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Author Topic: A bard is looking for Alantha  (Read 189 times)


A bard is looking for Alantha
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:47:59 pm »
All across Msitone A bard, dressed in red and dark grey can be seen. Talking to commoners, adventurers and authorities, asking if they know where a dark elf called Alantha can be found.
He gives not much information away about why he is searching for her. Some say he mentioned a dark elven woman, others speak of a man being mentioned.
The bard is deribed as young and handsome with drak hair. All say he seems to be in a hurry permanently, looking around anxious as if something follows him...or someonen?

EDIT: Only a few  think to know the name "Eander" they say...


Re: A bard is looking for Alantha
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 06:18:59 pm »
*Alantha having found a note pinned to her door, can be seen in Hempstead, asking various people about a certain Mister Eander Shalynn.*