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Author Topic: * a Giant choice ..... Discussion about the next target of the group*  (Read 443 times)

Lance Stargazer

// Thread for discussion here.  Feel free to post the relevant data you consider for this part of the quest. and think  it well your choice. Cheers


//As requested, the
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 02:51:01 am »

//As requested, the discussion with the giant:


Big Rock: This is a war. .. as one that was seen in the past. . many years back .
 Vell'dryn Rydralle: [Party] Are you the one who makes those purple gems that protect the town?
Big Rock: Giants raising to try to reach for their own land. . their own kingdom . . in human terms. .
 Quenton Bowstringer: [Party] are you the really fast giant that we've been seeing?
Big Rock: No* to Q*
 Katelyn Poetr: [Party] But why do they fight each other?
Big Rock: *There is a war among our kin
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Just here, in the desert, or everywhere?
Big Rock: *to Kat*  for the most obvious of reasons.. . Greed and power. . as ie every other war. .
Vell'dryn Rydralle: [Party] The ones who don't follow Grannoch.  They do not know peace among their kin.
Big Rock: **he extends his arm towards Ty as if asking for patience*
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Sure. *quiets*
Big Rock: It was once this minor clan .. . the Sunscorch .. followers of her flame. .
Big Rock: They managed to reach and learn. . and used the teachings of a fleeing clan that once tried to take over the dessert. .  
Big Rock: Now they have started to take over and conquer more clans. . Such sadness to see brother fight brother. . it displeases her the most
Big Rock: Those who doesn't live .... the creatues of the dark .. did not come on their own . . but from a man or waht seemed to be a man.  
Big Rock: I told you I would help your kin. .
Big Rock: and so i would. .
Big Rock: The sunscorch giants are led by two ...  and helped by a third  . .
Big Rock: From there all its go down . .
 Quenton Bowstringer: [Party] Is one of them the fast giant?
Big Rock: A man came ... long time ago and poisoned the minds and heart ..
Big Rock: This human .. is the one who brought the blight of the undead to this lands. .
Big Rock: One that goes by the name of Tyrus. . the mad he speaks proudly of himself
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] *glances at the others*
Big Rock: *to Q*  No, they are three of them . .. they are remanants of the old shame  .. that old clan taht tried to overtook the land before. .
Corky Embercrackle: [Party] *mouths Tyrus to Ry with a quizative look*
Big Rock: We have fought our brothers, but we are taking heavy loses. ..  
Big Rock: It won't be long till we lost this battle. . .
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Yeah, well, we're kinda invested in not seeing that happen.
Ryubi Jingles: [Party] who are the three again?
Big Rock: Alas. ..  the town that you call sloven should stand. .
Big Rock: That is imperative. ..  If the town is left behind by the humans. .. they will have given a desicive step .
 Corky Embercrackle: [Party] yeah and does Tyrus count as one of the three?
Ryubi Jingles: [Party] that would make four *nods to Corky*
 Katelyn Poetr: [Party] Tyrus is human, I think
 Big Rock: *To ry*  Tyrus is one yes ,,  the other two are a twin giants with powerful skills.   in what you call   Al'noth .
Ryubi Jingles: [Party] do they have names?
Big Rock: One male and one female .. leading the Sunscorch with the influence of this Tyrus.  Corky Embercrackle: [Party] The twins are the "fast" ones?
Ryubi Jingles: [Party] we did witness quite a large amound of strong Al'noth in the last battle
Big Rock: They had choosen Flame and Fire as their names in your tonge. .
 Big Rock: **Shakes his head*  the fast ones are but tools.... Scouts and trasporters.
Corky Embercrackle: [Party] *nods* thank you
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Where are they located.
Big Rock: Here is the breaking desicion for you. . and this is what i can do for you.  
 Big Rock: I can point out to two places . .
Big Rock: So you may find more answers than what i can give  .
 Big Rock: As you saved my kin life. .  I can tell you where the goods of the caravan attacked are being held. .
Big Rock: Or ... where to find Tyrus , before he moves. .   
Ryubi Jingles: [Party] how does this Tyrus blowing up Audira have anything to do with your war?
Corky Embercrackle: [Party] *clinches a fist*
Big Rock: You may have just enough time for one of the two. .. .
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Save Sloven, or find Tyrus.
Big Rock: So choose wisely little ones. . . .
Corky Embercrackle: [Party] Oh, should we trust the snake druid lady and Merlin?
Katelyn Poetr: [Party] Those goods may well save Sloven, and you say Sloven's continued survival is essential.
Grogmegor : [Party] *thinks*
Quenton Bowstringer: [Party] What if we split up?!
Ty Reid-Dragonheart: [Party] Yeah, was thinking that.
Redeemer : *To Ryubi * I am not familiar with what you say . . . Audira is far from the places i usually see. .  
Katelyn Poetr: [Party] I think we must save Sloven and hope that you will get further word of Tyrus's whereabouts.
 Redeemer : Yet must tell you that tyrus is and has been around this lands for some years now.
 Quenton Bowstringer: [Party] All the sneaky types could go one way and the others go the other way...?
 Corky Embercrackle: [Party] I say we strike Tyrus...we may never get intel like this again
 Katelyn Poetr: [Party] Sloven will not survive without immediate aid, I fear.



Charlie moves to stand next
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 09:56:19 am »

Charlie moves to stand next to Katelyn, "Kat's right, Sloven needs our help, sides, we've seen these buggers in a fight, we'll get our arses handed to us iffn we try ta take em on.  I say we're needin ta steal back what they took from the caravan."  He looks around gauging the effect of his words.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"There's no way to pull out a
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 03:12:04 pm »

"There's no way to pull out a miracle here. Slovan has to stand, but if we miss our chance on Tyrus, it'll just fall another day. We don't have the intel to really know if moving on him will be successful - but if we can yank him out of the picture...Big Rock, if Tyrus weren't doing his magicking thing, if it were just Fire and Flame leading the Sunscorch, could the Grannochians hold their own or even win this war?"


Lance Stargazer

*After some minutes thinking
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 03:42:21 pm »

*After some minutes thinking as if considering all the replies posible he speaks *


The war is a maelstrotm,  And this aside its not our priority , we are small in numbers and not an army, Tyrus or not , the numbers of our brothers are inmesne, yet I am affraid its late  to remove the influence this Tyrus had brought upon the two leaders.


Among my powers its not the foresee of the future,  young Human.  

Yet seems unlikely, that we'll stand on our own against such army ,

**he resumes listening to the group conversation *



*Looks towards the cave
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2013, 04:00:53 pm »

*Looks towards the cave entrance on occasion waiting for the precise time to send out her little friend to bring word, Rory hopes by this time Dot or Q looks out for Rory's little friends*



I don't know why, but our
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 07:14:48 pm »

I don't know why, but our giant friend said that Sloven's continued existence is essential -- that Sloven must stand.  The supplies we can retrieve will help them survive.  That must be our priority.


