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Author Topic: Port Hampshire - Public Notice  (Read 117 times)


Port Hampshire - Public Notice
« on: July 13, 2005, 07:37:00 pm »
[SIZE=18]Public Notice 7-09å[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]As estimates and cleanup is done over the fires that threatened to encompass the Golden Port, figures on reconstruction and new contracts to guild-free affilliations are edicted.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]As a public notice to those authorities interested the Temple of Deliar informs of content found in one of the Guild Houses that was burned to the ground. Amongst the smoldering grounds a roster list and much propaganda and research content regarding a group known as the Grey Circle was found.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]The following individuals were listed amongst the members of this circle allegedly in the task to end the usage of necromancy for evil purposes:[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Kobal Bluntaxe, Hargranar Craggenhilt, Athus Dephilie, Arestes, Corum Jahal, and Bruenor Wildbeard.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]No bodies were found amongst the fires and such these individuals are expected to be alive yet with the falling of their guild home and all the research it contained the group is rumoured to have disbanded.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Personal remaining items of the individuals mentioned above are being held in temple vaults. Consult with local authorities for retrieval.[/SIZE]


RE: Port Hampshire - Public Notice
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 08:49:00 pm »
*stumbles upon the public note and looks around and grins*
foinally ah ken 'ave sum fun
wars ger'n toired o' de secrecy
*grasps his acid axe and his adamantium shield and walks out of port hampsire calmly*


RE: Port Hampshire - Public Notice
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 04:20:00 pm »
*Ramanon walks past the notice and chuckles*
"Idiots, can't they do anything right.  This isn't a guild, more like a circus act"
*He walks off chuckling louder*


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RE: Port Hampshire - Public Notice
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 09:47:00 pm »
*"Hyell" walks by, and sees the notice.*

How ... odd ...

I wonder ....


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    RE: Port Hampshire - Public Notice
    « Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 07:48:00 am »
    *Shadowy figure walks by the sign*
    How sad...the guild meant well...
    *disappears into the night*