The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: lonnarin on April 05, 2012, 01:00:21 am

Title: Mariner's Hold Breathes a little easier!
Post by: lonnarin on April 05, 2012, 01:00:21 am
Thanks to the efforts of some new temporary recruits to the town guard, the streets are a little bit safer.  Produce Hawkers, Fishmongers and Potato Specialists sigh in relief as they are no longer being extorted by the violent corrupt guardsmen apprehended in their region. The brutish thug Hector and his lackeys Cara and Barnes have been immediately suspended from their posts and are pending interrogation in the city dungeons for extortion, assault, tax fraud, theft and attemepted murder.  The strongest of charges have been levied against Hector himself, and to the other two, conspiracy to commit similar charges, resisting arrest and purgery.  Citizen Greg is charged with assaulting an officer, though leniency is expected as the officer in question was openly harassing him over a pitchfork which he had a farmer's license to carry, and was already being assaulted by said guard, Hector.  Hector further faces charges in the attempted murder of said Gregory, and is suspected to have murdered numerous other witnesses against him and obstructing justice in interfering with the testimony of others.  Such capital crimes will no doubt carry the death penalty or at the most lenient, surgical pacification.

In the docks area, a smuggling ring of child slavery was thwarted and arrests made of the accomplices First Mate Kirk and Sailor Buster of the slave ship Chum Runner.  Although slavery of some persons is legal in Mariner's Hold, these villains were found to be taking children and free citizens who were kidnapped from the streets, a clear violation of the concords governing this trade.  Already they are being held for questioning, and leads are being followed in the suspects Omar the enchanter and Captain Duncan Blackwater both of whom have unfortunately evaded arrest.  

The Enchanter Mage, "Omar" is witnessed to have obstructed justice in using magic to enchant a customs official, teleporting away to locations unknown before facing justice.  He is also implicated in the kidnapping of free citizens to be sold as slaves, and using his talents to evade the inspection of his ill-gotten goods, as well as proper duties to be paid.

Duncan Blackwater is said to be the captain of the slave ship Chum Runner, and gathering military forces for a home base near the coast of Hurm.  He is known as the son of former Councilwoman Edna Blackheart, having fled Mariner's Hold since her incarceration. His striking likeness to former Councilman Arelius Witherspoon is noted as being possibly more than a passing coincidence, though he has made public threats to end the old man's life despite their possible relation.  He is said to be a master swordsman with many men under his command, armed and incredibly dangerous, mentally unstable and cruel to a point.  

Execute extreme caution if pursuing either of these suspects!

This also brings us to a warning to all citizens of the civilized world of a new menace to our safety, a criminal organization known as the "Razorback Syndicate".  Reports indicate that this group operates in the shadows of many cities and is responsible for the coercion of many noble houses to engage in unlawful acts anywhere from the illicit to the outright violent.  They operate in a "Divide and Conquer" manner, pitting powers against one another in order to decimate the other and then preying upon the victor in their weakened state.  Their top agents can be identified by the boar's head signet rings that they hold on their persons for identification, though countless other agents no doubt use more insidious means to indentify themselves to others.

None can determine their true goals, whether it be for power and wealth or the mere Corath-like propagation of chaos, madness and political instability.  They have been at large in Mariner's Hold, using former house Blackheart and its commercial interests to both mask and bankroll their operations.  Edna is an admitted member of this group and is currently being interrogated with utmost severity within the dungeons of Mariner's Hold.  Agents of the Razorback Syndicate have also been found to be involved in political instability in Leringard, pitting houses Grainger and Vaeelenara into a feud with one another, as well as in the brothels of Kartharian where they were found to be using vampires and alchemy to propagate illicit vice and necromancy upon the unsuspecting public.  In both instances, the gnomish mastermind Lucien Krale was found to be involved, alongside his orc-blooded enforcer, Bork.

It has been a long time coming since the evidence of these events has been linked and made public knowledge, but I feel that it is high time that the secrecy behind this organization ends and that they be exposed to the world at large.  Noble families, be warned against working with their ilk.  Whatever short-sighted gains you with to attain will be inevitably betrayed by their inherent lust for power.  And to all members of the Razorback Syndicate, whether it be lurking within Mariner's Hold, Hurm, Leringard, Kartharian or Beyond... Know this.  We will not rest until we, the free and civilized peoples of the world see your foul mechanations ended, until every last scheme and member of your number is exposed and purged from the face of the world.  You cannot hide from us, you cannot run and you cannot win.  Know that you days are numbered and that we will not rest until you lay low, writhing in the deepest dungeons until the inevitable extinction of your ilk.  Surrender now or be eradicated.

-Head Councilman Grue of Mariner's Hold

*included are composite sketches of the criminals at large, courtesy of Phinneas Mulrooney*