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Author Topic: A chill in the wind...  (Read 134 times)


A chill in the wind...
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:49:27 am »
The summer pushes on as autumn soon approaches.  The air has been particularly cool this summer and the farmers are reporting extremely low yields.  Frosts are even being reported near some of the equatorial villages and towns.

Prunilla's top forecasting experts are very concerned about the upcoming fall harvest as all signs point to a biting cold autumn.

Sages and bar patrons alike have all been talking about the record low temperatures and are gearing up with what could be a very very long winter.


Re: A chill in the wind...
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 02:07:25 pm »
The cold air subsided in the autumn and while the harvests for the year were limited, it could have been much worse.  As the new year draws closer all appears fit and well for the coming century...

Whispers are heard however, of a much more dangerous possibility.  Voltrex is in a grave danger, danger of losing it's protective wards, danger to the Wild Elves, danger to the metallics... to it's lush greenery...

Rumours speak of a new hero, an elf righting wrongs and assuming an epic role in a magnificent Ritual of Passing.  Will he be able to usher in another century of Life and Sun to the Elven continent or will Voltrex fall to the prey that besets the other lands?

As the final month of the final year of the thirteen hundreds breaks through, time can only hope all the pieces are in place... and valor, courage and wisdom bloom a dawn of a new fertile and protected century.

Who is this elf hero?  What is he doing? Is he all alone?  Perhaps we will one day find out...

((OOC: Due to scheduling constraints, I am well aware the in game clock says it's now the new year, but the completion of this task will be rewinding a bit in time))

