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Author Topic: Isherwood a murderer?  (Read 68 times)


Isherwood a murderer?
« on: February 24, 2010, 01:59:04 pm »
OOC rumour has it that Isherwood ( as shown in the galleries by one father Badger) took the life of one of his brave party whilst ridding the town of Fort Llast of ants, orcs and undead.

the rumour is, of course, a complete fiction. It may be true that that poor father badger, a cleric of Aeridin, fell after running through a barrier of blades cast by the said Isherwood. However, it was in the heat of battle that Isherwood cast the blade barrier in an effort to prvent the escape of a powerful vampire. It was a pity that the poorly sighted Father badger could not see the blades as they appeared at the end of his nose and ran throuh them to his death.

The pious Isherwood prayed for him and raised him, having already raised anther member of party ( whom he didnt cause damage to).

Having achived Undead slayer status he is now reviewing how his enthusiam to kill the undead should be tempered with caring for he short sighted amongst his party. He will pray for guidance....................


Re: Isherwood a murderer?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 02:23:28 pm »
I was zere and I saw it all. Fazzer Badger was, 'ow you say, a leetil 'astee, and ran into ze blades zat Sir Isherwood cast to ztop ze vampire fleeing.

'e should be congratulated and not reviled, and in any case, 'e revived ze poor Fazzer Badger.

All ended well zo as ze vampire was laid to rest, her damned tomb smashed to ze peeces by ze brozzers Dumas and ze ozzers after ze long and hard fight.

I would welcome Sir Isherwood by my side in ze combat any time.

~~ Portlie Dumas, Ragrian's Halberdiers