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Author Topic: Devastation in Krandor  (Read 1273 times)


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2009, 07:28:10 pm »
Hours before the next wave hits, most of Krandor looks like a ghost city. Only those with skills useful in protecting the town are left behind, everyone else waits on the borders in the camps that were made for those whose homes were deemed to be in direct danger.

On her rock in the water, Zire stands alone once more, after having shared some time with the red-headed woman, the storm begins to brew around her and it becomes harder and hard to see her through the spray that forms.

Supplies are low in the city but for now most run on adrenaline.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2009, 09:55:31 am »
As the waves hit the coastal town those protecting it were much better prepared to deal with the onslaught from the weather.

The priestess Zire was seen standing against the waves, calling upon her gift to calm the storm. Things turned grim when her protections waned and she became exposed to the waves. Thankfully, a small group of adventurers combated the elements to save the priestess and now she rests at Kelin's Inn, sporting a good number of cuts and bruises but altogether recuperating.

The druid barrier seems to have held, for now, and thus the citizens are kept safe. However, the town resources look grim as far as reconstruction goes. What aid the kingdom can provide does come, but with the damage being so massive and the focus mainly on Port Hempstead the town looks to any kind souls.

OOC Part:

The town is now somewhat stable with the barrier placed in case more waves come, so rebuilding can happen in earnest. The Brelin Kingdom's network will provide resources for some basic things, but considering the damage done to other cities and all the nuances of diplomacy, there's plenty of room for the enterprising kind to jump in.

So, with that said, not only will player donations be considered for the reconstruction of the city, but aid from other places can be sought as well.

Right now the most significant donations are as follows, the explanations in the parenthesis are for the sake of balance/difficulty:

- Wood (Oak and above)
- Stone (Which we will use ingots to represent, Iron and above)
- Food (Any type of CNR made food)
- Healing Supplies

Other donations will be appreciated, but donating say for instance a weapon enhancement is not as useful. Consider this an opportunity to make an impact in the world.



Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2009, 12:50:55 pm »
*Kyle enters Kelin's scanning the crowd. Finding Zire...who is resting in one of the rooms...enters and takes a seat next to her.*

Priestess...I'm Kyle Pandorn I lived, no, live in is good to see you feeling better. When we pulled you from the rocks you were all but spent. Thankfully...the town was spared the full fury of the storm. The druids picked up the slack...but Krandor is in bad shape.

I pledge whatever assistance I can offer...and can draw upon whatever resources the Angels Guild can spare.

Krandor has been my home for many years. And I will see it rebuilt.



Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2009, 05:21:20 pm »
Before the storm reaches its strength in Krandor, the blue-clad sorcerer and the copper-haired woman take up their places, working with a group of mages from Spellgard.  Through their efforts, whatever water gets past the Druids' barrier is funneled off safely without causing any further damage.

Physically and magically tired by the efforts after the storm passes, the pair makes their way through town, surveying things with their own eyes, then head toward Kelin's to check on Zire and possibly find some space for a brief rest.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2009, 06:03:25 pm »
*Kyle is seen entering Krandor with Ferrit...oxen in tow. They are laden with bricks of stone...building materials...some bandages and food. If approached...Kyle informs them that they are bringing materals to start the long and arduous task of rebuilding Krandor and that more supplies will be coming as the days go by*

//Kyle does ask about Zire and how she is doing. The materals have been donated using the NPC outside Port Hempstead



Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2009, 07:15:12 pm »
*After the storm passes Wren re-joins Ferrit and Kyle to check on the well being of Zire* She looks a bit worse for the wear, but I think we got her out of there at the right time *he says to Ferrit and Kyle* Something to tell the youngsters years for now, how three crazy people in a leaky row boat headed out to sea in the worst storm of our time to pull an even crazier druid off some rocks *he laughs* Well I guess I had best see how bad the damage is and what will be needed to rebuild. I have a feeling I will be cutting a lot of wood for the rebuild.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2009, 06:32:41 pm »
"Indeed Wren...just don't let the druids hear you say that." *grins*

*to one of the druids near Kelin's* Where do you want this stuff?

*He waits for the druid to indicate where Kyle should lead his ox*



Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2009, 01:33:54 am »
(( This is a touch belated, but including it here for completeness ))

Not long after the second wave, the blue-clad man and the copper-haired woman in Katian garb, known respectively as Connor and Anna, take a brief leave from Krandor. They return after several days, perhaps a week, and seek out Zire directly and with some purpose, though their expressions are conflicted.  They share a quiet conversation with Zire, appearing to explain or discuss something of significance, with looks of conflict in their faces.

It is not long after this that they disappear again and are thereafter seen only briefly and at odd intervals, never seeming to stay for very long.  Even so, their returns usually come with things like blankets, staples or other such items to try and improve the situation in Krandor, even if it is in small ways for the moment.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2009, 08:40:53 pm »
*Kyle...during a break in the rebuilding...sees the pair leave after yet another visit with Zire. He looks at one of the druids present.*

"Tell me something...who are those two? They've been coming and going every so often."

*He starts to hammer another oak plank in place waiting for the druid's response*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2009, 09:36:32 pm »
(( Kyle would know they are long-time residents of Krandor. The man, Connor, has lived in 147 next to Kyle for longer than Kyle has lived there, and the woman, AnnaLee, has been in residence there for at least the last 30 or so years. I'm pretty sure Kyle and AnnaLee have been friends for even longer than that. ))


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 03:14:50 pm »
*Alandric, whilst travelling through the area, stops to observe the commotion regarding the rebuilding, aid and compassion given from many across the land for the restoration of Krandor.  He sneers at the spectacle, disgusted with the charity and good will of people.
At that moment two people approach with their palms upraised.  They were no doubt once civilians to Krandor and now victims, resorting to begging for survival.
Alandric swats away their hands and steers his black mare suddenly around, almost trampling the beggers.  There are gasps from onlookers but he doesnt seem to notice as he rides off without looking back, a sly grin on his face as he contemplates the many opportunities that the tragedy has presented to him.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 06:05:38 pm »

Ohhhhhh....Connor Garvil and AnnaLee O. (Sorry Anna...can't spell that last name.) O.o

*gets the eraser out*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2009, 07:25:12 pm »
*hits the rewind button*

*Kyle...during a break in the rebuilding...sees Connor and Anna leave after yet another visit with Zire.*

It is good to see everyone pitching in where they can. But what's got them at odds with each other? Maybe Zire can shed some light...

*He strolls over to Kelin's and asks to see Zire.*


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2009, 07:31:32 pm »
//Not to sound crass or anything...but can we have an update to the relief efforts in all places affected by the tsunamis? Just to see how much the effort has done.


Re: Devastation in Krandor
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2010, 05:23:09 pm »

