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Author Topic: Fort Llast oddity...  (Read 71 times)


Fort Llast oddity...
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:18:39 pm »
*Travelers and Toranites alike have known for years now of the presence of a Dark Elf in the temples walls. Those who have heard the report understand he serves time there as punishment for murder and avoiding capture. The initiate Lyr of Toran's Paladin Order has made note of the Elf's unusual presence in the temple's Main Hall, casually watching travelers and the clergy alike as he goes about his usual duties. Initiate Lyr has made no further comments, but has kept an eye open as he goes about his duties.*

// This is an open invitation for any Toranite who wishes to participate in Sion's CDQ, as well as a few "traveller's" that might chance their way by the temple. I'll leave the rest unsaid... Link here.

//EDIT: Also, it's May 3rd, 1 to 4 EST

// EDIT EDIT: dear lord, Shiff is going.....