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Author Topic: Murder in Stormcrest  (Read 354 times)


Murder in Stormcrest
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:31:16 am »
*Griff Silversand makes his way to the Rofireinite temple in Vehl and reports witnessing the murder of Andrew Reid*

I was walkn me ox n heard some magics off by the big tee in Stormcrest.  I stopped n watchen n saw two folks magicn up.  I don't know what spells deh were castn.  One fella was in all black n deh oter fella, Andrew Reid, was in red.  Deh feller in black was doin most ov deh castn.  At one point Andrew came wandern round deh tree n looked loike he was dazed er sometin.  Dats wen deh feller in black started teh unleash on em wit oter spells n killed deh lad.  I tried teh make my way der, but me stupid ox trapped meh on deh bridge loike.  By deh toime I got der Andrew laid dead n my healer I trew went teh waste.

Deh feller in black claimed it was self defense, but den went down n collected soma Andrew's blood in a vial.  I don't believe em.  Den deh feller in black went invisible or disappeared loike.  Deh feller in black had a acid glowin one-handed sword, seemed teh be elf in posture, and had n all black robe on with spoike stuff near his head n neck....really creepy lookin evil magicer toype.

Andrew came back a bit after he visited his stone n said it was cold blooded murder.  I believe em.  Ye should put a watch out fer dat dark feller I'm telln ya and bring em in ifn ye can.  Meh buddy Zig came up just after Andrew was killed n can be a witness teh what he saw te.

*leaves his name and a way to reach him if he's needed as a witness or for further questioning*
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Re: Murder in Stormcrest
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 03:02:22 pm »
A strange report arrives from Dalanther of someone matching Andrew Reid's appearance being killed in Dalanther by an openly female dark elf who smashed his head in with a mace while another cloaked and hooded woman looked on.
 The report goes on to say the dead body was dragged off from the back of a horse and dumped into the water while the killer made her way back to The Rift. Neither woman has been seen since.
 It should be noted that this report is unverified and cannot now be confirmed; it would also seem to pre-date the Stormcrest affair.

