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Author Topic: Public Executions in Prantz  (Read 71 times)


Public Executions in Prantz
« on: February 03, 2008, 06:30:57 pm »
Held in the city square were the public execution of over one dozen Deep gnomes.
 Charges read to the gathered spectators included theft and treason.
 Recent tighening of security reguarding gnomish entry to the city has not been halted but is lessened since the public event.  
 Those executed went to their deaths quietly and without protest. Some who were close by reported some uttering the phrase "Wi vun Vnaatus" before death.
 In conjunction with the public executions was a large military parade with perfectly turned out dwarven troops in precise drill.
 The event would have seemed almost a celebration had it not had such a macabre ending.


Re: Public Executions in Prantz
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 08:51:13 am »
*standing just outside the gates in a routine trip past prantz, Khuren hears of the executions from the gossiping merchants, and traders.Shaking his head he moves down the road toward Lor before shifting and heading to the port*

