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Author Topic: In front of Lannisport  (Read 300 times)


In front of Lannisport
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:37:00 am »

A group of fishermen sails into Lannisport’s small harbor. They look like they had the scare of their life. Hurriedly, they walk into the temple and leave behind some of their catch as offering to their patron goddess.
After saying short prayers of thanks, they leave and hurry on to the nearest tavern.
   You see them enter and notice their still pale faces. As they order their ale, the bartender yells at them “What be the matter with ye? Ye lot look like ye seen a ghost? Ye’re paler than yer sails!”
   The captain of the fishing boat turns to the bartender “We seen dragons.” The bartender roars with laughter, but you turn around to better hear their conversation.
   “Dragons?” he says, “nobody’s seen dragons since Blood returned! Ye must be stark raving mad!” The captain shakes his head and moves to the back of the tavern, to a table near you.
His crew joins him and shortly after, the tavern’s singer joins them. “So tell me of these dragons, and I’ll make a song about it.” he says.
Their voices lower and they’re too low for you to make out. You retire for the night, and when you rise at the break of dawn, you find the singer sitting in the common room, mumbling lyrics.
   “A crew set out from Lannisport, to sail to their fishing grounds. Yet a storm sprang up and blew them north”  He is quiet for a moment, then looks at you and asks “What rhymes with grounds?” but before waiting on an answer he continues “I’ll get to that later.”  “For days it blew and north they went, north towards Aryte, knowing that if they kept on going, certain doom would soon be in sight. And as the wind subsided after four days and nights of roaring, The cliffs of Aryte rose out from the sea, dark grey in early morning.”  He looks up again, looking rather proud, then continues.  “Yet one mountaintop was slightly off, it was darker than the rest, Even at high noon, the eerie darkness had not been suppressed. The wary crew labored on, but when they were almost done with the repair. A challenging and ferocious roaring, filled them with despair.  Looking up they saw the darkness started to dissipate, And four, no three shapes appeared in the gloom. The shapes launched themselves into the skies,  Still surrounded by a cloud of doom.”  He grows silent again, then turns to you. “Now I am stuck again. The captain told me that cloud and the shapes circled around the peak once, then that  cloud suddenly disappeared after it passed into the shadow of the peak.  Apparently, three dragons then appeared from it and they flew away. Nice story, heh, doubt anyone will believe it though.”  Frowning, you refrain to comment and order your breakfast before leaving.