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Author Topic: Joining of 2 hearts  (Read 65 times)


Joining of 2 hearts
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:44:32 pm »

[SIZE=10]//new date posted on the player calendar. Click on the image to be linked. Open to all. Please sign up in advance so we know that we have enough food and beverage for all in a rp fashion of course.[/SIZE]


Re: Joining of 2 hearts
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 01:07:54 am »
*gives it a few gentle nudge so it's visible again*


Re: Joining of 2 hearts
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 12:34:55 am »
*And for the last time before the event, Fehriel goes over the few posters he tacked up, and make sure they are visible again*


Re: Joining of 2 hearts
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2010, 06:01:26 pm »
The song requested of Andrew and played at the reception party:

Two hearts to one as the old saying goes
But wasn’t it always so?
He saw you on that rainy day not so long ago
Hair stuck to skin and soaked to within but the look that they shared in the midst of that din
Warmed the cold away
Warmed the cold away

A prince of wolves in fur headdress
A star mage healer with magic’s bless
Rain and her voice
The look in his eyes
While storm clouds passed overhead

Love isn’t an instant
No matter what the bards say
It wasn’t a week and it wasn’t a day
But a seedling in love’s sun and watered with time and the vines of together took root to climb
Twining to today
Twining to today

It’s the feeling when you find your God
The dawning of a new day’s sun
The moment when you wake fully
The making of two to one


Re: Joining of 2 hearts
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2010, 10:58:29 pm »
*Leaf dons on his "clean and uncut" woodsman outfit and heads off to West parts of Blackford Castle to share in Fehriel and Talia's becoming one*

Upon arriving I noticed a heart sitting near a tree that is most dear to me...Feawen.

I walked over to Feawen and I saw a little ways off in the field, the groom and the future Mrs. were busy getting ready for the days ceremony...

I sat down beside Feawen and said "hello my dear"

Everyone was about doing thier own thing.  setting out benches, filling chests with ales and juice in one and food in another.

Miss Talia came up to Feawen and I.  We stood and I greeted her.  Feawen has never had the pleasure, so I introduced them.   Miss Talia began to inform of her first wedding day problems.  Apparaently, one of her ladies in her wedding could not make the trip and was over a month away from joining the festivities.  She looked to Feawen for moment..sized her up and then asked her.   "Miss Feawen you are about the same size as her....I just need someone to stand in her sted"  Feawen being the generous and considerate soul that she is, looked to miss Talia and said. "I offer my help to you miss Talia?".  as she replies...seeming a bit nervous with her reply.

Miss Talia smiled upon hearing Feawen's kind words, asked Feawen if she would consider being a part of the ceremony.  *Feawen looks to me and says "Did you put her up to this"*.  I pull my hands back and say "Absolutely not my dear..I would never do such a thing".

She leads Feawen off to try on the bridesmaid gowns and I go over and see how Fehriel is doing.  We meet just off the field where the ceremony was to take place.  "Hello my are you on this fine day?" I said to the groom.  Fehriel replies back..."Very good, thank you for coming Leaf".  I asked him if he was nervous..."No, I am not nervous...some butterflies in stomach but not nervous" ... he replied.   I then told him that was a good sign from Longstrider....which he agreed.

Fehriel then informed me that they needed some last minute flowers for the ladies and asked for my help.  I quickly offered to do as he needed and made haste for the Fort Wayfare's flourist.  I ran as fast as I could...I even took to the trees for a few shortcuts.  I got back just in time for the ceremony.  I heard that there was a problem with one of the bridesmaid dress's and needed some quick tailoring which slightly delayed the ceremony, which I heard is normal for weddings.  So I made my way to the congregation glad that my legs could run like the wind and make it back in time....

The ladies all looked beautiful as they approached and made thier way down the isle.  I smiled and winked at Feawen when she passed by me sitting on the bench in the front row.

Then Talia was escorted up to Fehriel.  Everyone was taken by the beautiful lass as she stolled down the isle with confidence, emitting her love to Fehriel as she did.  They met in the center with Enzo, the priestess and Fehriel's best men there to support thier friend in his time of matramony.

The cermony was beautiful and the vows they chose for each other were touching.  Folian blessed this day and made the rain subside during the actual rained before and shortly after...but not during...

After the ceremony, everyone wished Talia and Fehriel thier best and enjoyed some drink and food.

Andrew played a song and it was very all of Andrew's melodys are.

The party started to wind down and everybody made thier way back to thier homes for the night....