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Author Topic: Iron Clad - Discussion  (Read 292 times)


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2006, 12:13:13 pm »
*returning her attention to Muireann, Melanna calmly walks over to her putting her own face inches in front of Muireann's as she answers*
"As I recall, you've been asked on numerous occassions to quit spreading dissention among us as well, so perhaps I should follow your pattern of dealing with things and calmly and coldly use my abilities to sever you in two the next time you open your mouth for any reason that is not actually helpful in my eyes.  And, if Mist wishes to sink an entire ship in one of her famous tantrums just to smite me for what I've said about her, I'm sure she'll do so and there won't be much I can do about it.  The threat that she might will not keep me from sailing anywhere I wish to sail when I wish to do so.  So, you can put away your smug little grin because I'm not afraid of you or your mistress of tantrums."

*she pauses a moment then adds*

"Right now I'm weighing and measuring what I believe you can contribute to help this effort against how much your actions and attitude are harmful to the effort.  The scales are leaning dangerously toward the negative, so you make a careful choice now and decide whethter you wish to tip them back in favor of your continued pressence here, or if you wish to tip them further toward me being rid of you.  If you're not helping, then to me you're as much the enemy as the Gnolls."


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2006, 12:37:37 pm »
Hmmmm...nope...only remember you doing it just now although feel free to attempt to sever me in two any time you wish and if you have no fear...that's fine by me....Now you gonna kiss me or back off?


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2006, 08:06:13 pm »
At this point, there is no point in my revising this plan or presenting anything else as it will likely be rejected outright as well.  I have heard no other suggestions as to ways to improve or change what I have presented so as to make it more viable.  All I have heard is criticism and the plan rejected outright with no attempt to offer anything better.  I am very open to discussion on any ideas as long as they are constructive and lead somewhere positive.  To sit back and dismiss one idea without offering anything better in it's place gets us nowhere.  The plan is out there for discussion.  If any have ways to make it work in a better way, let them step up and say so.  I will not however continue making futile attempts to present plans that are likely to be considered dead before they are even presented.  I absolutely agree that more intelligence is needed as to troup strength and placement before any plan can be implemented.  Melanna's point to seek aid from the ogres and spellgard mages is not unwise.  My question to her is what do we do with the extra help if we do get it?  Do you have a plan to actually take the town with the extra reinforcements?  If so, I have not heard it.  Lets send scouts in to see what is happening in town and what forces we actually face.  Lets send runners to spellgard and into Sielwood to seek the aid of the ogres.  All fine but what are we going to do when it is time to put boots to motion? Unless someone has anything else to offer, an imperfect battle plan is better than no battle plan at all.


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2006, 06:16:00 am »
Has Everyone forgotten that we still have a scout within Haven at present and that until he returns with news, all this arguing is doing us no good. There yet may be much that we learn and while we argue. We could be finding the Ogres, and working to formulate a plan. We could also try to find a way to gain more troops to help in the attack instead of just trying to fight this war among ourselves. Or do you all prefer to fight among yourselves? Tadashi's plan isn't bad... but it is dangerous. Not altogether a bad idea to have troops in the tower within Haven. But it would do good to distract the Gnolls so that they could be positioned. Where they can be ready when the battle is ready to begin, but not to attack until then.

The stones that have been found are dangerous as we have proven with the temporary blindness of one of our own. There is a very dark magic about them and to play with something we know very little about could be setting ourselves up to be consumed by the darkness we strive to fight against. While we have proven that they are the source of the Gnolls ability to make themselves invisible. While we sit here bickering among ourselves they could be very well watching us and laughing at our pathetic excuse for organization.

It would do us all a great service if we came to a decision of who is to lead us, if by a show of hands. And that we stand behind the one chosen. If this is agreeable to all present?
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2006, 07:33:05 am »
//OOC - I'm reconsidering the idea of Melanna going PvP against Muireann.  It's still a possibility, but rather than using her sword if she does go after Muireann, it's more likely she'd just take a swing or two at her with her bare fists.  Melanna isn't a murderer and she believes it her duty to serve and protect nearly everyone, including even Muireann who is perhaps the single most annoying and infuriating character she's ever encountered.  (that's a compliment to her good RP, by the way)  In any case, we'll see what happens at the next session, whenever it might be.//


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Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2006, 09:00:30 am »
OOC- Lets not forget that the animals and birds in the area can be a very good asset when it comes to spying.  Heck druid wildshape into things like cat, badger and parrot will be VERY useful for spying.


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2006, 11:23:21 am »
Chnmmr - 11/28/2006  5:00 PM  OOC- Lets not forget that the animals and birds in the area can be a very good asset when it comes to spying.  Heck druid wildshape into things like cat, badger and parrot will be VERY useful for spying.
 OOC- While I agree wildshapes are good, assuming you wish to say get animals or birds to tell you the numbers of gnolls, could you kindly explain to me how an animal or bird can count? You ask an animal or bird "how many Gnolls?" your likely to get the answer of "Many". Lets be can't have an 'intelligent' human conversation with an have to work within their intellectual boundaries.
  Sorry if I come across as spikey but I've just seen too many Druids in my 13 years of RP expecting animals to 'report back' in human concepts when the animal in question has no evolutionary reason to think like that.


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2006, 01:12:36 pm »
//Druids can still turn into those inconspicuous animals, y'know. Though do we have any info on when the next session will be? I hope Eorendil got to feeling better...


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2006, 01:23:25 pm »
//Hence why I said I agreed Wildshape are good!


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2006, 02:15:46 pm »
//Well, again you assume the Gnolls won't attack said little furry animals whether they be mages in disguise or actual animals.  Prior evidence in the quest shows the Gnolls to be rather voracious and to prefer animal meat for eating over human, elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, etc.  I sight the reports of livestock and pets dissappearing prior to their actual occupation of Haven, as well as the carcass of the ox that had been pulling the wagons that had gone missing being chewed up, while the bodies of hte humans with the arms shipments had not been bitten so much.


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2006, 09:09:45 am »
//The next episode for this quest has been posted for next Saturday at the regular time. Sorry for not getting back to things sooner. The holidays coupled with a heavy work load, exhaustion and several small emergencies have made things difficult. If you have any questions feel free to PM me as I do check the boards regularly.
  Thank you,


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2006, 05:45:13 pm »
//I'd like to note that Pyyran is, since the last session, level 13 - one over the top of the stated limit. So feel free to bring on the pain for the poor fellow. Well. More pain. *Grins.*


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2006, 06:19:26 am »
Nehetsrev - 11/28/2006  3:33 PM  //OOC - I'm reconsidering the idea of Melanna going PvP against Muireann.  It's still a possibility, but rather than using her sword if she does go after Muireann, it's more likely she'd just take a swing or two at her with her bare fists.  Melanna isn't a murderer and she believes it her duty to serve and protect nearly everyone, including even Muireann who is perhaps the single most annoying and infuriating character she's ever encountered.  (that's a compliment to her good RP, by the way)  In any case, we'll see what happens at the next session, whenever it might be.//
 Only just noticed this...
  I'd like to point out that Muir will respond to an attack as an attack regardless of how it is made and is not forced in anyway to reduce her response simply because it is fists instead of a sword.


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2006, 06:31:34 am »
//Don't worry about it Stephen. Most GMs will not penalize you if you go over the limit during the course of the quest. Besides, I think you all have plenty to deal with already.


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2006, 08:19:37 am »
DMOE - 12/5/2006  8:19 AM    
Nehetsrev - 11/28/2006  3:33 PM  //OOC - I'm reconsidering the idea of Melanna going PvP against Muireann.  It's still a possibility, but rather than using her sword if she does go after Muireann, it's more likely she'd just take a swing or two at her with her bare fists.  Melanna isn't a murderer and she believes it her duty to serve and protect nearly everyone, including even Muireann who is perhaps the single most annoying and infuriating character she's ever encountered.  (that's a compliment to her good RP, by the way)  In any case, we'll see what happens at the next session, whenever it might be.//
 Only just noticed this...
  I'd like to point out that Muir will respond to an attack as an attack regardless of how it is made and is not forced in anyway to reduce her response simply because it is fists instead of a sword. 
 I wouldn't expect anything less from Muireann, I was only making the point that Melanna is less inclined to use her own full force against Muireann due to her own set of principals.


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2006, 04:15:49 am »
// Amilia is unable to attend this meeting today because of RL issues.  she will be able to attend the next meeting if that is ok with every one


Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2006, 05:28:36 am »
//Sorry to say, but there probably won't be a next one... Well. That's just a guess, but... *Shrugs.* Thank you for letting us know, though.


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2006, 05:42:57 pm »
//OOC - Just to keep those who missed this morning's session informed, there will be another session.  Also some fair progress (we think) was made in the efforts to thwart the Gnoll invasion, and indeed it's been confirmed they are being posessed by some dark shadow creature wishing to break free of it's prison.


RE: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2006, 07:39:15 pm »
//Alright, I have the next session tentatively scheduled for the 23rd. I know this is close to a holiday.... so if its trouble I'll move it but it'll most likely get moved to the first weekend in January at that point. Let me know.


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Re: Iron Clad - Discussion
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2006, 03:21:00 am »
DMOE - 11/28/2006  7:23 PM    
Chnmmr - 11/28/2006  5:00 PM  OOC- Lets not forget that the animals and birds in the area can be a very good asset when it comes to spying.  Heck druid wildshape into things like cat, badger and parrot will be VERY useful for spying.
 OOC- While I agree wildshapes are good, assuming you wish to say get animals or birds to tell you the numbers of gnolls, could you kindly explain to me how an animal or bird can count?  You ask an animal or bird "how many Gnolls?" your likely to get the answer of "Many".  Lets be can't have an 'intelligent' human conversation with an have to work within their intellectual boundaries.
  Sorry if I come across as spikey but I've just seen too many Druids in my 13 years of RP expecting animals to 'report back' in human concepts when the animal in question has no evolutionary reason to think like that.  
 Just noticed this so I'll reply to it.  I've only ever asked for the animals to tell me where the gnolls roughly are and i get responses from them that I completely expect.  For example; Stone tree refering to the tower.  I never expect any detail but every little bit helps.  As for conversations in animal, I keep trying to bring that up that animal speak is something simple, but to no avail... so *shrug* go with the flow.

