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Author Topic: Mistone Alliance Domestic Security Report  (Read 109 times)


Mistone Alliance Domestic Security Report
« on: October 24, 2005, 05:23:00 am »
this report is posted in all guard barracks and offices across Mistone
    [SIZE=18]The Mistone Alliance has determined that a vile group of gnomes called "Society of Scientific and Magical Gnomes for Evil Purposes" has been making serious effort at infilrating Mistone.  The SSMGEP was thought to be responisble for the recent disturbance on Fort Hope, and it pose a great threat to the security of Mistone.  The SSMGEP made its first apparance on Dregar and has many evil gnome wizards and engineers at its disposal.  The members of SSMGEP are mostly gnomes and paints themselves with unnatural colorings.   Be on the look out for them, and report any sightings to the Alliance Ministry of Justice.[/SIZE]


RE: Mistone Alliance Domestic Security Report
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 08:12:00 am »
*Jharl sees this notice posted in Ft Llast ..he stops to read it slowly and carefully*

 *Thinks to himself ..'those are the buggers who 'transformed me'..what are they up to ?*

Jharl shoulders his ax ... and walks off especially wary of gnomes...


RE: Mistone Alliance Domestic Security Report
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2006, 11:42:06 am »
There are currently reports of Corathites performing unlawful deeds around the areas of Hlint and Fort Ilast.  These matters are being investigated by the Hlint authority.  The rumors are that there are people kidnapped; however, that has not yet been confirmed at this moment.  

The Hlint Guards and the Mistone Alliance assure the citizens that these issues are being addressed, guards put on high alert, and there is no need to worry about our security concerns.


RE: Mistone Alliance Domestic Security Report
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2006, 08:18:36 pm »
After some in-depth inquery into the matter, the kidnappers were found to be Pyrtechonites, not Corathites.

