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Author Topic: A public notice posted around Karthy  (Read 64 times)


A public notice posted around Karthy
« on: July 27, 2005, 07:02:00 am »
--- Posted by Authority of the Office of the Karthy Inspector General ---

Second Assistant Harbormaster Barton Rischendalar was found dead of unusual circumstances in his home in Karthy two nights ago.  Foul play is suspected.  No signs of a forced break-in or struggle.  The assailant may have been known to the deceased.  The unique condition of his corpse is currently a matter of some concern and investigation.

A large group of people was seen entering and leaving his home prior to the suspected time of his death.  The group was well-armed and included several drow, according to the reports of nearby ship captains.  One witness reports that one of the group returned later alone.  This individual was described as having elven, female build, dressed in black and wearing a hood.  

Anyone with any information regarding this incident or the whereabouts of any of the members of this group are requested to contact the Inspector General's office immediately.

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A public notice posted around Karthy
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2005, 05:43:00 pm »
*The small note catches Lalaith's eye as she passes, as she begins to read she stops dead in her tracks.  She swallows hard as her eyes scan down the page.  She stops at the description and seems to glance at her own hands a moment*
  "It.. wasn't a dream?!?" 
  *Her strained and quiet voice seems to break the silence as she whispers.  She finishes reading and seems to glance over her shoulder to see if anybody is watching.  Her trembling hand reaches up to the note.  She tears it down swiftly, crumpling it into a ball in her tightened fist.*
  *Cloaked by her hood, Lalaith closes her eyes a moment as a single glistening tear falls down her cheek.  Breathing deeply, she opens her eyes. With a flash of anger and a look of determination in her eyes, Lalaith stuffs the note in her pocket, before slipping off into the shadows*
    //Let's make this interesting shall we?  If interested, anybody who reads this note before 10pm est, could have seen Lalaith do this// 
//Edit: Changed time to 10pm est.   I didn't realize the time stamp was when you began to post. I wasn't even finished typing by that time. ;-)


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RE: A public notice posted around Karthy
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
*A small brown letter appears under the door of the Inspector General's office, delivered by a wolf. The wolf disappears from sight once the note is delivered*

*The handwriting on the note is most elegant; flowing and curvaceous while drawing the eye with every stroke of the quill*  

To the Authorities of the Office of the Karthy Inspector General:

It is with great contempt that I have this letter delivered to you on many fronts. Let it be known that I, the writer, find many facets of so called “civilized” law distasteful, though some serve good purpose. However, I digress. I should get to the matter at hand.

I have seen, and later confronted a suspicious character whom I witnessed removing a notice, posted by an authority, dealing with a certain murder. The details on the notice are still unclear, as they are no longer fresh in my mind. To my memory, a man of importance (or perhaps a title does not make one important? Forgive my misunderstanding of local culture) was murdered in his home around Karthy.

It occurred to be that the aforementioned may possibly be one of the assailants, or have some connection in the very least. For this reason, when I saw the character many days later, I stopped to confront her. I calmly asked her if she knew anything, and conversation escalated. A drow friend of the suspected stepped up to tell me I was wrong. I began to make connections, as the notice mentioned-which remains clearly imprinted in my mind-drow involvement. My reasons for holding on to such a memory will remain undisclosed for now.  

A holy warrior approached the scene, of the sake of peace, to ask of the ordeal. I explained the situation, and he interrogated the shady female in question. He told me that while he was questioning her she behaved quite strangely, and then vanished. One of her companions told me her name is Lalaith.  She was most certainly female, I would guess elven by her stature and name, and wore dark clothing. However, I can not recall the authority’s given description.

I would not have written this letter unless I feared for the safety of the surfacers. Your kind has given me new life, and I would lay down my own for the good of them. I did mention that I am not partial to some laws, yet still partial to some others. I write this not for the good of the hierarchy you work for.

If you have further questions, or would like to request a meeting here are your directions:
In exactly 24 hours send a messenger to the edge of the Wolfswood by Arryn. He will see a large brown bear. He is to drop the note there, thankfully bow to the bear, take three paces backwards, and then promptly turn his position and head home. The bear will deliver the message to me.

//a PM would do fine :)


