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Author Topic: Lor  (Read 3049 times)


Re: Lor
« Reply #180 on: December 20, 2010, 05:00:59 am »
*After the meeting with the Mayors, Tralek realizes there was a question of most importance that was asked but not answered.  He goes to the Mayors' office and requests permission to speak with the Mayors to ask his question.  He will also look for Sasha and ask her if the Mayors avoid him.  His question would be:  What reason did Lord Rancion III give for his occupation/visit of Castle Mask?  Obiviously it can't be because he plans to annex Lor based on the pending Cult attack, because Rael does not beleive the Cult plans to attack them.*


Re: Lor
« Reply #181 on: December 20, 2010, 09:38:38 pm »
Tralek goes to the marshalls office to find that Sasha has left for Hilm. Heading back to the council buildings he finds the place in a state of uproar and an urgent meeting of the Diet has been called by the Mayors. Armed guards hold the doors and no one is allowed inside the session.

Worried onlookers are talking amongst themselves and soon the word spreads that Baroness Serina Ralda has been held against her will by Lord Rancion III in Castle Mask and that Rael troops have crossed the borders and are converging on the Castle.

A local citizen is seen to be unconsolable near Tralek as she wails.
"Angela abandons us, earthquakes tear at the heart of our city, the Cult spread fear, Rael threatens us and now, now he threatens Castle Mask, my sister lives there with her family, what will become of them? how soon before it's us?" Crying hysterically she is led away by a friend.

Script Wrecked

Re: Lor
« Reply #182 on: December 21, 2010, 02:45:29 am »
"Mmm... Zounds like zis thirrd lorrd of [POST=1710863]Rancion[/POST] iz wanting zome attention, but doesn't know how to be asking nicely. Zo he makes commotion only way he knows how to be getting people coming to him," a dwarven lass muses over her pint to her comrades after another hard day in the [POST=1710822]sewers[/POST].

"She knows a zerrtain drragon like zis alzo..." she mutters absently, before returning to carousing with the engineering crews and Beacon Tower guard.


Re: Lor
« Reply #183 on: December 21, 2010, 03:20:49 am »
Some hours later the doors open and there is a flurry of activity, some of the Diet members leave angry, others file out their faces pale and wan, and others just mill about seemingly in resolution. Heralds are summoned to the chambers and before long leave to take up positions around the city to announce that the Mayors will make a public address in the main garden of Lor the morning of the next day.

Soon all over Lor heralds are heard announcing the public meeting on the morrow.

Those who dally soon notice the Second in command of the Beacon Guards and Lors standing army arrive at the council chambers and enter for another closed meeting with the mayors.

They emerge sometime later grim faced and within the hour messengers are sent out to all quarters of the city and farms beyond to recall all off duty soldiers to barracks.

It's subtle, but to the observant, something has changed in Lor, the mood in the air grown darker, people are tired of being pushed around and being held to a ransom of fear.


Re: Lor
« Reply #184 on: December 22, 2010, 08:19:29 pm »
The next morning dawns under a soft golden light, already in the central gardens thousands of concerned residents have gathered to hear the Mayors address. Near a raised platform established in the centre of the garden stand a number of the Diet members, but not all, some a conspicuously absent. With them are a number of notable faces around the town and nobility as well. The entire area is heavily patrolled by local Militia who are on tenderhooks trying to maintain decorum and control of the growing crowds.

Soon enough under heavy escort the mayors work their way through the crowd, shaking hands, giving words of encouragment and guaging the mood of the crowd.  Mayor Evelyn Svendowski is radiant, her hair immaculately presented, her sublte jewellery tastefully arranged. She draws a lot of positive attention with many children rushing to meet her. Mayor Gregor follows behind also a quick smile and ready handshake for those he meets until eventually they both reach the stage set up for them.

To one side a City mage has prepared a simple cantrip to ensure all those present can hear their message. Anticipation hangs on the air as Gregor steps up to the podium with Evelyn, his wife close beside him giving support. A hush falls across the assembly.

"We stand here today before you, truly humbled by your presence, your support and your trust in us to do what is right for Lor. Many of you have been with us through the trials and tribulations of the last few decades since Prantz was taken over by Lord Rael."

A few boos, hisses and jeers come from the crowd but are largely ignored as most are totally fixated on the mayors.

"This has mean't a change in the way of life for many Lorites, an adaption if you like to new ways and new ideas. For the most part the relationship with Rael has of necessity been cordial and civilised. Lor is in the most part an isolated state in a larger nation and we have done what was necessary to ensure our way of life, our people and our families can exist and grow and learn and conduct business in a free manner.

The last few years as you know forces moving in the world have approached Lor to aid them in the war against the Cult that now occupies Kuhl. The recent attacks on Mistone have reflected just how easily the Cult is able to strike anywhere in the world at whim. The loss of lives not only amongst local soldiers but heroes and adventurers has shown us the delicate balance in which we survive.

Now, our northern borders are threatened, currently our estimates conclude that over 12,000 Rael soldiers sit waiting for some as yet unknown event to occur.

In the last few days we have been beset by troubles, I refer of course the the earthquake and we thank the gods that no lives were lost in the incident.

By aside from our own personal sufferage in Lor now we face another challenge. Rael forces have officially occupied Castle Mask and even as we speak are sending another 5000 soldiers towards the castle." He pauses for a moment and the crowd rumbles, angry voices are raised the general feeling an ominous signal of rising ire.

"As the Mayors of this good city and having dealt with the Baroness Serina and all matters related to Castle Mask and to Golden we have come to a decision. We can no longer stand by and watch as our lands are slowly eaten up by forces who make little but accusations and demands. Our friends and allies, our brothers and sisters, our families in Golden and Castle Mask are under threat.

As of yesterday we ordered the recall of all off duty soldiers of Lor, within the next day or so they will be assembled in barracks around the city. Both Evelyn and I have come to a very hard and difficult position that could very well mean the end of everything we know and hold dear, but we cannot stand aside any longer.

My faithful Lorites, in the next few days the Lorite army, the first ever assembled will march for Castle Mask to remove the Raelian soldiers and have the Baroness released, peacefully if possible, but through use of force should the situation require it. These are our orders and we pray that you stand with us in our time of need."

The crowd mumbles and fearful glances are made, others seem stunned by the news and as the volume rises, questions, demands, worried comments somewhere from the back of the crowd a song is heard, softly at first but soon those around them take up the chant and before long much of the crowds gathered are singing loudly. Soon it seems the whole city resounds to the sounds of the anthem for Lor started in an inn by a hitherto unknown bard called Andrew Reid but which became popularised very quickly and now echoes around the city showing the unity of those within it.

There can be no mistake, Lor is going to war.

Upon the podium Evelyn and Gregor hold each other singing with the crowd, tears of pride pouring down their faces. A people that would be oppressed or live in the shadow of fear no longer.

Several blocks away a Raelite merchant and also a spy for Rael and his gathered men stand at the third story window of their building hearing the chants echoing through the streets. Word had already reached them of what the Mayors had decided.

He turns to his men after listening for several minutes.
"It may be too late for Lord Rael to do this quietly, these people will not go down without a fight, they have pride on their side and they fight for what they believe in, an adversary with that on their side is a dangerous foe. Pack up everything, we leave as soon as we are ready. Lord Rancion III needs to know what is coming his way as soon as possible."

They leap into action.


Re: Lor
« Reply #185 on: December 23, 2010, 03:56:59 am »
On hearing the news the somewhat few employees of the Office for Rael Affairs are seen to be busy too.
 A reasonable force of mercenaries living in the City for some time are called to warehouses along the docks and long lines form as the men are issued arms and armour from properties owned by the Office. Weapons, armour and shields aplenty stockpiled for just such a day.
 The Twin Mayors insurance policy revealed - as one of the apparently most inefficient offices ever created, the office of Rael Affairs, reveals it's true purpose and ample equipment is made available for the army's march north.


Re: Lor
« Reply #186 on: December 23, 2010, 11:46:11 am »
He stands in the crowd, still emitting a gentle wiff of sewer despite vigorous and repeated bathing.  His spine straightens as the crowd's mood sweeps through him.  Music comes to mind and he begins to sing, loud enough to be heard by all, as the mayors finish their declaration.

The writing takes a fearful turn
Tension humming from the script
From the north the news is stern
Once more a quill is quickly dipped

An army marches to the Mask -- once more into the breach, my friend
I'm praying for diplomacy but we'll see this through until the end

Quill tossed down and book left then
The air crackles with a pre-storm lull
A gust, a blank page flipped open
While through a window call the gulls

Whose hand will take the pen of state
From what will flow the next few verse
What future now does Lor await
A free city...or something worse?

He'll march.  There was never any doubt.  But, mayhaps he can be of more use that just a voice and future casualty - so after planting the tune of his and Lana's anthems in the crowd's mind, he heads to the office of a very sexy Rofireinite he knows who, irrespective of her questionable taste in men (he grins to himself), would probably like to know there is a bard along for the ride...


Re: Lor
« Reply #187 on: December 23, 2010, 06:59:47 pm »
As dawn arrives four days after the Lorite army had marched for Castle Mask the Mayors announce that the force sent north has met and engaged the enemy and routed them on the battlefield.

They ask Lorites to take a moment of time to pray for the dead and injured and to prepare for them when they are returned to the city over the next few days.

As many healers and wagons as can be found are brought together with another 200 soldiers and taken north to the scene of the battle with the 5000 strong Raelite host.

The mayors indicate that the Raelites lost half their number before they were routed including their General while the Lorites suffered as well losing a third of their own number. It is clear that without the aid of the heroes and adventurers with them, including the Captain of the Beacon Guards, Argali Stormaxe, the former Diet member Angela Swann and Toranites Chosen Daniella Stormhaven the Lorite forces would have been overrun.

It is also important to note that on the field of battle a number of giants came to the aid of the Lorites, attacking the Rael soldiers with boulder missiles just as they were about to break over the Lorite front lines and caused no end of chaos for the Raelites.

The remaining force was then led onto Castle Mask to find the castle abandoned by the Raelites who had been there. Suprised and confused the force were told by a gratefull Baroness of how Lord Rancion was set to execute her when he received word that Prantz had been attacked and all forces were to return to he city with all haste.

Script Wrecked

Re: Lor
« Reply #188 on: December 23, 2010, 07:24:54 pm »
// *cough* "Trueaxe" *cough* ;) //

Shortly after the battle for Castle Mask, Argali presents herself to the Marshal's office. She makes a full report of the encounter, including her appraisal of the troops, their performance, and any shortfalls she may have noticed. She also brings to the Marshal's attention the names any soldiers she feels particularly worthy of merit.


Re: Lor
« Reply #189 on: December 27, 2010, 04:03:57 am »
Hearing of the disaster that has befallen Prantz the Mayors issue the following orders.

"All men and women, able and capable of bearing arms are to report to the quartermasters office on the morrow to be issued with equipment. They are then to assemble on the staging grounds north of the city where they will form up with the current standing army.

The orders from there are to march north to join with the 600 Lorite infantry currently stationed in Castle Mask restoring order and then to march north with soldiers from Castle Mask, to Golden and hold position around the city.

Messengers from there will travel to the Rael border and offer Lors condolences on the attacks and her offers to help.

Should they come under fire they are to withdraw and establish forward deployment barricades north of Golden and await further instructions."


Re: Lor
« Reply #190 on: January 04, 2011, 06:57:17 pm »
As the combined Lor/Castle Mask and Golden army camps across the border from the diminished Rael border stations there is an uneasy truce. Neither side sure what the intentons are of the other side.

With Rael focused on Prantz his soldiers sit and wait facing a rather large and somewhat hostile force.

As rumours of the situation in Prantz slowly reaches Lor tensions are high. The Mayors are resolute in their decision despite some small rallies of opposition to their stance amongst some of the pro-rael populace.

Word of calls for Lord Rael to finally annex Golden/Castle mask and Lor into one unified kingom of Rael once again affirm the Mayors decision to oppose any such action.

For now the tense situation continues with nerves on a knifes edge.

Baroness Serina Ralda has returned to Lor to meet with the mayors and be on hand should any quick decisions need to be made in the coming weeks based on Raels reaction to the Cult attack.


Re: Lor
« Reply #191 on: January 10, 2011, 09:55:55 pm »
Five weeks since the attacks on Prantz and still the combined armies of Lor, Golden and Castle Mask sit in their camps opposite the small Rael outposts. Neither side sure what is going on and neither side willing to back down.

Baroness Serina Rald and the Mayors of Lor have decided to travel back to Castle Mask together and reassess the situation there.


Re: Lor
« Reply #192 on: January 19, 2011, 06:33:04 pm »
Yet weeks later the armies still remain encamped until word arrives that Lord Rancion III is once again marching south with a small force.

Eager and yet worried at the same time the small army goes over everything ensuring they are prepared for whatever may happen when the force reaches the border.


Re: Lor
« Reply #193 on: January 23, 2011, 06:14:34 am »
As Lord Rancion III reaches the Rael encampments across the border from Golden word also arrives of the Cults advances onto SUndance in Hilm.

Heralds cross into Disputed land and politely request an audience for those who speak for Golden, Lor and Castle mask.

Mayor of Lor Gregor and Baroness Serina Ralda ride forth with a protective escort to meet with the former occupier of Castle Mask with some trepidation.

The meeting is short, barely an hour and soon the party returns to the main army encampment. Leaders and captains gather in the main command tent for a briefing with the Baroness and the Mayor and within half an hour the camp is bustling wityh activity.

Captains give orders to sergeants, sergeants carry out those orders and within minutes soldiers are roused and tents being broken down and packed for transit.

Word spreads quickly. A truce has been reached. The threat for now has ended. But another war has begun, one that could be just the same as or even more deadly than any war might have been with Rael.

The first ever combined Lor, Castle Mask and Golden Army breaks up going their seperate ways with their respective leaders.

There is much preparation to be done.


Re: Lor
« Reply #194 on: January 26, 2011, 10:21:24 pm »
"Bloody 'ell. Cannae dey make up dere blewdy moinds who dey foightin."  Kromlek shrugs and packs away his axe again.

"Guess Oi'll just go kill meh some Cultists den instead. Oi dun really care it it beh Realites or dem, dey all deh blewdy same teh me anyway. Oi'll jus' ask Argali who teh kill. She'll tell meh roight."

He goes off to find her.


Re: Lor
« Reply #195 on: February 02, 2011, 10:49:09 am »
*Görmungard sighs with a heavy heart, for some it would be disappointment, for others.. a relieved sigh*

Bloody 'ells...


Re: Lor
« Reply #196 on: February 05, 2011, 03:13:36 am »
On the parade ground near the militia headquarters in Lor the current Marshal, Sasha drills with several young promising militia. Four onto one might seem unfair to many who did not know the combat skills the former knight possesses.

Watching from a nearby doorway some of the off duty militia who had gathered to watch the match suddenly snap to attention as Mayor Gregor enters the parade ground and stands waiting for them to finish.

Eventually Sasha notices the disruption and promptly disarms two of her opponents, knocks another down and holds the point of her practice blade to the throat of the last. Strands of blonde hair are plastered to her face from sweat and she smiles encouragingly.

"You're all improving, you might be able to beat my mum one day." With a loud laugh at the good natured responses from the men she grabs a towel from a servant and hands over her practice sword and shield then wiping her face and neck makes her way to the doorway where the mayor awaits her.

Stopping before him she bows briefly.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Lord Mayor?"

He smiles, I thought you should know that I have had a response from Angela Swann regarding the chair she left vacant when she departed from Lor after Lord Rael's ultimatums during the Dark Elf war.

Sasha throws a towel to one of the guards nearby casually.

"What did she say?"

"You were right, she took some time but she has agreed to resume her position on the provision that Lor supports her right to allow Alantha to return to the city."

Sasha nods in thought. "Did she say when?"

"No, I am hoping its soon, we may have another problem, there is a Cult army landing soon in Sederra. My advisors believe they will strike from Sloven to take Seawatch Fort and then Lor. I have not heard back from Captain Argali what the council is doing about it yet. But I hope they hurry. Anyway, I just thought I should tell you since it was your idea in the first place." With that he leaves the building pauses momentarily to acknowledge the men standing at attention still near the door.

With relieved groans the men chatter amongst themselves after the mayor leaves while one approaches Sasha.

"Why didn't you lead the forces that went to Hilm Marshal? They could use someone with your experience."

Sasha's pale blue eyes seem to stare through the man for a few moments before she answers. Placing a comradely hand on his shoulder she says, "It's a long story Marcum but needless to say these days I won't do anything like that unless I'm asked, and frankly, I haven't been asked. So I'll stay here and do my duty to Lor and if the Cult threatens us I'll continue to do what I do best, take care of law and order in this city until someone tells me differently."

