while nursing some injuries in one of the many campsites outside the city...

...After hours and hours of dangerous search the lady Joy Vaeran is finally found buried under tons of rubble in her own home/clinic. The beloved Brelin leader, was saved by none other than the Port Hempstead Duke's son himself! The young and daring Bertran Naech Kieran, in what some are calling a heroic deed (some a foolhardy one), led his boys into the fray to rescue the trapped halfling. Joy sports a good many bruises, but it is said that soon after she was found without any life-threatening wounds, she got quite busy with lending her healing skills to the many other injured...

...Word filters in about the fate of other sea-side towns. Many have suffered severe loses, some were spared, a good number of small villages have been wiped entirely from the map...

...A large gathering of druids in Krandor has kept most of the city in relative safety. While they were not able to stop all the flooding, only the beach-side housing suffered great damage. Great effort was made to make the Healing House safe, and indeed it is now heavily in use to tend to all the injured. An increased wave of respect is being given to the many druids that put their lives in danger, many loses within their ranks are being rumored as well...

...While Leringard was spared greatly, only suffering some dock side damage that is well underway to be repaired, the city of Karst, south of Leringard was not so lucky. A great wave has been said to have washed over the city and the dead piles up high. Already there is word of disease...

...Temples throughout Mistone answer to the needs of all heavily populated areas. The Breath of the Muse was first to respond in Hempstead, sending what aid they can to Prunilla's healers who have quite their hands full. Fort Llast sends some of their best battle healers through the waterways of the majestic Zainge river to give what aid they can in Krandor. Blackford and Beirun's Lucindites have been dispatched to Karst but the need here is great and the healers few. Word has been sent to more throughout the continent...

...Looting runs high! Amidst the chaos, those with less scruples or with great need have taken to looting whatever goods their hands can find. The Silver Guard works hard to put some control into this and all reserves have been called to aid in crowd controlling...


((DM Note: My inbox is open to all wanting to become more involved in this. Though all DMs can be PMed just as fine as well. If you are the owner of a house or a guild in the affected areas, right now feel free to roleplay the damaging of structure and of most perishable goods, excepting those who were kept under tight safety. Expect more posts in the near future that will deal with the damage and recovery efforts.))


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2009, 02:44:22 pm »
Relief efforts continue in Port Hempstead.

The Tower Academy is used as a base, the massive stone tower converted into an infirmary and refugee camp as people are slowly evacuated to Fort Wayfare through the portal.

Jaelle does her best to coordinate efforts at the Tower, and any volunteers coming into the city to give aid who aren't sure where to start can seek her out, to find out what is going on and where they can help if they are not certain what to do.

//Click the link if you want to get involved. It has more info.


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2009, 02:30:41 pm »
Some days after the initial wave of shock has passed and the most immediate need of rescuing the living and tending to the injured has been properly arranged, the city figureheads organize the more long-term aid.

Led by Joy Vaeran, the city Trade Council (Which in Port Hempstead stand for its leaders) arrange so one of the bigger farms is setup as a massive storage space. The construction and security of this place is tight. It seems the city has made some arrangements with the powerful druid Aerimor Lightbringer, and many are assured by his steady presence there to keep things safe.

It is in this storage space that all goods are being stored to feed and reinforce the city. This is the gathering point for donations as well.


It is said too that the duke of Hempstead, Seamus Naech Kieran, has established firm contact with other cities and locales within the Brelin kingdom and a network of aid is being formed with the cunning and wisdom of this war veteran. The most immediate contacts are made with Spellgard and the druids within Silkwood to make safe the city from the multiple issues it now faces. These two factions begin portalling in, through devices in the city of mages and The Great Old Tree that stands proudly in the Allurial Tribute. Meetings are held with the Trade Council and the duke himself to discuss these matters.


((The donation centers have been updated. You can now start donating goods or True to Karst, Krandor or Port Hempstead Tsunami funds. Make sure you click on the second donation list to get the Port Hempstead one. These donations will most certainly help determining the outcome of how these three cities recover, all with their proper consequences. I will be posting a "In Dire Need" list for the things the cities are starving for. The donation center in Hempstead is now just outside in the Port Hempstead Field.))


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 03:03:24 pm »
A rippling wave of concern flows through the city of Port Hempstead. A rumor heard by someone's friend, begins to amplify and be twisted as it goes from one set of ears to the next.

It seems someone has overheard the druids that recently arrived in the city while they were examining the docks. Something about the tides taking too long to recede, something about elevated sea levels. This of course gets elevated by some tasteless jokers into saying that the city will soon be all underwater.

However, the presence of sea elves by the docks do not help in mitigating these rumors.


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2009, 05:17:55 pm »
A fairly peaved young elf with reddish brown hair seems to appear from nowhere in Hempstead fields and then shouts at the many refugees milling around.  "GET OFF MY LAND!!!!"  

She is quickly ushered back to her house by a small young elven male with black hair.  A young little elven girl can be seen peeking through the windows every so often at the tents and people, with wide golden eyes that seem to take in everything.


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2009, 04:52:13 pm »
*Daniella tries to work with the Toran church to coordinate and help with the relief efforts of Port Hempstead, Krandor and Karst.  She urges those who come to services at the temple in Ft. Llast to aid in any way they can, collecting blankets, food, and clothing for refugees as well as urging those with healing abilities to go and lend their aid to those that need it in the cities and surrounding areas affected by the flooding of the tsunamis*


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2009, 07:50:57 pm »
More rumors spread about...

[INDENT] ...Mariners and travelers of all kinds bring word from Belinara. It is said that the continent has not been unaffected by the onslaught of the elements. However, Belinara's eastern geography has granted the continent a great deal of natural barriers. Alindor's western coast has been blessed with simply rougher waters, and though trade has been affected due to the loss of their greatest trader (Port Hempstead) and the many lost ships at sea, their cities are relatively spared from damage...

...After some confusion, official word finally begins to move from druids down to the commoner's ear and everyone in between. For the time being there is no reason to believe that the waves will stop. The torrential weathers somewhere deep in the Almoran ocean continue. The barriers made in each affected city will keep them safe, for now, but the threat is far from over especially to all those sea-side villages that cannot afford the strong protections Krandor and Port Hempstead are blessed with. Druids and mages will continue to fight the waves at every major surge...

...It is said that after the strange meeting between the Tempest of Mist and a powerful Naulti of Shindaleria, fierce eternal enemies, some active action is being taken to deal with the destructive weather. The details are sketchy, but one thing is certain, hope starts in Leringard...

...Massive vessels (and an equally impressive military escort) carrying loads upon loads of much needed supplies and foods finally arrive upon the broken docks of Port Hempstead. These vessels bear the flags of the northern Dregar kingdoms of Sedera, Succession, Liwich and Boyer. The latter having the most vessels in the fleet. Even though it was expected of other nations to offer aid, the amount of goods delivered are far more than anyone truly expected. It is unknown who pulled the strings to make such deals so generous, but a lot of people begin to breathe a little easier as these goods make their way to western Mistone starting in Port Hempstead...


OOC Section:

Thanks to all that have taken the time to invest in this on-going event with donations and roleplaying. It's far from over, however as I have been asked by some, the donations will determine how the cities will do after it is all said and done. At some point after the new year, depending on a few other things, I will be looking at all the donations and time invested in these efforts. Depending on the results, many will have the opportunity to have unique recognition in the respective cities that they are aiding. So if you're planning to get involve now you know that you will at least have the full month of December and then likely a few weeks of January to do so.


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2010, 05:21:49 pm »
Five years after the initial waves hit western Mistone and things have never truly recovered in full. The protections that were made in each of the affected cities were good, indeed it is a testament to the brilliant minds that put it in place just how good they are as they have kept the violent waters at bay.

However, keeping the cities protected is one thing, being able to travel in such waters an entirely different one. In fact such a feat has become a near epic adventure. As the years pass and the waters and weathers become more treacherous and violent the Almoran quickly gains amidst many circles the name of "The Unforgiving Maelstrom" or "The Ever Rising Blue". All of this of course influences trade and the way of living for both coastal and inland towns, and not really in a good way.

Such concerns of course seem trivial right now since for the last month the weather has gotten particularly fouler. In the major cities the protections hold. There is some risk that they might need some increased resistances but they will keep the more violent weather in check. However the coastline does not share the same fate. Many villages have disappeared entirely and the landscape continues to be reshaped.

In these last few days however it is all highlighted by a display that would send chills down the hardiest of sailors.

Rolling lightning.


Rolling lightning illuminating the horizon to the west of the Almoran sea. Constant through day and night and brewing a storm that even from so far away seems fueled by an unworldly power.

Needless to say people are very nervous and unsure what to do.
Authorities in each major city seem to be on the move to make preparations for what might come but in truth it all seems utterly futile with what looms in the horizon.


((OOC Note: Alright, first I must apologize for the interruption of steady updates. Things continued as they were indicated in the last post but there have been questions of the state of things between then and now and things have been incredibly hectic.

However! One way or another this plot will come to its conclusion tomorrow Tuesday night with Jaelle's WL finale. Success or failure it will have interesting results and potential sub-plots in the future. I am going to be using this natural ending of this series to also collect all the different donations tallies and projects surrounding the tsunamis and reflect their own successes or failures.

So what that means is that by Friday this week I will be adding up all the donations that have been made to see what sort of recognition people or organizations will have when the dusts settles. This also means that if I need to collect whatever resources you might have had for related projects that I still haven't, then throughout the week and concluding Friday I will make myself available at virtually any time zone to collect them. So please get a hold of me before Friday.

Thanks to all who got involved!

Oh and credit to the awesome photo taken by the artist!


Re: Massive Tsunamis!!
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2010, 03:45:31 pm »
On the summer evening of Jular 16, 1462 the skies to the west of Mistone upon the Almoran ocean illuminated with a terrifying display of power. It would take no great sage or wise druid to confirm that the weather was not a natural pattern of the world. Whatever brewed deep in the Almoran was fueled by a great magic and rage.

As the show of lights continued throughout the night it grew with impossible power. The lightning changed into what can only be described as a black tainted color that was still visible from a distance. Its energy continued to build into wild patterns which is when the voice was heard, a harsh deep thunderous voice that mingled with the thunderstorm. It whispered in sombre tones: "Witch Witch Witch"...

And just as impossible as it all seemed then, was the impossible explosion that followed. Water turned to flame and a billowing mushroom that could be seen even from so far away on the Almoran coast, filled the horizon.

The cloud threatened to expand more and more but a powerful silvery lightning, thick from high above the heavens pierced its power and all that followed was simply silence...

The darkening horizon calmed. The storm faded. The seas grew calm...

((Grats Carillon :)))