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Author Topic: Messages are sent via shadowy channels to equally shadowy individuals...  (Read 690 times)


*Stygian finishes penning some instructions on a piece of parchment, folds it in half, and seals it with a black blob of wax, inserting his signet ring into the soft material before it hardens. He hands it to one of his Corathite shop employees… and so begins the long journey of a piece of parchment whose message ultimately reaches the hands of some of Layonara’s worst criminals, pirates, serial killers, and worshippers of evil gods.“If you have received this missive you have been deemed both worthy and capable of contributing to an enterprise with the potential to generate great wealth, bring those competing against our goals to their knees, and further our overlapping areas of interest. Therefore, you are invited to take part in a summit where we can discuss the feasibility of a temporary alliance and strategize possible courses of action.The meeting time and place will be provided at a later date. Please leave sealed word of your interest at the Harpy in Fort Vehl, attention: Adder-------//Anyone interested that was not included in the group private message that is currently ongoing, please contact gilshem ironstone via PM and he will see to it that you are included and brought up to date. The goal is to actually put together a group interested in competing against the interests of "good" in some of the upcoming major plot-line quests. PVP is likely (as long as all parties are in agreement)... as well as some darned good RP. We may also be able to tie this group into some of the other GM quests and work against their "good" players.When appropriate, I'll create a forum for RP to give those not able to attend in-game functions an opportunity to be involved. (Insert GMT Players) As always, I will reward forum involvement the same as I do with my other plot-lines. I'm not a fan of private forums because I think most of us are experienced enough to not fall prey to meta-gaming, and it is fun for everyone to read and know as the players what is happening behind the scenes. If we have any issues I'll be available to gently council an offender.To prevent possible conflict of interest, I may lessen Stygian's involvement later because as a GM I want to give this little player driven initiative some "love and attention." You can count on some quests and GM forum response to your actions...If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me or Gilshem.
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gilshem ironstone

(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2014, 11:39:36 am »

A large figure dressed darkly and with his face and arms cowled enters the Harpy.  After speaking with the innkeeper briefly, the figure presses a few coins and a piece of basalt in to his hands.  The figure then walks quietly out.



(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 05:01:04 pm »

A darkly clad figure enters the harpy, and hands the innkeeper a letter sealed with a spider pressed into green wax, and then leaves as quietly as he came.


gilshem ironstone

(No subject)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 08:01:52 pm »

/son won't sleep. Be there in 15 or so. 



(No subject)
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 08:39:11 pm »
//Is the meeting happening tonight? In the PM group it seemed to say it was, but its only me and Gishlem on right now.


(No subject)
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2014, 10:31:04 pm »

//I just got off work. Lets set a date and time on the event calendar for this. I'm going to be in game for a bit in a few minutes too in case anyone wishes to chat about it.