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Author Topic: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.  (Read 275 times)


Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
« on: December 06, 2005, 01:31:00 am »
Please use this thread to comment on events that transpire either durring or between scheduled quest sessions. Please post IC, and avoid //OOC comments. Thoughts, news and conversations taking place in this thread will count towards the quest, and may effect your understanding of events. Feel free to PM me if you want me to meet you singly or in small groups for short periods of RP regarding this. There will be no quest XP handed out for such sessions, but I will be on hand for skill and stat rolls to aid the thought process. Enjoy.



RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 01:52:00 am »
*Kat rummages thru the reference booking in the library in her and Connor’s home, grumbling* I know those runes …. But where did I find them?  *sighs* I guess I’ll have to go back and look again.  I wonder if anyone else is up to a trip to the Great Library to search through tomes and parchments?


RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
*Kavil looks around the piers at Argo Wharf, seeking more threats. Standing over the body of the unknown attacker, his left hand held tightly against his right arm, trying to staunch the flow of blood, his gaze settles upon Acacea, Ifion and Katrien*

"Everyone is well" he states, less a question than a statement.

To Acacea he says, "I should have been more alert when you said you had seen that woman...Elanna, again. I did not see her the first time when you did, but I did the second. And then he appeared." *gestures to the body at his feet*

*He nods in gratitude as Acacea tends to his arm* "It would seem we must all be constantly alert....this Elanna may have marked us all. Since she seems to be able to teleport almost anywhere, and with her minions, there may not be many places that are safe. More of these attacks could occur anywhere, anytime. We should warn the others who were with us, if we can."



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    RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
    « Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
    *mutters to herself*    "A magic circle of runes that drain life energy....  a ring that drains magical energy....  but... is it really these >things< that are performing the drain?  Or are they simply the conduits through which she, or it, pulls the energy?  *blinks and rubs her forehead*  I must find Rhizome."


    RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
    « Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
    Ifion sat in the Aragenite temple in Casterly Castle, glancing through some books. As always, he was trying to improve his elvish, this time by perusing an Elvish history book. But neither his heart nor mind was really focused on the task. He was pondering the new threat he had faced recently.

    "Elanna seemed to have been fine, before she acquired the ring. The ring is the key. With it, she is able to drain energy from all kinds of things -- living things, magic things. Why does that sound so familiar? There are some magic spells that drain, and some creatures that do it. No, that's not it." He scratched his head and returned to his reading.

    "Darned elvish. What's this say here? Second Age of Layonara. Something about wells draining life from... life, oh, no, living things. Keepers of the Wells being controlled by Blood. Wells used to channel energy to him. He used it to open portals between worlds, or planes, or is that the elvish word for island? No matter."

    He sat bolt upright.

    "A magical focus that allows one to drain energy, then use it to open portals. Aragen, oh wise one, I pray that there is no connection."



    RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
    « Reply #5 on: December 09, 2005, 09:11:00 am »
    //A note to those that took part in the event Minerva organised at the great library last night.
    Due to a misunderstanding and misinterperetation on my part I awarded you all FAR less XP than I should have. I will take a moment at the beginning of the next scheduled series for the Vortex quest to award XP to those who were there.


    Acacea (left library early, no xp awarded at all yet)
    If you were there and aren't on the list here PLEASE PM me so I can get you there and keep track.


    RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
    « Reply #6 on: December 09, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
    Having returned from the Great Library, Ifion sat in his usual chair at the Wild Surge. A large notebook and several sheaves of parchment surrounded him on the table. He seemed to be muttering to himself.

    "The book on runes in the Great Library said that between the First and Second Age, many runic symbols seem to have disappeared. This was because they referred to people, places, or things that no longer existed. However, the lost runes seem all to have been present in the ancient Azhurtean glyph set. Which lends credence to the theory that all things Azhurtean dropped out of sight around this time."

    Ifion scratched the scruff on his chin. He never could grow a proper beard.

    "Now, if I only knew what Azhurte meant, maybe that would be a little clearer. There was something in that elven book Jharl found that talked about it. Oh yes, here are my notes."

    "Those that would not pass from one age to the next were declared "Azhurte" and banished within the outer planes forever to remain apart"

    So it sounds like they were creatures of some kind. 'Would not pass', hummm, why not, I wonder? Didn't want to, couldn't? And 'age', now is that the first to second age of Layonara, or is that child to adult?

    And who banished them? Others of their kind? Or someone else? Or was it a natural consequence of their decision to "not pass?"

    I need to compare my notes with the others who traveled to the Great Library. They found more about the nature of these "Azhurte." And they found something about a Queen as well.

    Indubitably, we need to pool our findings before Elanna strikes one of us down and eliminates that knowledge forever.

    Ifion paused before leaving the Inn. Lowering his head, he quietly spoke these words, "In these many questions, Aragen, guide me to find the unfound answers we all seek."


    RE: Vortex - Quest discussion thread.
    « Reply #7 on: December 09, 2005, 11:49:00 am »
    *a note written in green ink on a simple parchment is delivered to those involved*  Daddy and I have found Elanna's sister and spoken to the nymph. It seems there are seven tied to these yew trees. She is however dead now... or seemingly so as her corpse vanished after she drew her last breath.   It looks as though this Azurte was a tribe of wild elves that raged on against the Duergar and developed a hatred of dwarves in general, hence the dwarf slaying weapons. It was said that Elanna was thrice reborn; first as an elf, then an aasimar and third an infernal. If her first incarnation was that of an elf it seems feasable that this soul is one and the same with that who ruled this tribes so very long ago.   In mind of balance, Brisbane[/i]